self improvement

Stressed Out About CoronaVirus?

Stressed out about coronavirus? Here are 3 tips to help you stay calm and reduce anxiety.

Stressed out about Coronavirus?

Here Are 3 MindPower Tips To Stay Calm And Reduce Anxiety

As the coronavirus makes its way into major cities and small suburbs across the globe, many people are becoming stressed out and finding it increasingly more difficult to stay calm and reduce anxiety.

Authorities have ordered everyone to stay in their homes in order to prevent the spread of the virus. This is causing a lot people to focus their attention solely on what is happening with the outside world. The result is actually hypnotic in nature.

Why? The act of hypnosis is getting the mind to accept a suggestion as a mental reality even though it’s not necessarily a physical reality.

In other words, even though the danger of this “virus” is happening somewhere in the world, you begin to feel subconsciously that, in your world, your in immediate danger too.

Yet at this moment, consciously, you may be lying on the couch reading this article and sipping a latte or ordering pizza.

In this article, we’re going to go over three of ways that you can become less stressed out, stay calm and reduce anxiety in times of this COVID-19 panic.

Meditation & Mindfulness Reduces Stress

The first tip is to clear your mind of fear.

Sure, you want to stay updated on what’s going on, but get facts from reliable news sources, and then focus your attention elsewhere.

Limit how much news you watch, and how much time you spend on social media.

Suddenly, everyone is an “expert” on this situation and will be more than happy to fill your head with “advice”. Stay out of social debates and responding to comments. This will only add to your stress levels.

Your ability to remain calm comes from within. That means it’s up to you to be proactive in reducing your stress and anxiety and promoting calmness while this “experience” runs its course.

One of the best ways to reduce stress and remain calm is thru guided meditation.

If you’ve never attempted meditation or any mindfulness techniques in the past, this is the perfect time to try them out and get some practice under your belt.

According to the Mayo Clinic, guided meditation can play a huge role in helping you to maintain your mental and emotional health, even benefiting aspects of your physical health.

Here’s what meditation can do for you.
**Greater outlook on life (positivity)
**Increased feelings of calmness
**Greater self-awareness
**Reduced levels of anxiety and stress.
**Improved focus

The best part is: You don’t need to be a Yogi or Spiritual Guru to do meditation.

If you’re not able to focus for long periods of time, then guided meditation or hypnotic visualization technique programs are your easy solution to relax and be stress free.

These guided meditation programs are usually combined with music and or binaural beats that calm the mind and center the soul.

The length of these programs can range from 5 minutes to over an hour or more depending on the program.

As a corporate hypnotist who has hypnotized thousands of people, I can tell you, you don’t need much more than ten to fifteen minutes of guided meditation to achieve stress free results.

Find an Anxiety Free Creative Outlet

How many times have you said to yourself, “I’d do ???? if I only had the time”. Well time is now in abundance.

Right now is a great opportunity to start or restart some new creative hobbies. When you’re focused on building or creating something new, you’re reducing the amount of focus on the negativity surrounding you. That means creativity is a solid way of helping you to relax.

A creative outlet can be almost anything. Here are a few things you might want to try out (providing you have the supplies in your home).

Working out, fitness training or power walking
Painting, coloring, or drawing
Singing or playing musical instruments
Taking photos or videos of things you enjoy
Building something with things lying around the house
Writing that novel
Reading those books that you never finished.

Basically, the goal here is to find an activity or task that shifts your focus and makes you happy. You’ll be amazed how fast time flies when you start doing something you love to do!

Giving Back & Helping Others Reduces Stress

It’s completely natural to be fearful of losing what you have (jobs, cars, houses) but giving back to others can actually help you feel more abundant.

When you’re giving back to the community or helping those in need, you’ll spread compassion and happiness rather than fear and anxiety.

With so many people self-quarantined and isolated, loneliness will increase as well. Especially for the elderly. These individuals will need to know they are not alone more than ever.

As long as you’re keeping your distance and not exposing anyone to the virus, you can deliver food and groceries or do things like their yard work.

It’ll make you feel grateful while also helping those who need it. So, call your neighbors or post something on your social pages to let those in need know you are available and how to get in contact with you.

Final Thoughts To Stay Stress Free During This CoronaVirus Pandemic

This coronavirus experience is something extra-ordinary. It’s something you can’t see, touch, smell, taste or hear yet it is believed. Fear is exactly the same.

The lockdown that has resulted from this pandemic may be out of our control but our thoughts, emotions, decisions and actions about it are completely in our control.

Remain conscious of the fact that, for this moment, your safe, have food, shelter and electricity. By remaining present, you can reduce your panic and invoke an overwhelming sense of calmness.

Decide today to master your MindPower by practicing daily meditation, looking for a creative outlet, and even giving back to those who need it.

You’ll be surprised at how your calmness will reduce other’s anxiety as well!

James “JimmyG” Graham, C.Ht –

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By James Graham, C.Ht.

James Graham, C.Ht. - Speaker, Author ( Master Your Matrix & many more), Entertainer, Hypnotist, CEO of MindPower Presentations Inc.

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