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How To Flourish Financially with Forgiveness Practice

You’re reading How To Flourish Financially with Forgiveness Practice, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’re enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Many people are looking for ways to improve their finances.
It’s a hot topic and there are a lot of great concepts out there. I’d like to
share a soul-oriented perspective on your financial condition and how to
improve it.

My spiritual teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, teaches
that the soul is the boss in life and that everything happens at the soul level
first. Soul is information. You could imagine it as a blueprint for everyone
and everything. The information can be both positive and negative. The
information in the soul is received by the heart, processed by the mind and
manifested through the body – the energy and matter.

When we encounter challenges, there may be negative
information in the soul being manifested. This may be from many lifetimes and may
also include information from our ancestors. Thus, negative information in the
soul could be blocking us from what we want to achieve. But we can transform
this information through techniques and lifestyle choices, such as forgiveness

Forgiveness practice can transform negative information to
positive information in the soul. For any aspect of life, such as finances, we
can connect, heart to heart, soul to soul, with those associated with that
negative information and humbly ask for and offer forgiveness. By sincerely acting
on our negative information and bringing in love and light, we can transform
the current blueprint. It may take time, but regular practice coupled with action
to improve our finances can lead to significant shifts and transformation.

 Many people see
beautiful shifts in a short time period when they combine the spiritual and
physical actions together. If you keep practicing, you could experience
genuine, lasting change. You can learn more about how to implement forgiveness
practice and find empowering tools in the book: Greatest Forgiveness: Bring
Joy and Peace to Your Life with the Power of Unconditional Forgiveness
, by
Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, Master Cynthia Deveraux and David Lusch. Included
is wisdom on a special area in the body where financial transformation can
occur and a practice for Transforming Finances and Business.

Virtue and the Purpose of Flourishing

Two other key concepts are helpful to understand when
seeking to transform our finances. One has to do with the nature of virtue,
and the other regards the purpose of financial flourishing. Integrating
the “take aways” of these two concepts with forgiveness practice can help
anyone progress toward greater financial flourishing.

Virtue, known as “de” in ancient Chinese philosophies, can
be described as positive information in the soul that is created from our
positive thoughts, speech and actions and associated with qualities such as
love, forgiveness, compassion, service and more. The condition of your finances
is related to the status of your spiritual “virtue bank” – or the amount of accumulated
positive information
in your soul. In other words, spiritual virtue can translate
into flourishing in your physical life. You can accumulate virtue by serving
well and helping others to be happier and healthier. Those with flourishing
finances have virtue flowing from their spiritual bank to the physical world in
the form of good finances.

Note that there is not a one-to-one correspondence with
current life inputs and our virtue bank or our financial condition. Both positive
and negative information in the soul are accumulated over our entire soul journey
and include ancestral information. Thus, people who offer a large amount of good
service may also face financial hardship, and visa versa. Just remember that 1)
you can implement forgiveness practice and other wisdom to improve your
conditions and 2) you can prevent the deterioration of your virtue bank by
understanding the purpose (and responsibilities) of financial flourishing and
also practicing forgiveness.

So, what is the purpose of financial flourishing? Simply put,
it is to enable one to serve or help others better. When our finances flourish,
we need to be mindful and serve well, so as not to drain our virtue bank. By
serving and helping others to improve their lives, you will continue to put
positive information back into your soul and virtue bank.

Therefore, it’s beneficial to get our priorities straight.
Some pertinent questions to ask yourself are:

  1. Why do I want to make (more)
    money? (What goals will you accomplish?)
  2. What will I do with the
    money? (Will you improve you and your loved one’s lives, improve your service and
    make a better contribution to others?)
  3. How will I make the money?
    (Will you offer good service?)
  4. How will I conduct my business?
    (Will you do so with integrity?)
  5. How will I handle my finances?
    (Will you manage your finances well?)

These questions can help you clarify and prepare for financial
flourishing. Of course, you can relax and enjoy the benefits of financial
flourishing , but it is important to also understand the purpose for wealth and
flourishing from a spiritual perspective.

In closing, it is my hope that in considering the key and
vital components for financial flourishing presented in this article, that you may
be able to clarify your priorities, offer your best service, and practice unconditional
forgiveness to improve your financial conditions and flourish.

David Lusch – Co-Author of Greatest Forgiveness: Bring Joy and Peace to Your Life with the Power of Unconditional Forgiveness, with Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha and Cynthia Deveraux

You’ve read How To Flourish Financially with Forgiveness Practice, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’ve enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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You’re reading How To Flourish Financially with Forgiveness Practice, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’re enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Many people are looking for ways to improve their finances. It’s a hot topic and there are a lot of great concepts out there. I’d like to share a soul-oriented perspective on your financial condition and how to improve it.

My spiritual teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, teaches that the soul is the boss in life and that everything happens at the soul level first. Soul is information. You could imagine it as a blueprint for everyone and everything. The information can be both positive and negative. The information in the soul is received by the heart, processed by the mind and manifested through the body – the energy and matter.

When we encounter challenges, there may be negative information in the soul being manifested. This may be from many lifetimes and may also include information from our ancestors. Thus, negative information in the soul could be blocking us from what we want to achieve. But we can transform this information through techniques and lifestyle choices, such as forgiveness practice.

Forgiveness practice can transform negative information to positive information in the soul. For any aspect of life, such as finances, we can connect, heart to heart, soul to soul, with those associated with that negative information and humbly ask for and offer forgiveness. By sincerely acting on our negative information and bringing in love and light, we can transform the current blueprint. It may take time, but regular practice coupled with action to improve our finances can lead to significant shifts and transformation.

 Many people see beautiful shifts in a short time period when they combine the spiritual and physical actions together. If you keep practicing, you could experience genuine, lasting change. You can learn more about how to implement forgiveness practice and find empowering tools in the book: Greatest Forgiveness: Bring Joy and Peace to Your Life with the Power of Unconditional Forgiveness, by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, Master Cynthia Deveraux and David Lusch. Included is wisdom on a special area in the body where financial transformation can occur and a practice for Transforming Finances and Business.

Virtue and the Purpose of Flourishing

Two other key concepts are helpful to understand when seeking to transform our finances. One has to do with the nature of virtue, and the other regards the purpose of financial flourishing. Integrating the “take aways” of these two concepts with forgiveness practice can help anyone progress toward greater financial flourishing.

Virtue, known as “de” in ancient Chinese philosophies, can be described as positive information in the soul that is created from our positive thoughts, speech and actions and associated with qualities such as love, forgiveness, compassion, service and more. The condition of your finances is related to the status of your spiritual “virtue bank” – or the amount of accumulated positive information in your soul. In other words, spiritual virtue can translate into flourishing in your physical life. You can accumulate virtue by serving well and helping others to be happier and healthier. Those with flourishing finances have virtue flowing from their spiritual bank to the physical world in the form of good finances.

Note that there is not a one-to-one correspondence with current life inputs and our virtue bank or our financial condition. Both positive and negative information in the soul are accumulated over our entire soul journey and include ancestral information. Thus, people who offer a large amount of good service may also face financial hardship, and visa versa. Just remember that 1) you can implement forgiveness practice and other wisdom to improve your conditions and 2) you can prevent the deterioration of your virtue bank by understanding the purpose (and responsibilities) of financial flourishing and also practicing forgiveness.

So, what is the purpose of financial flourishing? Simply put, it is to enable one to serve or help others better. When our finances flourish, we need to be mindful and serve well, so as not to drain our virtue bank. By serving and helping others to improve their lives, you will continue to put positive information back into your soul and virtue bank.

Therefore, it’s beneficial to get our priorities straight. Some pertinent questions to ask yourself are:

  1. Why do I want to make (more) money? (What goals will you accomplish?)
  2. What will I do with the money? (Will you improve you and your loved one’s lives, improve your service and make a better contribution to others?)
  3. How will I make the money? (Will you offer good service?)
  4. How will I conduct my business? (Will you do so with integrity?)
  5. How will I handle my finances? (Will you manage your finances well?)

These questions can help you clarify and prepare for financial flourishing. Of course, you can relax and enjoy the benefits of financial flourishing , but it is important to also understand the purpose for wealth and flourishing from a spiritual perspective.

In closing, it is my hope that in considering the key and vital components for financial flourishing presented in this article, that you may be able to clarify your priorities, offer your best service, and practice unconditional forgiveness to improve your financial conditions and flourish.

David Lusch – Co-Author of Greatest Forgiveness: Bring Joy and Peace to Your Life with the Power of Unconditional Forgiveness, with Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha and Cynthia Deveraux

You’ve read How To Flourish Financially with Forgiveness Practice, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’ve enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Help us help others. Please like this article. Share this article on your social media and with your tribe. And leave your comments below! ps: Download our free guided meditation self hypnosis MindPower Programs and Live Better On Purpose!

By James Graham, C.Ht.

James Graham, C.Ht. - Speaker, Author ( Master Your Matrix & many more), Entertainer, Hypnotist, CEO of MindPower Presentations Inc.

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