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Transitional Relationships

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Transitional Relationships

Socrates had it right when it comes to friendship –

“Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art in, continue firm and constant.”

Having great friends and healthy relationships is an asset. They give you more energy and make life more enjoyable. But not all relations can or should last forever.

Transitional relationships come into your life for a reason and a season.

They could be a transactional relationship with a Realtor helping you sell your home. A mentor who steps into your life – even be a new romantic relationship after a breakup.

Transitional relationships enter your life to help you go from where you are to where you want to go. Once you’re there, they are no longer needed.

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The Top Habits That Are Stopping You From Becoming Rich and Wealthy

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Did you know, if you put $5 into a savings account every single morning when you woke up for the next ten years, you would have a savings account at the end totalling $18,250? When it comes to being rich, we all love the idea of having millions in the bank, but what most people don’t realise is that it’s not earning a ton of money that makes people rich, it’s the mindset and habits that go with their lifestyle.

This is why when most average Joe’s win millions in the lottery, many end up back where they started within several years. It’s all about your spending habits that make you get rich and stay rich. 

Below we’re going to explore the common habits you’re going to want to think about:

1. Failing to Stick to a Budget

Everybody who has money has a budget. You’ve probably sat down yourself at some point in your life and thought to yourself, ‘okay, I need a budget, and I’m going to stick with it.’ You look over your accounts, work out how much you’re spending on bills, like food and rent, and then you figure out how much you can save and how much you can spend to stay comfortable and secure.

Being able to stick to a budget and then keeping it like that is a great way to create wealth. Even if your income goes up or you’ve managed to save a few thousand dollars in a savings account, being able to stay within your budget means you won’t end up losing it all.

“The thing I have discovered about working with personal finance is that the good news is that it is not rocket science. Personal finance is about 80 percent behavior. It is only about 20 percent head knowledge.” – Dave Ramsey

2. Only Having a Single Income Stream

You’ve probably heard this point over and over again, and I’ll talk about it a little bit more below, but if you’re only earning income from one place, you’re never going to get rich or wealthy. It’s as simple as that. Let’s say you own an eCommerce store and that’s how you make your money.

Having a second source of income is a way to negate these issues so you can still earn money, even if one stream is subject to issues. One study found that most millionaires have around two or three main sources of income, plus investments on the side, meaning they can make money, and stay secure in the future.

3. Not Investing Enough

If you want to make money and become wealthy, you need to invest. I’m not saying you need to gamble thousands of dollars away on the stock market and potentially not get anything back. That’s a high-risk investment, but if you do want to go that route, then you’re more than welcome to try it.

However, there are much safer investment options, such as bank and government-funded schemes, ISAs, bonds, and investment projects. Investing in these means you’re not only keeping the money safe for a few years so you can’t spend it, but you’re also making a percentage of the money back.

Now, some investment options will allow you to invest as little as $1, but a good habit is to invest a lot in this way. By investing a lot of money, you’re saving more money, which means you’re not spending it on little things, nor tempted to break your budget, but you’re also making more money because you’re investing more.

4. Settling in Your Professional Life

When was the last time you thought about your professional career and where it was heading? As we get older and go up the career ladder, at some point, we end up settling for where we are, and we grow complacent. We don’t seek to get better, get a promotion, or climb higher. We just get comfortable where we are, and this is a bad thing to do.

Naturally, humans seek comfort zones because it means there’s less to worry about, but if you want to become financially secure and grow wealth, you need to keep climbing higher and higher; about as far as you can go. Fortunately, you live in the modern world, so there are plenty of ways to do this.

5. Not Reading for Growth, or Reading at All

If you want to grow as an individual, whether that’s being able to manage your money better or practically improving or educating yourself in any area of life, you need to make sure you’re reading. As of a Corley study, around 92% of people who had ‘minimal assets’ did not read to grow.

On the other hand, pretty much every single millionaire in the world has the habit of reading with the intention to learn and grow. Coincidence? I think not. Of course, reading is fun for entertainment purposes, but you need to diversify your reading choices and get some books on subjects you want to know about, whether that’s investing, starting your own business, or learning a new skill.

”It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” – Robert Kiyosaki

6. Procrastinating Your Life Away

A bad habit that needs no introducing. All the points above rely on this one solid foundation that if you procrastinate your life away, nothing is going to happen. Before I go any further, it’s really important for me to say that this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have any downtime whatsoever.

You cannot work 24/7 all the time and expect yourself not to burn out. However, if you have things to make your list and you end just playing games or shopping or watching TV or movies, this is procrastinating. These activities do not grow you or have a final outcome apart from that time you’ve just spent doing those things is now gone forever.

This is time you could have spent reading, exercising, educating yourself, investing, creating your budget, working on your business, or any of the amazing other things that can help you create the life you want to live. Be bold and brave. It takes courage to live the life you want to live, but anyone can do it if they just put the effort in.

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8 Ways To Manage Your Day-To-Day Stress

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Even if you don’t struggle with anxiety, just about everyone goes through periods of extreme stress. If you don’t know how to manage stress, you may find yourself using unhealthy coping mechanisms that can make it difficult to get back to your normal lifestyle. If you’re looking for new ways to help manage your day-to-day stress, here are ten things you can try.

1. Avoid Stimulants

If your days are becoming more stressful, you may want to consider cutting back on the coffee. If you smoke, you may want to think about cutting back on cigarettes as well. Quitting altogether may be more than you can handle currently, but even decreasing your usage a little should help. Though they may seem like effective coping mechanisms, nicotine and caffeine can actually increase your stress levels and make you more irritable throughout the day. Instead of loading up on coffee, prioritize a healthy sleep schedule. While certain stressors can make you wish for a drink at the end of a long day, alcohol can also make stress worse. This is especially true if you wake up hungover and are unable to accomplish your many tasks during the day. While medication can help, there is usually a trial and adjustment period while you find the type and dosage that works for you. On the other hand, CBD oil is easy to find and can be extremely effective in reducing effects of depression and anxiety.

2. Stop Saying “Yes”

Some feelings of heightened stress are linked to obligations to others. If you have people depending on you at your job, at home or in your social circles, you may feel like you have to agree to more than you can handle. In this case, it is essential that you sort out your priorities before you become too overwhelmed. It may be time to step back and focus on things that are important to you, and you only. Author Nora Roberts makes an excellent point about juggling priorities. When you have lots of balls in the air, know which ones are glass, and which ones are plastic. Maybe that important task at work is glass and you can’t afford to drop it. Meanwhile, volunteering for the PTA bake sale is decidedly plastic, but your child’s play that they’ve been rehearsing for all semester is definitely glass. Managing stress is crucial to a healthy lifestyle, so don’t feel guilty about stepping back and reassessing what you can handle.

3. Rest

When you have a load of tasks that need to be completed, rest may become just another item on your list. However, if your mind and body needs a break, you won’t perform at your best. Rest is crucial when you’re physically ill, and it should be considered just as crucial when you’re going through periods of extreme stress. Sometimes stepping back from the things that are causing you stress can give you a more objective view of the problems and challenges causing your anxiety. Getting some distance can help you come to solutions much faster than you would have otherwise. Neglecting rest for long periods of time can lead to burnout, in which case your efficiency will drop anyway, which can cause even more stress. It may be hard to turn off your brain at first, but taking the time to relax could be the recharge you need.

4. Time Management

If you’re lacking structure to your day or your work schedule, you may not be working in a way that is most efficient. As a result, you may not be seeing the progress you thought you would, which can cause more stress. Without managing your time, you may be more prone to distractions. To avoid this, map out your time with a daily and weekly schedule. When you approach this task, it’s easy to get carried away with all the productivity you wish you had, but try to be realistic. The worksheet may say you have 24 hours, but you know how many of those you need for rest. You know roughly how many hours you need to dedicate to family time, and you know you need to schedule buffers for emergencies or other things that can pop up unexpectedly, like car troubles. You may want to take a few days to just record how you spend your time so you have a better idea of what your current schedule actually looks like. Once you’ve made changes to how you manage your time, stick to it as closely as possible. This way you don’t get stuck on any one task and avoid the others by mistake. Once you have a routine in place, you’ll find it is easier to move from task to task because both your mind and body will have adjusted, and you won’t need to exercise precious willpower to move on to the next task or resist endless scrolling on your phone.

5. Get Help

When stress makes it difficult to function, don’t be afraid to ask for help. This may look different to everyone. You may be taking on too much at work, and your coworkers could be doing more. Maybe your family isn’t contributing to the home as much, or maybe you need to come to an agreement about taking on fewer household responsibilities as you learn how to better manage your stress. Often the people in your life won’t know that you’re struggling until you do ask for help. While redistributing tasks can make managing stress easier, sometimes it’s not enough. If you’re having trouble managing stress on your own, you may want to consider professional help. Speaking to a therapist can help you pinpoint sources of your anxiety and how to deal with them in the future.

6. Identify Your Triggers

If you know which situations cause you stress, you can do a better job of avoiding them. You may not be able to avoid all of them all the time, but you can regain some control. If a cluttered workspace causes anxiety in the morning, take some time to tidy your desk before leaving in the afternoon. If a certain aspect of your job causes more anxiety, you may be able to switch around your tasks so that you’re more comfortable. If your workplace becomes distracting, try using an empty conference room or see if you can work from home a day or two out of the week. It’s important to advocate for yourself, especially when it comes to mental health.

7. Exercise

Exercise has been lauded for its mood-boosting effects, which can make a big difference if you’re combating anxiety. While you may not have much motivation to exercise when your schedule is already full, a quick jog or swim can make a big difference in how you feel by the end of the day. Plus, moving your body can be a great way to let your subconscious work out solutions to problems you’re experiencing in both your workplace and personal life. This can also be a social activity that helps you and a friend or two meet your fitness goals. Isolation or loneliness can have a huge impact on mental health, so finding a walking group or workout buddy is a convenient way to take out two birds with one stone. While a gym is nice, you don’t need fancy equipment or an expensive membership to get a good workout in. There are lots of ways to use your environment, and many classes are available online or on apps for free.

8. Use Your Hobbies

When things become overwhelming, a great source of stress relief is indulging in your hobbies. Whether you pursue knitting, dancing or some other activity, making time for yourself can alleviate many symptoms of stress. Depending on the hobby, you may even have a finished item to show for your time. However, it is important that you don’t equate your worth with your productivity, as is becoming more and more common with creative individuals. If you judge yourself based on the things you make, something you love may turn into just another source of stress, all because you haven’t opened an Etsy store like that girl on Instagram. Never mind that you only have a couple of hours a week to dedicate to your macramé plant holders. If you tend to slip into this mindset, you may be better off with the hobby that doesn’t result in a physical item from your efforts. A good alternative is volunteering since there are so many ways you can donate your time and skills.

During life changes and massive unprecedented global events, pretty much everyone is going to deal with unprecedented amounts of stress. While this can seem unavoidable, how you deal with this stress is completely up to you. By using these eight tips and focusing on the things that are within your control, you can better manage your anxiety and advocate for your mental health in healthy and effective ways.

The post 8 Ways To Manage Your Day-To-Day Stress appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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6 Tips We Used to Start a Booming Ecommerce Business

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Starting a business is not easy. If it was, everyone and their mother would have one (spoiler alert: they don’t). According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 20% of small businesses fail within the first year. The truth is that you need to know how to start a business before you take the risky plunge.

But don’t be discouraged! Our small cosmetics wholesale company has managed to make $1,000,000+ in sales this year alone despite 2020 being synonymous with doomsday. This serves as the ultimate starting point to turn your side hustle into your full-time business.

Remember the 5 tips below and you are bound to succeed:

1. Refuse to quit when the going gets tough  

As the famous Billy Ocean once sang, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Yes, it’s cheesy, cliché, and easier said than done. It’s also an essential mindset of starting a business

When we started our company, we had to make huge sacrifices. My co-founder had to sell his car. We both only had enough to cover the expenses of our business initially. The employees of our company consisted of just us. 

For years we had to keep our goal in mind and have no doubt that this risk would pay off. And it paid off big! Starting a business will always be difficult, no exceptions. Some days will be horrible, some days will be great. Everyday will serve a bigger purpose. 

2. Create your site on a platform made for ecommerce 

Unless you’re a web developer, please don’t try to craft your store from scratch. Many platforms have built-in functionality to hit the ground running. In particular, they even have the ability to create custom reports. You’ll be able to let customers checkout on your site, you can track their buying patterns, and see where your traffic is coming from. 

What’s also good about platforms like these, is that they have easy ways to regulate and boost your search engine rankings. It just makes it simple to update crucial SEO data like your site’s meta description and meta title. Information like this not only lets potential leads know what your company is all about, but it lets search engines know too. 

“Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.” – Tony Hsieh

3. Stay agile and vigilant toward market changes 

Now more than ever, small businesses need to stay on top of changes in the market both domestically and internationally. Even in the best years, it’s important to monitor the market and have the ability to quickly make changes in order to survive. 

Stay on top of trends. Know the supply and demand of the market your ecommerce site is focusing on to stay ahead of the competition. This year especially has served as a good exercise in being flexible. Have a master plan, but leave wiggle room for the unexpected. 

4. Make customers your focus from the first day 

Your customers are the lifeblood of your company. If you can’t absolutely commit to being empathetic to them, you might as well have no customers. 

By focusing on providing as much value as possible to the customer, you will always win. Especially when starting a business, as you enter an area that already has established competitors, one of the easiest ways to begin to take market share is by providing a better experience. 

That means having the ability to accept a smaller margin or dedicating more time and resources to areas that influence the customer experience the most. That could be in the form of customer service, pricing, or any other factor. 

Figure out your customers’ different buyer personas. Who are they? What are the problems they face? Tailor your content and strategy to fit each individual’s needs. You do both them and yourself a disservice without knowing this. 

“No matter how many customers you have, each is an individual. The day you start thinking of them as this amorphous ‘collection’ and stop thinking of them as people is the day you start going out of business.” Dharmesh Shah

5. Identify which CRM systems you’ll need 

Starting a small business in the modern era has added more obstacles for entrepreneurs to overcome. Make it easy for yourself and use services that allow you to manage your customers. You’ll likely need a software that lets you respond to inquiries and need another to launch robust, segmented campaigns for marketing purposes. 

Research what CRMs you’ll need ahead of time, and which ones would be the best fit for you. It will save you time and a headache later when you inevitably expand your business. Also, good CRMs can give your small business the ability to collect key information about your clients. Buyer patterns and problems become apparent with this kind of software. 

6. Choose a market you understand

Just because your friend made 6 figures off of selling a certain product doesn’t mean you will. The web is saturated with courses telling you how you can double your salary by selling this one thing. The majority of consumers won’t find success this way alone.

Simply, the more you understand about the products or services you are selling, the easier it is to create a marketing strategy for your business. The same goes for finding suppliers and most importantly, understanding your customers. 

Have you ever considered starting a business? If so, what’s stopping you from beginning? Share your stories with us below!

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The Esoteric Meaning Behind Neo’s Interrogation Scene in The Matrix

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esoteric meaning neo interrogation matrix

More than 20 years old now, The Matrix is recognized by fans across the world as being one of the most brilliant films in history, most notably for its deeper meaning and esoteric philosophy.


One scene that is particularly intriguing, considering the social climate of today, is Neo’s interrogation by the Agents of the Matrix.

Now, before we dig into the potential hidden meaning here, as I perceive it, and how Neo found himself in this uncomfortable position to begin with, let’s first establish some key points in relation to the overall story line that will help us to appreciate the implications behind this scene a little bit more.

What Does The Character Neo Represent in the Matrix?

Neo in ancient Greek (νέος) means new/young one. This is an important piece of the puzzle to help us understand what the directors of the film are trying to communicate to us. With that said, when we assess Neo’s character in the first film, we find that he is a solitary individual that keeps to himself and is struggling to find deeper meaning in this world by constantly searching the internet.

What Does The Character Morpheus Represent in the Matrix?

Morpheus in Greek mythology is a messenger of the gods. He appears to humans through dreams with the intention of delivering divine Knowledge and Truth. In the Greek mythos, he can appear in almost any form in people’s dreams, which could be because anyone, regardless of race, gender, or outward appearance, can be a messenger of enlightenment and Truth.

The First Matrix Film is About The Beginning of the Journey to Awakening

With the understanding of the deeper meaning behind what Neo and Morpheus’ characters represent in the film, we can now appreciate the intro scene of Neo sleeping (whilst searching for Morpheus) through a different lens of perception and awareness.

You see, Neo sleeping whilst searching online for Morpheus represents the early stages of the Truth seekers journey — “asleep” but still searching for deeper meaning in life — and hoping to find that meaning by seeking out a “messenger” of higher Knowledge and Truth.

Truth is Terrorism in the Empire of Lies

Through his incessant efforts, Neo begins to get closer and closer to finding the elusive Morpheus. This, however, also attracts the unwanted attention of the Agents in the Matrix, which represent the enforcers of the shadow government of this system. Their job is to ensure that no one exposes what the Matrix really is, and how it turns unsuspecting every day human beings into useful resources that it can use and exploit.


The Agents proceed to apprehend Neo and interrogate him, where they make it very clear that they’ve been spying on him and keeping meticulous records of his activities, both online and offline, for quite some time now. As we all know very well today, all around the world intelligence agencies are doing exactly that — tracking what we view online and keeping meticulous records on many of our movements.

The agents, however, do not see Neo as being a major threat to the Matrix system, as he is still in the early stages of his awakening and does not know enough to be a major threat. Instead, they offer him a deal where they will be willing to “wipe the slate clean” on his illegal activities online, if Neo will simply help them track down the man they call Morpheus, who they claim is “a known terrorist” that is “considered by many authorities to be the most dangerous man alive”.

This represents that the single greatest threat to this manipulative system — which is overwhelmingly ruled by deception and exploitation — is any messenger of higher Knowledge and Truth that can potentially awaken those who are still “asleep” to what the proverbial Matrix really is. In fact, one could argue this sort of power struggle has been going on for thousands of years, and is possibly why Socrates was accused of “corrupting the youth” by the ruling class more than 2,000 years ago and subsequently sentenced to death; or why Fred Hampton was assassinated by government authorities in 1969; or, in more recent history, why civilians that were peacefully protesting against Wall Street and the bankers for their part in destroying the world economy in 2008, were targeted by the FBI and even labelled as potential “domestic terrorists“.

Simply put, Truth is terrorism in the empire of lies.

Imaginary Rights

Neo, still being somewhat naïve and unbegun in his journey, rejects the Agent’s offer and demands he get a phone call because “I know my rights!”

To this, Agent Smith retorts, “tell me Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call if you’re unable to speak?”, which results in Neo’s mouth warping in the most eerie of ways.


This scene represents a lesson that all genuine Truth seekers eventually come to learn — this system is not concerned with human rights nor is it concerned with upholding authentic justice. Instead, it inculcates these beliefs and misperceptions into our minds from a very young age, because it serves to help legitimize its unnecessary existence in the eyes of the unsuspecting public and indoctrinate us as to why we think we need it. But in reality, our government guaranteed “rights” can be taken away from us in the blink of an eye.

In relation to current events, for example, many thousands of people worldwide have been arrested for violating curfew orders; In one Indian state, civilians were told they must take selfies every hour and send it to the authorities to prove that they are staying indoors; in South Africa, some have been fined for not wearing masks while driving their cars; In Boston in the United States, people have even been told that they will be fined if they walk “the wrong direction” down the street; Homeless people in France have reportedly been fined for not staying indoors; Some people have been arrested for attending funerals of loved ones because it violated lockdown orders; Others (including doctors and scientists) have had their right to freedom of speech censored online; In Australia, a pregnant woman was actually arrested in her home for facebook posts that encouraged protesting against the lockdown; According to the International Labor Organization, tens of millions are being pushed into unemployment; and travel all around the world has been severely restricted by these authorities who have taken it upon themselves to be the rulers of this planet by dictating what the rest of us can and cannot do. Whether you agree with these policies or not, these things cannot logically be called “rights” since they are so very easily violated and taken away from us.

We Must Start With the Imagination

There are many other examples that demonstrate how our government given “rights” are more of a comforting illusion than an actual reality, such as the CIA’s secretive Black Site torture programs, which have been done in cooperation with other intelligence agencies and authorities throughout the world. In these programs, people have been kidnapped — without any legal criminal charge or trial — and then taken to undisclosed secret locations where many of them are tortured for many months on end, in ways that are considered to be in violation of international law and basic human rights. The CIA, of course, simply claims they are suspected terrorists. In 2014, however, a Senate Intelligence Committee Report found that at least 26 of the people that were kidnapped and tortured were actually “wrongfully detained”.

Wake Up Neo — You Are the One

Fortunately, Neo manages to escape this unthinkable situation without any serious injury or harm. Soon after, he is contacted by Morpheus, where he is told that he was very lucky that the Agents underestimated his great potential and spared him, because if the Agents had known the great secret that Morpheus knows, then Neo would probably be dead.

Confused by the obvious strangeness of everything taking place, Neo asks Morpheus what the hell is going on, and what exactly is he talking about?? Without hesitation, Morpheus replies to him, “You are the one Neo — You see, you may have spent the last few years looking for me, but I have spent my entire life looking for you.”

This is perhaps the most important lesson the new Truth seeker must eventually come to learn — We are the ones we have been waiting for to change this corrupt world my friends; and we must stop looking for heroes and human leaders to absolve us of this very serious responsibility. Instead, we must all take on the role of Morpheus — which is to awaken as many Neo’s (new minds) as we possibly can, whilst also taking on the role that represents the journey of Neo, by challenging ourselves to become the best version of who we authentically are.

By doing this, we will help to awaken and unleash the unique creative forces of each individual’s problem solving imagination; and we will also find unity in our shared struggle against the injustices, and corruption, of this inhumane system which invariably exploits us all.

If not us, then who? And if not now, then when?

Written by Gavin Nascimento, Founder of

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Dealing With: “Can You Do Me a Favor?” Saying No to Effectively Manage Your Time

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Have you ever been asked for a favor and before the person asking has even finished their sentence, you already knew that you WANTED to say no?

But you said yes instead because you felt guilty, didn’t you?

Requests for favors can cause us a lot of stress when we are deciding how to respond. We are navigating feelings of frustration, resentment and guilt while trying to maintain professionalism and manage the relationship.

To give you an example, I was recently discussing some projects that I had been working on in a casual conversation with some friends and acquaintances. As I discussed the Career Development projects that I had been working on, one of my acquaintances took the opportunity to tell me about a job that he was planning on applying for.

He then said, “Hey, I’m going to email you my resume so that you can look it over and edit it before I apply tomorrow, okay? What’s your email address?”

My first thought was, “Excuse me!?”

But of course, I had to quickly filter these negative thoughts and emotions, pause for a moment and silently break down this request:

  1. First, he was an acquaintance, not a close friend, so I was surprised that he had made such a bold request to begin with.
  2. Second, he completely ignored the fact that resume writing was part of my job and something that I got PAID to do. He was expecting this service for free.
  3. Third, he really didn’t ask if I could do him a favour, he TOLD me that he was going to send his resume to me for my review.
  4. And lastly, he gave me less than 24 hours to complete this favour, without considering what my schedule might be.

Despite all of this, the guilt took over and I blurted out “Sure, I’ll see what I can do,” and gave him my email address.

I instantly regretted it.

In order to satisfy his request, I had to interrupt my work schedule which put a lot of added pressure on the deadlines that I was facing. In the middle of my work day, I begrudgingly looked over his resume, and realized just how much work was involved.

My perfectionism kicked in, causing me to put in far more time that I bargained for, because I ended up rewriting his entire resume. This forced me to work late in order to catch up on my own tasks. The whole experience was absolutely miserable, however it could have been avoided if I had learned how to deal with the “Can you do me a favour” scenario.

The “Can You Do Me A Favour” Scenario

The “Can you do me a favour” scenario is a highly common situation that we experience within and outside of the workplace. Saying yes all of the time, especially when we don’t want to will cause undue amounts of stress and frustration. Most importantly, this added stress can affect our wellbeing.

I know what you’re thinking…

It’s hard to say no!

Although you might fear coming off as aggressive or rude, saying no is a healthy part of our professional lives. So here are some suggestions on dealing with “Can you do me a favour?”

Dealing with “Can You Do Me A Favour?”

Change Your View Of “No”

When people ask you for a favour, remember that they are ASKING a question to which they are giving you the option of saying yes or saying no. The choice is YOURS and both yes and no equally valid answers. Although, “No” has developed a negative connotation, creating a sense of guilt, we have to remember that we are not bad people for saying no. We are simply making a decision.

Get Clarity

If you immediately get fired by someone’s request for a favour, try not to respond right away, while you are experiencing a myriad of emotions. Take 24 hours to get clarity on how you truly feel about the request before providing an answer. You can simply say, “Let me get back to you tomorrow on this request.”

Set Boundaries

We have all heard about the importance of setting boundaries in our lives, however we often underestimate the consequences of NOT setting boundaries.

Time is your most valuable resource. Your time is limited and you CANNOT do everything. You have to be selective with the use of your time, so that you are tackling the tasks that will help you advance in your career and your life. 

By constantly saying yes to favours, you will be reducing the amount of time that you have to spend on things that are truly beneficial to you. Without boundaries, you will end up filling up your schedule and leaving no time for important things like self-care. Say no to the things that impede on the time that you have set aside for yourself. If people don’t respect these boundaries, then they don’t respect you.

Present Your Terms

If the favour is something that you don’t mind doing, but not exactly the way it has been presented to you, present your own terms.

When asked to review a resume in under 24 hours, knowing the capacity of my schedule, I should have responded with, “I can help you out with your resume, however I will need more time to do so, can you give me a few days?” Although this is not saying no, it does make the request more feasible.

Offer An Alternative

When we say no to people, the guilt can often come from the fact that you know the person genuinely needs help and will experience difficulty without your help. Although you are saying no, you can point them in the right direction by offering an alternative.

For Example:

Request:  “Can you review my resume?”

Response: “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to, but here is a great website with really helpful tips on resume writing. I think that you’ll find it helpful in improving your resume.”

Provide Your Reasons if You Have Them

Some people simply can’t take no for an answer. They require a reason for why you are denying them. If you are comfortable and confident in your reason for saying no, share it. This will make the “no” easier for them to receive in addition to taking the guilt out of it.

For Example:

Request: “Can you review my resume?”

Response: “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to, I have a few projects with strict deadlines and I won’t have the time to review your resume with all of the work that I have to do.”

Effective time and relationship management involves managing expectations and prioritizing your tasks. The next time someone asks you for a favour, do yourself one and say no when necessary!

Looking for more?

Check out our YouTube video on Burn Out

Diondra Filicetti

Purpose Mentor, Communications Specialist Owner at Driven By… Co.

I am a Purpose Mentor tirelessly deconstructing motivation to get to the core of what drives people in order to understand fulfillment. For me, continuous improvement is a way of life, whether in the workplace, in society or at home. Self-improvement begins with understanding your purpose, your desired future state and constantly learning from mistakes and making changes. It is my purpose to help others to grow and to develop on their individual paths to fulfillment.

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The post Dealing With: “Can You Do Me a Favor?” Saying No to Effectively Manage Your Time appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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Fermented Foods and Your Gut: Why They Are So Good for Your Health

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Do you have more than the occasional abdominal upset? If you find yourself singing the Pepto-Bismol jingle most days, why not consider adding more fermented foods to your diet. 

You don’t have to go to a fancy health food store to buy exotic-sounding ingredients. You probably have many staples in your pantry and fridge. Here’s the skinny on fermented foods and your gut and how they benefit your overall health. 

What Is Fermentation? 

You might think of the term “fermentation” in association with beer or wine. However, this food preparation method goes back thousands of years — as far as 6000 B.C. in the Fertile Crescent. 

Many people ferment foods to protect them from decay and food-borne illnesses. In regions with poor sanitation, such measures let folks meet their caloric needs without coming down with potentially fatal diarrhea and vomiting from pathogens. 

You benefit from the fruits of their labor today. Those snack-sized pickles that make a convenient late-night nosh or crisp addition to your neighborhood barbecue? They come preserved in salt brine and garlic — no cucumber from the produce section would stay fresh like a jar of gherkins. 

5 Ways Fermented Foods Help Your Gut 

How do fermented foods help your gut? Much of the secret lies in prebiotics and probiotics. What’s the difference? Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that exist naturally in your intestine, but you can also consume through your diet. 

Prebiotics consists of the fiber these microscopic critters feast upon, and you can find both in fermented products. Here are five health benefits of getting more fermented foods in your diet. 

1. They Provide Beneficial Enzymes

Your intestines need a healthy balance of enzymes to work at their best. During fermentation, microorganisms produce these fluids to break down complex compounds. 

Your body can then access simple biomolecules critical to function. Proteinase, amylase and catalase all play crucial roles in keeping your pipes running smoothly. 

2. They Encourage Healthy Bacteria

Perhaps the most critical beneficial property of fermented food is that they encourage healthy gastrointestinal flora. Changes in your intestinal microbiome may do everything from influencing your mood to causing painful flares in those with chronic health conditions. 

Many of the neurotransmitters required for healthy mood function originate in your intestines. Scientists have found that your gut bacteria produce dopamine, GABA and norephedrine, to name a few. Imbalances in these substances can spur anxiety and depression. 

3. They Help You Digest

Because fermented foods produce many of the enzymes needed for digestion while spurring further development in the gut, you might ease conditions such as heartburn, bloating and gas. You can see that our ancestors knew of this property even if they lacked the science to explain it. 

For example, in the eastern European tradition, many individuals consume pork and sauerkraut as part of their holiday feasts. Meat takes longer to digest than many other substances, but they needed the rich fat to provide the necessary calories to beat the cold. Fermented cabbage helped them process the much-needed energy. 

4. They Keep Your Stools More Solid

Did you keep wet wipes near your commode even before COVID-19? If you frequently have loose, watery stools that make a mess, fermented foods could help. 

Because these foods help your gut produce more beneficial bacteria, your large intestine can do its job more effectively. As a result, you form stools that aren’t too firm to pass comfortably but maintain solidity. 

5. They Enhance Your Immune Response 

These days, everyone cares more about boosting their immune health. Eating more fermented foods could help. 

Claudia Staubert and colleagues from the University of Leipzig recently published a study finding that humans possess a receptor in their cells that detects metabolites in fermented foods. When they do, it signals them to send your immune system into drive and gets them circulating throughout your body, scouring out pathogens. 

How to Get More Fermented Foods in Your Diet? 

If the benefits of fermented foods sound enticing, they should! Here are five ways to get more of these wonders in your diet. 

  • Eat more sauerkraut: You can make a homemade version and ferment other veggies, like cauliflower and red pepper, if you don’t like cabbage alone. 
  • Use Greek yogurt as a dressing: Want a simple salad dressing that wins awards from your family? Mix balsamic vinegar, a touch of olive oil, plain Greek yogurt and fresh herbs from your garden. It tastes incredible and takes minutes to make. 
  • Drink kombucha or kefir: If you puzzled over these beverages on grocery shelves, give them a try. They aren’t too sweet and may contain other beneficial herbs such as lavender and hibiscus. 
  • Mix up some miso soup: The miso that gives the homonymous soup its name is a fermented wonder. 
  • Tempt your tastebuds with tempeh: If you are a vegan, this fermented tofu tastes smokier than the plain version. It makes an ideal substitute for smoker “roasts” as the holidays near. 

Fermented Foods Are Good for Your Gut and Overall Health 

Fermented foods do wonders for your physical and even your mental health. Add more to your diet today and reap the benefits. 

The post Fermented Foods and Your Gut: Why They Are So Good for Your Health appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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7 Rules to Life-Long Happiness

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7 Rules to Life-Long Happiness

I’m a fan of Stoic Philosophy. While it may be over 2,000 years old, its practicality is still useful.

These rules to live by will help you have a happier life:

1. If you’re going to learn and succeed, be humble. There is always someone smarter, more successful, and wiser. 

2. Find the right scene. Choose your friends and situations. If you want to rise in life, you can’t allow yourself to be held down by others.

3. Protect your time. Seneca said, “We’re tight-fisted with property and money, yet think too little of wasting time, the one thing about which we should all be the toughest misers.” Life is short.

4. Never do anything out of habit. Always think about how you can do things better and always question yourself.

5. Keep it simple — do your job. Approach every task as if it were your last because it very well could be.

6. Adapt and learn from failure. Using your success to justify complacency is common. It’s also easy, which is why most people do it. You can do more and be better.

7. Live below your means. The more you need work to maintain your needs, the less you will enjoy what you have.

Everything in life comes down to keeping things simple and mastering the basics. That’s how you get the success you deserve.

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Why I Didn’t Want to Do the Dishes – The Relationship Between Laziness, Inefficiency and Complacency

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I have always had a certain aversion for particular tasks growing up. One that sticks out most in my mind was washing the dishes.

This was because growing up we didn’t have a dishwasher. There was a constant conflict between my parents and myself, arguing over when I would wash the dishes, and even now I can hear my mother saying, “Don’t you leave that plate in the sink without washing it.” I would always respond with “Mom, I’ll wash all my dishes later… at the end of the day, when I’ve got a larger pile.” She would then say, “Why are you so LAZY Diondra, it’s one plate, it’s easier to do it now.”

Getting called lazy irritated me so much because I truly believed that it was more efficient and made more sense to wash all of the dishes once per day, when you have accumulated a pile. Outside of the household chores, I thought I was a very hardworking and self-motivated person. So there was something about being called lazy that didn’t sit right with me.

Lately, I have been thinking more about the relationship of my aversion to particular tasks with the guilt of being called lazy. I realized that what I hated most about washing the dishes, was that I knew that there was a better way to do it. There was cutting edge technology available that washed your dishes for you! Yet, my mother refused to even consider purchasing a dishwasher because she didn’t see anything wrong with washing dishes by hand. It frustrated me that she didn’t see that a dishwasher would save so much time, eliminate our constant arguing and would even prevent the nail damage she constantly complained about. There was a better way, yet I was stuck doing a repetitive task that I really resented.

So I realized that my problem wasn’t with washing the dishes, my problem was that it was inefficient and somewhat unnecessary, because it was a problem that already had a solution.

I started to see this same cycle of task aversion and frustration at work, with particular tasks that I couldn’t stand doing. I proposed a variety of solutions to restructure particular records in a digital format that would be searchable and accessible and much more efficient for everyone. I was met with the same reaction, a rejection of the idea and an insinuation that I should just continue to do it the way it has always been done, because there was “nothing wrong” with the current system.

So did that make me lazy for wanting a better way to get tasks done?

It is not lazy to want a more efficient way to do something, it is smart. In fact, inventions are meant to make tasks easier. Making tasks easier, frees up time for us to do other, more important things. Imagine if we all still had to harvest our own food, we wouldn’t have time to do anything else!

For anyone in a work environment, loathing inefficient tasks because you know there is a better way, don’t drink the punch and believe that you are lazy simply because you won’t comply and buy into inefficiency. Instead question whether you are in a complacent environment:

How to Identify a Complacent Work Environment

  1. Inefficiencies: A complacent work environment if often riddled with inefficient methods of doing things, because nobody ever bothered to improve these methods, or perhaps they don’t care to make improvements. They are just fine with the status quo.
  2. Lack of Initiative: Complacent work environments contain people who lack initiative. People are unwilling to take responsibility and take ownership of projects or tasks that are outside of their job description. You’ll often hear the phrase, “Well that’s not my job.”
  3. Passive Aggression / Insults: When complacent people disagree with the ideas/initiatives of proactive people, they will often want to discourage the proactive people by making insults or responding with passive aggression. Remember, “Stop being so lazy Diondra?” And have you ever heard, “Why fix what’s not broken?”
  4. No Self-Investment or Investment in the Business: Complacency in the workplace often stems from complacency or a lack of leadership within management. This often manifests itself as an unwillingness of managers to invest in the employees or in the business. Improvement projects might be declined, funding for employee education might not exist, and there might not be a tolerance for people who step out of line and try to do things a different way. Suffice to say, management would like to stick to business as is, because it has been working fine for them.

If you find yourself in a complacent work environment, you really have two options. The first is despite all of the resistance you’re going to face, try to demonstrate the value that a dishwasher could bring to the operation, i.e. try to make improvements. The second option is to find a workplace where your ideas will be heard and valued.

Whatever path you choose, don’t allow yourself to become complacent and accepting of the inefficient tasks assigned to you. If you are not in an environment that will listen to your suggestions and they instead call you lazy, entitled or difficult, understand that you might just be surrounded by complacency.

Keep in mind that if it weren’t for so called “lazy” people, in search of improvements and efficiencies, a dishwasher and the many inventions we have in our lives today probably wouldn’t exist.

Looking for more?

Check out our YouTube video on Burn Out


Diondra Filicetti is a purpose Mentor, Communications Specialist, Owner at Driven By… Co.

I am a Purpose Mentor and Communications Specialist tirelessly deconstructing motivation to get to the core of what drives people in order to understand fulfillment. For me, continuous improvement is a way of life, whether in the workplace, in society or at home. Self-improvement begins with understanding your purpose, your desired future state and constantly learning from mistakes and making changes. It is my purpose to help others to grow and to develop on their individual paths to fulfillment.

Connect with me online:





The post Why I Didn’t Want to Do the Dishes – The Relationship Between Laziness, Inefficiency and Complacency appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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Reinventing Yourself Now

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Reinventing Yourself Now

Change is one of those things that happens over time for most people. Sometimes you have no choice. If the past few months’ events have you thinking about tweaking your life – I have a couple of suggestions to get you started.

1) No matter what dreams you hold, be sure to inventory the good, bad, and ugly of your current situation. You can’t move forward if you don’t know where you are starting. Don’t be afraid. Information is power.

2) Next, decide WHAT you want and paint a picture of your life after your journey. Knowing your destination before you begin assures your success.

3) Now that you have laid the foundation, it’s time to understand WHY you want it so bad. Doing the previous two steps should have built your desire and excitement. When that happens, it’s time to lock in your WHY and get moving.

Know where you are, what you will create, and WHY you must achieve your goal. Realistic and grounded thinking makes anything possible.

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