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Making Space For Your Dreams

Making Space For Your Dreams

John Lennon was famous for saying, “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.”

Over the years, I’ve found that folks tend to do what serves them best – at the moment. One thing I know for sure. Keeping yourself busy with day-to-day is a sure-fire way to make sure dreams stay dreams. It’s also an exhausting way to live. 

Are you ready to set yourself free?

While you may not believe it, if you want something different in your life, all you need to do is start doing it. It’s simple as that.

Forget limitations, excuses, past experiences, worry, and, most importantly, what others say.

Whatever it is you want to do – do it now.

I promise. Everything will change for the better as soon as you begin.

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The Problem Is Not Actually the Problem: Here’s Why

With my understanding of the Three Principles, which is deepening month-by-month, I’m becoming more curious about whether the ‘problem’ that we think we have, is really a problem. Not for one second am I dismissing a persons’ experience; I’m human after all and I encounter challenges and what I think are ‘problems’ just like the next person.

However, I know that when we get lost in our thinking, we can create problems that aren’t problems. If a problem was actually a problem, then we would all react to the ‘problem’ in the same way. However, it is our perception of our external reality, our thinking about what we perceive to be the problem. As we don’t all react to the ‘problem’ in the same way, the problem is not the problem. I’d like to explain this further, to help you see that this is the case.

I’ve worked with many people over time with such a broad range of presenting issues. I remember the heading ‘Presenting Problem’ being a prominent part of assessment tools that form part of the admission process across the range of mental health and addiction services.

Typical presenting problems have included:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Social isolation
  • Work pressures
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Assault
  • Progressive drug or alcohol use and possibly using substances via higher risk routes
  • Homelessness
  • A range of related physical health issues – DVT, Cancer, Diabetes, Asthma

I’d like to just briefly highlight some of the presenting problems that I’ve mentioned and show you that, through conversations that I’ve had with clients (respecting confidentiality of course), how we can learn quickly that the initial presentation is not the problem. Not only that, when the individual has realised this for themselves, it has changed their life.

Problem #1

‘Simon’ had a diagnosis of depression and was now starting to avoid social situations as he didn’t feel confident enough in groups. Through a conversation I learnt that Simon was just about holding down a full time job and was experiencing a lack of confidence in it – their boss was telling them that they need to improve their performance and was providing support systems in the workplace to do this.

We learnt together that Simon had once been told he ‘wasn’t good enough’ by his step-father and he carried that statement with him for almost 30 years. He’s generally been able to carry on with his life and feels confident most of the time.

Simon realised though, that the feedback from his boss had reminded him of being told he wasn’t good enough by his step-father many years ago. Simon gained an understanding that his feelings were as a result of his thinking in the moment, that he had carried an opinion from someone (which is not based on fact) over time and it had become part of his belief system. He had spent most of his life looking for confirmation to validate a statement made by one person.

This is why the comments from his boss (who he otherwise described as being very supportive) seemed to reinforce his step-father’s statement. He gained an insightful understanding that his experiences were actually coming from himself – his thinking.

I wonder if this is something you can relate to on any level?

Problem #2

Michelle was presented as suicidal and had recently experienced a miscarriage with what would have been her second child. Through a conversation, Michelle explained that she had become pregnant following a sexual assault. She had decided to keep the child, against the wishes of everyone in her family – including her husband. While they tried to be supportive, she felt they never really understood her and why she had wanted to keep the child.

Michelle realised that she had wanted to keep the child as a way to avoid ‘grieving’ following the sexual assault. She desperately wanted to have the child as a way of making something good out of the bad that had happened to her. She hadn’t had an opportunity to talk with someone who was listening impartially to her story. She felt that the miscarriage was now forcing her to grieve and she was scared of the feelings attached to the grieving.

Michelle gained a new perspective and realised that her feelings (all coming from her thinking associated with her situation) were natural and they were meant to be like that. She realised being fearful of the feelings were actually heightening her anxiety.

Problem #3

Peter presented with daily alcohol consumption and had recently started binging on cocaine on weekends. He was experiencing what he called a high level of stress and he felt the substances were helping him to cope with it.

During the conversation, Peter explained that he had inherited the family business following his fathers’ death. The business wasn’t new to him and he explained that he’d run the business for a long time whilst his father had been alive. The business had been in the family for over 40 years. 

Peter realised that the pressure was coming from himself to perform. He understood that he had been able to trust himself up until this point (he was now in his 50’s). Peter was able to see all the evidence, which pointed towards knowing that he can rely on himself. He had experience over many years running the business and didn’t want to let anybody down.

Through the insight, he found that his substance misuse behaviour totally changed and he became completely abstinent.

What’s really the problem?

On each of the examples I’ve mentioned, I’ve only briefly broken the conversations down and with that, tried to help you to see that what we think is our problem, might not be. It could be a symptom of the problem and very likely will be the case.

It is not that we need to delve into the past and talk about those issues to heal the now. That’s not my message. It’s more a case that we can realise we’ve carried certain feelings – attached to thoughts, which aren’t true. Catching on to that understanding is life changing. It was for me and also those clients I have reflected on.

It’s also not about being a positive thinker, which of course is great, but that would sound quite judgmental towards someone if they are being negative thinkers. It’s more than that, it runs deeper. It’s within you – it always is, always has been, and always will be.

By our design, we are meant to feel a particular way in relation to certain things and quite often fearing how we’re feeling about the problem, can be the problem. 

Consider a stream of water as a useful metaphor – or our ‘stream of thought.’ The end of the stream, if you like, being the presenting problem. By moving further up the stream – through a heartfelt and correctly guided conversation, the further we go, the closer we are to finding where the stream starts (or where the problem really is). We might also find that the problem we thought we had is not a problem.

Actually, all we need to remember is that everything is created with a thought and we can choose to think about those thoughts in a different way in any given moment.

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How To Take Personal Responsibility And Stop Making Excuses

When things aren’t going your way, it’s hard to accept your own role in the situation. Often, it’s much easier to look externally – at other people, at the circumstances, or at just plain bad luck. However, while all of these things can be factors, failing to take personal responsibility can block you from becoming your best self.

Making excuses provides short term comfort, but it holds you back from growing and improving, and from avoiding similar mistakes in the future. But how do you know if you’re failing to take personal responsibility, and what can you do about it?

If you’re ready to empower yourself by taking responsibility and leaving excuses behind, this article is a perfect place to start. We’ll explore the key signs that you have difficulty accepting personal responsibility, explain the benefits of changing your approach, and provide concrete tips and reminders that can help you stay on track.

Ready To Start Accepting Responsibility?

Ready To Start Accepting Responsibility?Perhaps someone has pointed out that you have a habit of making excuses, or maybe you’re feeling stuck and are ready to try anything that might change your mindset and behavior.

However, if taking personal responsibility has been difficult for you in the past, know that this is perfectly understandable.

It can seem scary and negative to think about how we contribute to our own difficulties, and if you already suffer from low self-esteem then it makes sense that you’d want to protect yourself.

Thankfully, taking personal responsibility doesn’t have to be frightening or heavily self-critical. Instead, it can mark an empowering new phase of your life in which you take control of who you want to be and how you want to spend your time.

To see why and how, let’s delve further into the difference between taking and avoiding responsibility.

Signs You Might Be Avoiding Personal Responsibility

So, how do you know that you need to work on accepting responsibility? We’ve already gestured toward the kind of excuse-making mentality you might be tempted to adopt, but we’ll now consider the profile of a responsibility-avoider in more depth. Do any of the following signs sound familiar? If so, read on to see how you can start making changes.

Victim Mentality

Victim MentalityIf you have a victim mentality, this means that you view yourself as powerless. You’re someone who constantly asks questions like, why do bad things happen? Or why do I always seem to get treated badly at some point?

While it’s natural to feel bad when things go wrong, a victim mentality involves indulging in self-pity and feeling sorry for yourself at the exclusion of considering productive lessons you can draw from your current situation.

In contrast, when you stop feeling sorry for yourself then you’re able to focus on fostering a positive mentality that pushes you toward change and away from stagnation.

If you want to leave the victim mentality behind, start asking yourself “What can I do to make things better?”

This encourages you to see what your power is and how you might be contributing to the problem. Secondly, try emptying your negative thoughts and feelings of self-pity into a journal and then leaving them behind.

Blaming Others

Blaming OthersOf course, others will sometimes play a role in negative situations in your life – sometimes by accident, and occasionally on purpose.

However, it’s important not to assume that others are entirely to blame for everything that goes wrong. Blame shifting keeps you trapped in the same cycle, making the same mistakes and avoiding the same responsibilities.

If you want to learn how to stop blaming others, it’s helpful to dig into the psychological reasons for blaming others.

In particular, as noted in the introduction of this article, we often do this sort of thing because we find it hard to accept our own flaws.

Work on embracing your flaws – you don’t have to be perfect to be good enough, and everyone makes mistakes! In addition, develop a practice of questioning your blaming practice. When you say “It’s all ____’s fault!”, take this as a prompt to stop and ask, “But what role did I play?’.

Making Excuses

Making ExcusesMaking excuses sometimes takes the form of blaming others, but there are further ways to avoid personal responsibility by making excuses.

In particular, you might start to take responsibility and then veer away into explaining to yourself that the situation wasn’t really under your control. For example, suppose you make a mistake on a work assignment.

You might acknowledge that this isn’t your boss’s fault, or the fault of any of your coworkers. However, you might say things like “Well, I was late to work that day because of bad traffic, and the wording of the assignment was quite complicated, so I couldn’t really have done anything differently.”

So, how to stop making excuses. It takes time and effort to stop making excuses, but the key is challenging your thinking.

Every time something goes wrong, ask yourself to find at least one thing you could do differently next time to help get a better result.


ComplainingComplaining takes up a lot of energy, but it’s an easy habit to fall into if you find it tough to take personal responsibility. In some ways, complaining is just a way of externally expressing some of the above signs – blaming others, viewing yourself as a victim, and making excuses.

You might do it in your journal or do it out loud to friends, but either way, it completely distracts you from any role you might have played in your own discontent.

One thing that can help you to stop complaining is to set a time limit.

Try to get it all out within five minutes, for example, viewing it as a cathartic kind of purge. Then, move on to being productive and proactive.

A second strategy that can be useful is to make yourself accountable. Tell your close friends that you’re working on complaining less, and let them remind you if you’re overdoing it as an accountability partner.

How Accepting Responsibility Can Change Your Life

Armed with a clear idea of what it means to have a habit of avoiding responsibility, let’s move on to think about why this all matters so much. As it turns out, accepting personal responsibility can completely transform your life. This should give you the inspiration that you need to start shifting your habits and holding yourself accountable.

Achieve Your Life Goals

Achieve Your Life GoalsFirstly, no matter what your life goals may be, taking personal responsibility goes a long way toward helping you meet those goals. Ask yourself: what’s your purpose, or your direction in life? What are the values and aims that undergird all the choices you make? Setting life goals has a huge amount to do with being disciplined in your actions.

In other words, by mindfully approaching each day with a plan for what you want to do, the habits you want to cultivate, and the place you want to direct your energy.

When you don’t take responsibility, you block yourself from your life goals by surrendering control. You say that whether you get to where you want to go is more about other people and about luck.

In contrast, when taking personal responsibility you see that all of this is fundamentally up to you – this opens up a whole new perspective on what you can achieve.

Increase Self-Awareness

Increase Self-AwarenessWhen you accept and see that you have responsibility for yourself, your actions and your own life, you start to become self-aware.

What is self-awareness? This is when you learn to develop an ever-richer picture of who you and what you want, and doing so has knock-on effects on all sorts of other areas of your life.

Why is self-awareness important? Because it means understanding the reality of your own strengths and weaknesses and how to use all of those to your advantage. The benefits of self-awareness also include more mature relationships with better communication.

Your potential is closed off if you can’t accept that you could be contributing to the negatives in your life.
Deep down, you have a sense that there are things you could be working on.
However, you won’t allow yourself to look at those things or to do that work.

There’s a wonderful feedback link between self-awareness and taking responsibility for yourself – each of these traits continuously enhances the other. Consequently, you become increasingly empowered and increasingly knowledgeable.

Increase Happiness

Increase HappinessAt first, you might not see why taking more responsibility for yourself increases your happiness. For example, isn’t it uncomfortable and unpleasant to think about your weaknesses and the ways you could do better? Won’t that make you sadder rather than happier?

The answer is that it doesn’t have to – not if you take the attitude that we all have room for improvements and that making mistakes doesn’t undermine your value.

In addition, there’s something truly liberating about taking responsibility for your own happiness. In particular, you realize that to a large extent, when considering how to be happier, it’s already in your control.

It’s not up to your partner, your friends or your family to make you happy, and you can choose to be happier than you are.

So, instead of viewing yourself as being at the whims of fate every day, you can wake up and ask yourself “How do I want to feel today? And what can I do to make that happen?”.

Take Control Of Your Life

Take Control Of Your LifeThe sense of control discussed above with respect to happiness also extends beyond your emotions. Consider that when you take responsibility, you can take control of your life in all respects. As you begin to view yourself as being personally responsible for the life you live, you start to realize that you can decide what you want to pursue, and when you want to pursue it.

In a nutshell, a shift in mindset doesn’t happen to you but rather happen through you. It’s considered ‘growth mindset vs fixed mindset‘. You’re in command of what your future looks like, in every area – your dating, career, fitness and your family life.
In contrast, the old mentality involved thinking that others control your life, limiting your choices and keeping you stuck. When it finally dawns on you that this isn’t true, the relief can be truly incredible.

Become Self Accountable

Become Self AccountableFinally, a huge element of taking responsibility for yourself is a willingness to answer for what you do – to consider what happens as a result of your behaviors and choices, and to honestly evaluate those outcomes.

As suggested above, this adds up to doing something different in the future when things don’t work out. Consequently, the gap between you and your goals gets shorter and shorter at a faster rate.

As with many aspects of taking responsibility, self-accountability can sound like a heavyweight to carry at first. It can sound as though you’ll live a life of self-recrimination and self-doubt.

However, once you start to practice it, you’ll see that it frees you up to abandon the things that don’t work for you and to lean into the best parts of yourself.

What’s more, it makes your social life much better. Instead of blaming others, you apologize when appropriate and little things never get a chance to become chronic grudges.

6 Important Reminders For Taking Personal Responsibility

To take personal responsibility, the biggest step you have to take is deciding that you want to stop making excuses.
However, it’s helpful to have techniques on hand to keep you on track.
Having reminders you can refer to when it becomes hard to avoid the urge to blame others is especially good. These reminders will help to stick to your plan and stay consistently accountable to yourself.

Stop Blaming Others

When you catch yourself focusing all your resentment and anger on another person, stop and take a few deep breaths. Pull back from your urge to blame, and focus on yourself. How did you get here? What happened? If you could do the situation over, what would you change?

Stop The Constant Complaining

When you hear consistent moaning coming out of your mouth to friends, family or colleagues, catch yourself and change direction. It’s okay to say something like “I just realized I’m moaning about this – let me change track.” Ask yourself: what’s the positive in this situation, if there is any? If not, how can I move forward?

Be Mindful & Live In The Present Moment

Add a personal reflection period to every day to stop you from analyzing the past and stressing about the future. Whether it’s a guided meditation, mindfulness exercises, or just a walk, find time to zone into the present moment.

Get Clear & Set Intentions

Set your goals in clear, unambiguous language. Write them down (write an intention statement) and pin them up somewhere if it helps, and stick to them. Focus on these intentions throughout the day, and let your guiding question not be “Why me?” but “What can I do in order to turn my intentions into reality?”.

See Challenges Instead Of Problems

We all hit roadblocks, but when you do it’s important to view them as beatable challenges. How can you overcome them? What strategies can you use? These are not signs you’ll be permanently stuck or that you’re powerless. They’re not problems but rather prompts to grow beyond your present self.

Be Responsible For Yourself

Finally, don’t look to your partner, your friends, your children or anyone else to make sure you’re happy. Your happiness is up to you, which is both a great gift and a great responsibility. If you want to feel a certain way, explore how you can get there – don’t ask others to take you there.

Using The Law Of Attraction Effectively Is Your Personal Responsibility To Manifest Your Greatest Life

Now that you fully see why and how taking personal responsibility can change your life, why not take the next step into your empowerment? Whatever your goals and values, you can make these the center of your existence with the help of manifestation techniques. As the Law of Attraction teaches, our intentions and our desires shape what we receive from the universe – so if you’re taking responsibility, you’re deciding what you’ll get from the world around you.

Exercises like saying positive affirmations, doing creative visualizations and creating dream boards support the idea that you create your own future. When you use the Law of Attraction effectively, you get more and more evidence that taking responsibility works! Unlike making excuses, it provides you with a path to being the very best version of yourself.

The post How To Take Personal Responsibility And Stop Making Excuses appeared first on The Law Of Attraction.

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How to Create Your Own Measures of Success

Get a college degree, find a high paying job, meet your soulmate, buy a house, get married and have kids. The exact order of events which seems to greatly measure how successful or unsuccessful a person is. Skip one or get the order mixed up and you run the risk of not being seen as the perfect example of a successful person. But what is success anyway?

This popular word seems to denote a person who is on top of the world – but what that top represents might vary from person to person. The point is that only you can create your own measures of success because by blindly following the mold, you might find yourself less than happy at the end of the day. 

There are stories of people who have built three businesses before graduating from college and whose lives are completely filled up with happiness due to this achievement. But there are others who find little to no happiness in career-related achievements. And that’s okay. The whole point of happiness lies in figuring out what makes you feel good and sticking to it no matter the times. Here are some tips to help you in such an endeavor.

5 ways to create your own measures of success:

1. What matters to you? 

The first step to success is figuring out what the meaning of life is for you. Think about what makes you happy. Is it your significant other? Do you rejoice by the mere image of yourself surrounded by five kids? Or do you feel that the only way you can be happy is by climbing the corporate ladder all the way to the top? It doesn’t matter where you are going – it just matters that you are happy while doing it.

It’s also very important to stop comparing yourself to others. People are different. Just because you might be ready to move to a new place and your best friend isn’t does not mean that he/she is less competent or resilient than you. It just means that you are two different people with two very different goals in life. Focus on your goals and where you want to be ten years from now. 

2. Inner fulfillment should prevail over material things

Having a lot of money, designer clothes and a lavish home might sound like a matter of prestige, but it’s inner fulfillment that will bring about true happiness. So don’t focus on accumulating material wealth, thinking that it somehow measures how successful you are. 

Instead, work on finding your true calling in life or your passion. Whether that’s helping others through life or saving different animal species from extinction. Don’t find your dream to be too big. If you can dream it, you can certainly achieve it – all with a bit of effort. 

“Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give you get. What you see in others exists in you.” – Zig Ziglar

3. Set goals and commit yourself to the journey 

Have you figured out what would make you happy in life? If you were to achieve it down the line, you would feel like the most successful person that has walked the Earth? The epiphany that uncovered your hopes and dreams won’t mean much unless you figure out a way to turn your dreams into reality. To do that, you need a plan – one that would include all the steps separating you from your version of a fulfilled life. 

Bear in mind that setting goals is the easy part – it’s actually working towards achieving them that’s a challenge. Focus on every step of your success journey and don’t skip any steps. All of them will lead you towards your version of happiness – the only version that should matter to you. 

4. Always do more than the day before

Not every day will be the best day of your life. There will be moments when the best you can give is 20% of your maximum capacity, and that is perfectly fine. But you should never give up on yourself – even if it feels like you haven’t been reaching your goals as planned. There will come a time when you will feel more rested and enthusiastic about the journey, and that’s when you should give it all you got. 

Commit yourself to giving just a little bit more than you were willing to give yesterday and a little bit less than you will give tomorrow. That will bring you closer to your ultimate goal of success and the feeling of progress will almost be tangible. And that’s when you will really start to feel like you have set the right measures of success for yourself. 

“The only thing that has kept me around is my effort.” – Ray Lewis

5. Be ready for setbacks

The road to success and happiness is rarely a smooth one. If there’s one thing you can definitely count on it’s that there will be roadblocks as you go about your way. It might seem like the world is working against you at some point, but this is why you need to develop some resilience and not be discouraged. Instead, learn from the things that went wrong and focus on fixing the error of your ways.

Ultimately, mistakes won’t be the only thing stopping you from complete happiness. Other people will too. As you start to create your own measures of success and happiness, you’ll most likely notice that other people have their own idea of what success is. Since, naturally, every person believes their approach is the right one, you might be faced with some backlash and judgmental questions from others.

Your job is not to pay attention to them and never let them waver you. Once you stumble upon a person with completely different measures of success, don’t repeat their mistakes. Instead, work towards helping the other person achieve their version of success. Remember – that will help you fulfill your inner being, which is even more important than material wealth. If by helping others you also help yourself, there’s no reason not to make it a part of your daily rituals.

What does success mean to you? Share your thoughts and ideas with us below!

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How To Make Sure Dreams Can Become Real

How To Make Sure Dreams Can Become Real

Everybody has dreams. Daydreams, dreams while you sleep, and dreams of what you wish for the future.

I’ve always believed that dreams are goals you have nurtured to become real in your life.

But how do you know if the voice speaking to your heart will lead you in the right direction?

I was reading Brant Pinvidic’s book, The 3-Minute Rule. His approach to better presentations happens to be my approach to goal validation.

When an idea pops into your head, ask yourself four questions:

1) What is it? Do you understand exactly what you want?

2) How does it work? How will you go about reaching your goal? What will likely be the outcome?

3) Can you do it? Is your plan reasonable? Do you have the time, skills, money?

4) Are you sure? If you are willing to put in the effort are you confident you can achieve your goal?

Use these next time something is holding you back from turning your dreams into reality. I promise. The clarity you are seeking is around the corner.

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Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset: How To Change Your Mindset

The way you think is key to whether you succeed. This includes how you think about yourself, the people around you, the challenges you face and the goals you have. In particular, adopting a growth mindset promotes personal development, helps you take a positive attitude.

Adopting a growth mindset pushes you towards being the most successful person you can be.

Meanwhile, being stuck in a fixed mindset encourages stagnation and prevents you from reaching your full potential.

But what exactly is a “growth mindset”, and how can you develop it?

This article will help you understand the nature of a growth mindset.

A growth mindset gives you concrete steps to take in order to change the way you think. Throughout, we’ll also compare the growth mindset to the type of fixed mindset that might be holding you back.

Finally, we’ll give you a useful list of daily prompts that you can revisit to promote success and responsibility.

Growth Vs Fixed Mindset

The terms “growth mindset” and “fixed mindset” originate from game-changing work from Carol Dweck, a world expert on human motivation.

According to her work, the most basic growth mindset definition tells us that it’s a state in which we believe we can develop over time.

We recognize that our intelligence is a dynamic, fluid aspect of ourselves, and acknowledge our potential to learn.

When it comes to behavior, growth mindset examples include devoting extra time to studying or developing new skills.

Responding to critical feedback by working on what can be changed is also an example of a Growth Mindset.

In contrast, the fixed mindset definition describes a state of mind that is rigid and limiting.

When you’re in a fixed mindset, you think that your intelligence can’t be changed and that your talents are static.

Fixed mindsets are also associated with an assumption that talent is more powerful than effort, and often come with a corresponding belief that others are more talented.

Fixed mindset examples include avoid challenges, seeing effort as a waste of time, and not taking critical feedback into account.

The growth mindset is the one that most readily leads to success, well-being, and happiness.

Why Mindset Matters

Why Growth Mindset Matters

At this point, you understand the difference between these two major mindsets and you know that a growth mindset is conducive to personal development.

However, you might still be wondering: what are mindsets, and why are mindsets so key to success in life?

Essentially, your mindset is just the attitudes and beliefs you have about something.

Psychological research has shown that if you want to know how to succeed, working on your mindset (in other words, on changing your attitudes and beliefs) is the most powerful thing you can do.

People who have positive mindsets attract more positivity and devote their energy to making the best of themselves.

Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back

Limiting Beliefs Hold Your Growth Mindset Back

Negative beliefs or limiting beliefs are sorts that are linked to a fixed mindset.

Examples of limiting beliefs include “I can’t do that”, “Everyone else is better than I am”, and “This is all I’m capable of”.

These beliefs keep you trapped in an outdated version of yourself and your abilities.

Often, they trace back to early messages you received in life when significant people gave you a sense that you were not talented, or that you shouldn’t try to reach too high.

In time, limiting beliefs can be overcome – and the more you do so, the closer you are to a growth mindset.

How To Develop A Growth Mindset

Let’s now turn to the question of how to develop a growth mindset.

This is an active, continual process that is partly about learning how to sharpen your mind and partly about learning how to shift your attitude.

Once you have a growth mindset, you’ll be able to form new beliefs – for example, the belief that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to, and that there’s no limit to how smart, capable and successful you can be.

We’ll work through five techniques that support the growth mindset, explaining how you can tailor them to your specific needs and goals.

Become An Autodidact

Become An Autodidact with Growth Mindset

The first change you can make to support a growth mindset involves thinking of yourself as an autodidact – essentially, a self-taught person.

There are no limits to what you can teach yourself – empower yourself to further your knowledge on anything and everything that matters to you.

You are in control of what you learn, how much you learn, and when you learn it.

If you’re not sure where to start, make a list of the kind of learning that would support your overall goals.

For example, are there skill sets you don’t have that seem to get people far in your career track?

Make today the day to start learning those skills.

Embrace Your Flaws

Embrace Your Flaws For A Growth Mindset

As noted above, being in a growth mindset also involves taking a different attitude to critical feedback.

Start by vowing to embrace your mistakes and flaws – they are part of you, and they can be an invaluable guide to self-improvement.

There is an important sense in which your weaknesses are your strengths – they help you understand who you are, where you came from, and what to work on.

Firstly, for every flaw you think you have, challenge yourself to think of one good thing it has given you.

Secondly, try to reframe flaws – for example, “I am impatient” can be reframed as “I want the best results” or “I see people’s full potential and want them to realize it”.

Meanwhile, notice that as well as boosting your growth mindset, learning how to accept your flaws also improves your ability to help and understand others.

Focus On The Process

Focus On The Process with Growth Mindset

When you’re working to move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, it’s also vital to try and focus on process over product.

In other words, instead of obsessively focusing on what you can get from a growth mindset, try to fully immerse yourself in what’s happening right now.

When you focus on the process, you learn to live in the moment and to experience gratitude.

For example, instead of thinking “I hope all this growth mindset work makes me rich!”, think about what you’re getting from it right now.

Perhaps it helped you take negative feedback on board in a different way today.

Maybe you’ve enjoyed a new class that you signed up for once you started viewing yourself as an autodidact.

Importantly, developing a growth mindset isn’t a process with a fixed end. It’s a lifelong journey that requires consistency creating positive thoughts and learning how to enjoy and appreciate every day with positive thinking.

Sense Of Purpose

Sense Of Purpose with Growth Mindset

Next, although we’ve just encouraged you to focus on process over product, it is nonetheless important to have some sense of purpose.

Ask yourself: what do I want my life to be about?

What is my passion?

If you want to learn how to find your purpose and passion in life, there are a few brainstorming techniques you can try.

For example, make a list of the ten things you value most in life, make a list of the ten things that excite you the most, and look at the lists side by side.

Where do you see meaningful overlaps?

For example, you might notice that your values include compassion and self-reflection.

The list of things that excite you includes helping others with their problems.

From this, a potential purpose in a helpful or caring profession might emerge.

It will feel great when you have discovered you’re true purpose in life.

Keeping A Journal

Keeping A Journal For a Growth Mindset

There are lots of reasons why it is worthwhile to keep a regular journal.

Keeping a journal helps you stay in touch with your thoughts and feelings.

Keeping a journal also assists you in working through leftover discomfort from the day, and also encourages you to stay in the moment.

However, some people feel intimidated by the prospect and aren’t sure where to start, so let’s pause for a moment to consider how to journal.

Importantly, journaling promotes growth even if you don’t have time or space to write a huge amount.

If you can commit to just a few sentences about the significant things that happened in your day, that still counts as exploring your emotions to a degree.

You’ll probably find it more helpful if you can write at least a page, however.

If you can, focus on two key things – what made you feel fulfilled, and what challenges you encountered (as well as thoughts on how to meet them).

High-Performance Mindset

High Performance Mindset

Now that you understand the growth mindset and how to promote it, let’s turn to a related concept – the high-performance mindset.

This version of a growth mindset is closely tied to success, and its foundations are what we call “intentional thoughts”.

Intentional thoughts are beliefs and images of what you want to achieve.

How you talk to yourself and think about yourself matters.

By carefully choosing and curating these aspects of your mental life, you support yourself in reaching your full potential.

Examples of begin in the high-performance mindset include believing that you can excel at anything you put your mind to.

Also having the patience to keep trying until you have the skills you need. Having a genuinely positive attitude towards new difficulties, and sending time every day doing something that helps you perform better.

As you can likely already see, adopting the high-performance mindset is extremely useful when practicing the Law of Attraction.

After all, manifestation requires carefully setting intentions and maintaining and developing a positive attitude.

Manifesting is precisely what the high-performance mindset involves.

This means that techniques aimed at cultivating a high-performance mindset also strengthen your ability to attract the future you desire.

Change Your Mentality

Change Your Mentality

There are lots of exercises you can use to learn how to change your mindset or change your mentality.

Whether you’re looking to make small adjustments to the way you perceive your potential or are on a quest to reinvent yourself.

The Law of Attraction can assist in cultivating a high-performance mindset.

Both the high-performance mindset and using the Law of Attraction together are supported and enhanced by exercises like creative visualization.

You can do a simple intentional thought visualization exercises by simply closing your eyes and spending 10-15 minutes.

This helps Build up a complex, detailed image of the high performance you want to manifest.

Add in not only sights but also smells, sounds, and sensations. Similarly, reciting affirmations like “There are no limits to my potential” help you both create a growth mindset and manifest a successful future.

Try saying these affirmations first thing in the morning, you can also use it when giving a presentation or take part in a professional development seminar.

Part of learning how to change your mindset for success also involves the kinds of techniques discussed above.

One part of learning to change your mindset is reframing negatives and turning them into positives.

Write down five things you think are holding you back from success, and challenge yourself to flip these into positives.

For example, “I am a perfectionist, so I never finish projects”. Turn it into “I like doing the best job possible, I can learn that my best is good enough.”

How to Develop A Positive Mindset With Self-Hypnosis

Finally, hypnosis can play an enormously powerful role in changing your mindset – no matter how you want to change it.

Self-hypnosis is especially apt at helping you to develop a positive attitude, so it’s conducive to a growth mindset and manifesting goals with the Law of Attraction.

Hypnosis just involves guiding you into a highly relaxed, maximally receptive place.

This is where your subconscious mind is no longer protected by the limiting defense mechanisms of your conscious mind.

Once you’re in this state, if you hear suggestions that promote a new positive mindset, you can take them on board and start to incorporate them into your daily thinking.

So, if you want to grow and change, becoming the best version of yourself.

Why not try self-hypnosis to see how it can change your thinking for the better?

The post Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset: How To Change Your Mindset appeared first on The Law Of Attraction.

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If Your Life Isn’t How You Want It, Here Are 4 Start Anytime Resolutions to Experience a Better Life

Life has never felt different for anyone just because they want life to feel different. There’s usually this feeling that we’re not experiencing our best life or we’re not where we want to be that causes us to feel like life isn’t fair to us, because it seems like everyone is doing less than we’re doing but enjoying more than we do.

If you’ve ever wanted to experience things differently from how you’ve been experiencing them, then you just need to do things differently from how you’ve been doing them. Because what you currently have is as a result of the amount of knowledge that you have.

So here are the 4 things which you’re currently doing that when you do differently, will bring about that amazing life:

1. Replace Chasing People With Finding Yourself

I want to be in a relationship with A, I want to be like B, I want to have fun and travel like C.” Although it isn’t a bad thing to want better, you need to be reminded that all these things you’re trying to do are putting you on someone’s path, which isn’t making you the engineer of your own trail.

So instead of trying so hard to fit into people’s criteria, or chase people whom you want, it’d be best to start finding yourself. Most times, the people who end up saying money doesn’t bring happiness are those people who chase making money because others were chasing money.

If there isn’t a strong why, or a deep reason why you want to become that person or get that thing, quit it because it could not bring you the best experience or the happiness which you want.

In order to find yourself, take time to completely analyze yourself. Define your own tune, dance according to your rhythm, and sing with that voice which you have. There’s beauty in the struggle. When you focus on creating your own path, you’ll surely become better, and then people will be more attracted to you because originality is what attracts people.

2. Replace Not Being Real With Yourself, With Facing The Truth

There are thousands of things which we’ve said we’d do better, that if we think about now, would have made us somebody better than we are. Procrastinating is too easy. It’s easy to give in, but giving in isn’t what brings results. Taking the extra step or doing that which you don’t want to do is what always brings about success.

When the situation presents itself that you have to procrastinate, tell yourself “I’m going to procrastinate doing this because it’s not important”. If your conscience lets you go scot-free, then you have the right to ignore that thing. But if it doesn’t, it only means that thing is very important and it will help you live a better life, so by not doing it, we’re hurting ourselves.

Most of the time, we procrastinate just because we have to watch that new episode and then leave more important things which might bring us a reward. By procrastinating because we have to watch that new episode, we’re unconsciously telling ourselves that the new episode is more important than our goals or that thing which we have to do.

3. Replace Yes With No When It Doesn’t Suit

This is usually a tough one. Especially when you have to say NO to your loved ones. It generally makes us feel like we’re not empathic or we’re boring people. But on the contrary, most times when we agree to do what the other person is requesting, we often don’t enjoy the process because we know we’ve left something more important to do.

So here’s a way out, when it begins to feel awkward to say no, remind yourself that you’re not saying no because you’re a bitter person, rather, you’re saying no because you have something of greater value to do.

And here’s a less offensive reason to give when you say no. Instead of saying “No, I have something more important to do,” say, “I already have something that’s running out of time that I have to do” even if it’s you just working on your goals.

4. Replace Sleeping With Worry For Sleeping With The Future Vision

This might prove difficult when, let’s say you didn’t get the money you needed to do something the next morning. But as you already know, it’s bedtime meaning worrying at that time won’t bring a solution because it’s too late.

So when you replace worrying with the vision of the future, where you’re already enjoying that thing, an idea of what to do next might come to you. Even if an idea doesn’t come, just sleeping with happiness will allow you to have a good night’s rest and also keep your body in a more relaxed state compared to when you’re constantly fussing about the problem at hand.

Remember, you’re not starting anything new that will require you to do much, rather, you’re replacing what you don’t like for something that will make you feel happier and joyful.

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10 Negotiation Skills Every Entrepreneur Must Have

We all want to get as much as we can in every deal or transaction. We cannot help considering our self-interests every time we negotiate a deal. This is not selfishness but how we have been created and conditioned by nature. However, to become a great negotiator, you’ll have to put your needs and wants aside and start looking at things objectively. The last thing you want to happen is to blow up the deal just because you couldn’t stop thinking of serving yourself.

Similar to running a business, negotiating is not the easiest thing on the planet. You need to know what you are giving so that you can take what you want. Successful negotiators understand how to strike this balance to build and grow their business. What separates successful negotiators from unsuccessful ones?

Successful negotiators take their time to develop the essential skills that will give them an edge over other negotiators. It takes time and practice to master negotiation skills because every deal will be unique, and you’ll need to use the right approach every time. 

Today, we are going to discuss the top ten negotiation skills that every entrepreneur must have to master this game. Let’s get started:

1. Planning skills

All successful negotiations are the results of planning and preparation. This means that you should do your research properly and know the other party. Knowing the nature of their business and talking to others who have worked closely with them will help you know their strengths and weaknesses.

You can’t offer something to people who you don’t know. After doing your research and knowing the parties involved, you should get adequate rest and show up for the meeting on time. When you do this, you’ll be confident and happy and they will respond in a great way.

2. Understand the opening offer

In most cases, the opening offer anchors the negotiations. It’s the place which holds most of the important details. Therefore, you need to look at it carefully. Some of the elements of an offer include the work being proposed, the goods or services to be used, time of delivery, warranties, incentives, terms and conditions and most importantly, the price.

If you are the person who is going to initiate the opening offer, you’ll have the opportunity to set the stage for negotiations. Keep in mind that the other party doesn’t know what you want. Therefore, you need to be bold and state what you want clearly. If you are on the other side, you should be analyzing how close you are to the proposed offer.

Also, have a clear bottom line. What will you accept? Look at the details closely and understand what you are signing up for.

3. Emotional control

While you should be confident because you’ve done adequate research, you should leave your ego at home. Lack of emotional control is one of the best ways to fail terribly. When negotiating, you should be as neutral as you can. When you control your thoughts and emotions, you’ll be able to think clearly and objectively during tough times and make informed decisions.

Similar to other aspects of life, you have to think clearly when negotiations become stressful. Instead of being rigid, you should be willing to find a common ground. By doing this, you’ll strike a balance between not giving much away and getting what you want. Leaving your ego at home will put your emotions in check help you figure out the way forward.

“The most difficult thing in any negotiation, almost, is making sure that you strip it of the emotion and deal with the facts. And there was a considerable challenge to that here and understandably so.” – Howard Baker

4. Play the game well

Before entering into high-stakes negotiations, it’s important to run through all the possible scenarios with a loved one or colleague. You’ll end up feeling less anxious and you’ll discover several objections to the offer that you had not considered or discover a side of the deal that could benefit you and the other party.

If you don’t have someone to help you out, you should play all the scenarios in your mind. This will help you feel less attached to your expectations. Yes, it’s important to care, but don’t care too much as this may result in a lack of emotional control in case you fail to get what you wanted. Remember, stay neutral and keep your emotions in check. Keep practicing regularly and you’ll master this skill.

5. Strategic thinking

To begin negotiations successfully, you need to think strategically and exercise self-awareness. You need to understand not only your strengths and weaknesses but also the other party’s strong points and weaknesses. Doing this will help you avoid being exploited.

If your company is an infant, how big can it grow in five to ten years? Will you have the ability to respond to your customers needs? What can you offer that the other party can’t? What can the other side offer that you can’t? Knowing clearly where you stand will help you make informed decisions.

6. Be ready to walk away

When you get into a negotiation with the mindset that you can walk away if things don’t happen as you envisioned, you’ll be in a position of power. That’s why it’s important to stay neutral the entire time. You can’t be bullied if you can get up and leave.

When you tell yourself that this deal is everything to you, you’ll find it difficult to control your emotions. And this will weaken your position. Your success or failure in negotiating will be determined by your mindset.

Remember, you are going to hold hundreds of negotiations. If one doesn’t go through, you are keeping your space open to get better opportunities in the future. Don’t force a deal that doesn’t sit right with you. Listen to your intuition. It’s the best and most accurate guide you have. You can never ignore your intuition and succeed.

“To win a negotiation you have to show you’re willing to walk away. And the best way to show you’re willing to walk away is to walk away.” – Michael Weston

7. Ask good questions

You can gain useful information by simply asking good questions. All successful negotiators ask questions. Do not be afraid to ask because no one knows everything. Asking questions is a sign of intelligence. However, you need to formulate your questions properly to hit the jackpot.

Avoid asking yes or no questions because they won’t help you get crucial information. Instead of asking, “It’s a great idea, right?”, you can ask, “Can you share the challenges you’ve been facing this year?”

8. Listen attentively

We all like to hear the sound of voices and have someone listen to us without interrupting. All successful negotiators are effective listeners. They don’t think of what they are going to say next when the other party is talking.

They listen to the arguments presented carefully and then paraphrase what they heard to ensure they’ve understood each other. You cannot acquire valuable information if you dominate the conversation most of the time.

9. Prepare and present several offers simultaneously

Instead of making only one offer, consider presenting more than two offers at once. If the other party rejects all offers, ask him or her to tell you which one he liked most and why. Then go to work and improve that offer. 

You can also brainstorm with the other party to reach a conclusion that pleases both of you. This strategy not only reduces the odds of a failed negotiation but also promotes creative solutions.

10. Respect culture

Most of the things we do in the US are unacceptable in other cultures across the world. The other party might avoid associating with you because of your behavior. Therefore, it’s important to know who you are negotiating with and their cultural background. People like the Chinese, Japanese and Indians respect their culture because it controls all aspects of their lives. Learn how to greet the elderly, serve your food and when to start speaking to name a few.

Always negotiate with the person in charge of making decisions to avoid wasting time. Also, keep your conversation light and funny to avoid destroying your reputation. When you master these ten essential skills, you’ll be one of the best negotiators in the world.

What do you think is one of the most important skills to becoming a great negotiator? Share your thoughts with us below!

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How You Can Achieve Mental Wellbeing Through Gardens and Gardening

You’re reading How You Can Achieve Mental Wellbeing Through Gardens and Gardening, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’re enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

The relationship between gardening and mental health is the topic of much discussion at the moment. According to a recent piece published by The Guardian, GPs are now prescribing gardening as a treatment for depression and anxiety. 

As a society, we are becoming more aware of mental health issues: Mental Health First Aid England has reported that 1 in 4 people experience mental health problems every year. Whether or not you have been diagnosed with a mental illness, we can all benefit from an active approach to improving mental wellbeing. 

This article discusses how nature, gardening, and bringing the outdoors in can instill in us a tranquil mindset and improve our mental health.

Nature and Wellbeing

Nature and wellbeing have been thought to be associated throughout history. A 2016 study published by the University of Derby has confirmed the significance of this association from a scientific point of view. Working with the Wildlife Trusts, the researchers found that participants who engaged with nature each day for 30 days reported sustained increases in health and happiness. 

The paper suggested that we feel happier after prolonged exposure to natural surroundings as a result of a heightened sense of inclusion in nature and belonging to the natural world. Contact with nature has been shown to improve self-esteem in children and help to calm ADHD sufferers, enabling them to concentrate.

Gardening and Mental Health

In light of the recent increase in the diagnosis of mental illnesses, psychologists have also begun to explore the connection between gardening and mental health. For many of us, natural outdoor spaces such as forests and reserves are not regularly accessible. As such, taking up gardening is a brilliant way to increase the time you spend outdoors. 

Combining exercise and contact with nature can improve our mental wellbeing even further. Those fortunate enough to have larger gardens can take a stroll outside and relax in a natural setting. If this isn’t possible, then even taking the time to grow some potted plants on a patio or balcony can help.

It isn’t just the outdoor exercise that makes gardening so beneficial for our mental health. The practice of nurturing plants provides us with a sense of responsibility and connection with nature, whilst helping to increase the release of serotonin and dopamine (happiness hormones) and decrease cortisol levels (a stress hormone).

Creating an outdoor space of your own, planning which plants to place where, and watching it all grow together can be incredibly fulfilling. The task of regularly watering and tending to your plants also develops into a routine, which can help us to stay grounded in its own right. The added benefit of improving your garden’s appearance is an additional stimulus for mental wellbeing. 

Watering plants
Watering plants

Bringing the Outdoors In

As we progress into autumn and the cold sets in, we tend to spend less and less time in the garden. Although the earlier evenings and worsening weather can limit our time outdoors, there are plenty of changes that we can make to our homes to bring the outdoors in.

Some home improvements are simple and cheap to implement. Growing more indoor plants can provide some of the mental health benefits of outdoor gardening, giving us something to look after whilst creating a sense of tranquillity in our homes. In addition to this, plants can improve the look of your home and give you something to feel proud of.

It’s also important to allow these house plants to have access to as much light as possible. Recent research suggests that exposure to natural light promotes a regular sleep cycle and encourages deep sleeping, which has a direct impact on our physical and mental health. Another cost-effective way to increase the light levels in your home is to choose window dressings that let more light in and leave internal doors open so that the light can spread through rooms that might otherwise require artificial lighting.

If you’re in a position to invest in larger changes to your home, then it might be worth making structural alterations that increase your contact with the outdoors. Adding patio doors or a conservatory to your home is an excellent way to allow light to flood in and reduce the barriers to your garden. During the summer months, these home improvements will also stimulate mental wellbeing by encouraging you to do more gardening. 

Relaxing in a light-filled garden room can be a helpful substitute for outdoor gardening time over the colder months. With all that added light, conservatories are also the ideal place to grow house plants and benefit from improvements to our mental wellbeing in this way. Enhancing your home with a conservatory needn’t be too expensive a modification to make either, with the option to choose from new or refurbished fittings.

Light-filled conservatory space
Light-filled conservatory space

This article was written by Terry Hill, Managing Director at KLG Rutland. Terry has been working in the home and garden improvement sector for over 10 years and loves helping people to get more from their living space.

You’ve read How You Can Achieve Mental Wellbeing Through Gardens and Gardening, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’ve enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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Why Self Help Programs Don’t Work

self help Have you ever wondered why motivational self help programs don’t work for most people?

Yet there are so many self help programs to every personal problem in the world.

  • Self Help Books
  • Reiki
  • Self Hypnosis
  • Massage
  • Self Help Podcasts
  • Yoga
  • Guided Mediation
  • Access Bars
  • Electro Shock (ok, kidding, just kidding, lol)

and many more.

And no matter what solution is available to resolve your situation, every single one of these self help solutions comes back to THE POWER OF YOUR MIND.

Every one of these solutions deals with what’s going on between your ears.

So, if these self help programs work for other people, why don’t they work for you?

There’s only 2 reasons self help programs don’t work:

  1. People don’t take action and actually use it
  2. People are afraid of change

Let’s deal with reason #1.

A weird thing happens in your mind when you find a solution to a problem. You immediately feel satisfied and there’s a sense of completion.

Let’s take “getting in shape” for instance… Your feeling unhealthy and know you need to lose 10-20 pounds.

So you sign up for gym membership or diet plan, right? But once you pay the money you then feel a sense of accomplishment, right?

And then what happens? 

You don’t take any further action, right? You don’t go to the gym, you don’t follow the food plan and you don’t get results. Am I right so far?


It’s because you took action to solve your problem. That scratched your subconscious itch to improve yourself. And then your subconscious will make you feel like your work is done, nothing left to do.

Now let’s look at reason #2.

Another weird thing happens when you want to solve a personal issue.

You consciously decide to “CHANGE” something about yourself that is already firmly established as “WHO YOU ARE” subconsciously.

And as a MindPower expert, I can tell you, the subconscious mind does not like “change”. It resists change and will do everything to sabotage changing what has already been the standard way of operating your life.

Let’s go back to our “getting in shape” example.

You’ve bought the gym membership or food plan. You plan on starting or maybe you do start the program, but then you miss a day here, then a week goes by, then you just forget about the whole idea. 

Why? Because your subconscious does not want you to change.

Change means leaving behind what you know and becoming something you don’t know.

Change means stepping out of your old familiar comfort zone and stepping into new uncharted territory.

Change means releasing the old version of you that operates on autopilot and creating a new version that must operate on an entirely different level 

So, no wonder your subconscious doesn’t want to change!

And there’s reasons for that too

  • Change is scary,
  • Change is the unknown.
  • Change is the darkness that we can’t see into

Most, if not all, children are afraid of the dark. And most, if not all, people are operating from their subconscious child mind programming.

So if your buying programs and then not following through by actually using them, this is probably why.

Subconsciously, you are resisting change.
(btw – your subconscious is a lazy SOB, so there’s that too, lol)

So what can you do to overcome this dilemma?

Here’s 2 Ideas To Make Motivational Programs Work For You

  1. Replace the word “change” to “TRANSFORM”
  2. Stick with the program

By using the word “TRANSFORM” in your self development process, you take the pressure off of the idea of changing who you are.

You’re already good! You don’t need to “change”.

You now simply “TRANSFORMING” from who, where and how you are, to who, where and how you want to be.

Does a caterpillar “change” into a butterfly? Does it one day say to itself… 

“I think I need to better myself. I’m an ugly caterpillar. Butterflies are beautiful. I wish I could change into a butterfly.
I’ll spend the next 30 days working real hard building a cocoon and maybe that’ll work”

No it doesn’t. 

The caterpillar is already a butterfly in caterpillar form. It knows it’s a butterfly. And easily and effortlessly, it then “TRANSFORMS” into a butterfly.

Why? Because the caterpillar simply trusts the process.

It knows that it simply needs to take action, follow the program and trust that the program works to get the desired result.

You operate the same way… If you simply trust the program you’ve chosen.

Your mind will create the results you desire so long as you use the solution in the instructed way AND continue to feed your mind daily!

Read and reread this over and over again.

Once you program your mind to take action and embrace transformation, motivational programs will work for you, guaranteed! 

Ok, that’s it for now.
Talk to you soon. 🙂

James “JimmyG” Graham, C.Ht. Founder of MPP

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