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Busting Through Limiting Beliefs

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Busting Through Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever had the feeling that something is holding you back? You have limiting beliefs.

You were not born with limiting beliefs. Your experiences have installed a belief system within you. It serves as your guide in everything you do. The next time you find yourself unable to move forward, try these steps:

1) Identify the thought or behavior that is blocking you. In today’s busy world, that can be a challenge. Catch yourself in the act, pause, and identify what you are feeling.

2) Test that feeling by asking WHY you feel that way. Is it real, or is it an automatic response? Is it necessary for you? Would you like to keep it or change it?

3) Validate the answer you gave yourself, and commit to experiences that support your goals. You are now changing the path of your life.

Having limited beliefs is ordinary and necessary. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had no limits at all? Wait? You don’t!

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Why Education Should Be a Lifelong Process

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Many of us consider the end of our formal schooling to be the end of our education. We leave school, begin our professional careers, and shift our focus away from learning.

But growth is a lifelong process, not limited to formal education. Our wisdom accumulates indirectly through life experience.

The development of our wisdom can be expedited and expanded by concomitant gains in knowledge. We can make more of what we know, and better understand our experiences.

If we wish to truly make the most of ourselves and maximize our potential, we should view learning as a lifelong process. It doesn’t matter whether that process is directed by an institution or by oneself.

Material Limitations

There are inevitable reasons why formal schooling comes to an end.

For many, setting entire years aside to learn full-time only makes sense when they are young and at the beginning of their careers. Changing course is expensive and time-intensive; not all of us have the luxury of starting a new career later in life.

So, as our educational commitments draw near their end, we have to decide whether to renew them. Our decision can only be made in light of our current resources and circumstances, which themselves may be abundant and permissive or scarce and restrictive. There is always a question of return-on-investment to be considered.

Many people may need more time and experience to learn about themselves by the time they are forced to make a decision about their future. If they proceed, they risk their time and money on an education that may turn out to be of limited use or interest.

The level of risk depends on the resources and support available to the individual in question. If their financial resources are scarce, it may not make sense to risk these resources on an opulent education.

Those who do take the risk are highly incentivized not to change their program. If they do, their progress will be lost, their time and money wasted. 

These individuals may be forced to continue on their trajectory towards a certain career path, even if they’ve long since realized that this path is of limited relevance to them. People change, and youth is a dangerous time to be making lifelong decisions.

Because of the cost and risk of formal education, there is a realistic limit on the amount of formal education that each of us can viably pursue.

Apples to Oranges

The inevitable end of our formal education, however, needn’t spell the end of our informal education. We have the good fortune of living in an age when literacy is widespread, and educational resources are broadly disseminated. We even have our choice of medium. Self-education, therefore, is flexible.

Contrast this with formal education. Formal education is generally meant to lead towards acquisition of a credential; however, it is not certain that the knowledge developed in pursuit of said credential will actually lead to any personal growth, or the development of true wisdom. 

This is a consequence of the inflexibility of formal education. Those who seek a credential are required to follow the strict dictates of their program. They are required to take particular courses at a particular time. 

When we self-educate, on the other hand, we set the structure. Since we are allowed complete freedom over the content and timing of our education, we can be assured of its value.

Its value, however, does not come in the form of a credential, so self-education cannot improve our earning potential in any direct way.

Instead, its value is in its enhancement of our wisdom. At any given stage in our lives, we gravitate towards that which complements the stage in question. We will naturally seek out information that satisfies our needs, curiosities, and questions. 

In educating ourselves, therefore, we take an active role in developing the wisdom that we need to overcome our adversities, rather than passively waiting for life experience to teach us (often painful) lessons.

A Rewarding Challenge

Self-education demands little or no financial investment. Where it demands our time, it does so with total flexibility, and where it demands our interest, it allows us to choose its subject matter. 

The only barrier to self-education is motivation. Formal education offers us the structure of deadlines and the support of a community. Self-education does not.

Overcoming this barrier requires us to consider the value of our education, as well as the value of ourselves. This is why self-respect is so valuable: if we don’t consider ourselves a worthwhile investment, we won’t bother investing in ourselves.

Those of us who wish to make the most of our lives must take their education into their own hands. We must become the architects of our own support systems and incentives.

In doing so, we become the architects of our own minds, and the authors of our own life stories.

The goal of Superspective is to provide a support system and to encourage introspection; when we use these tools to self-actualize, we can each contribute to the world in our own unique way. See more of what Superspective has to offer at

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How To Stay Positive While Losing Weight

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Losing weight can be difficult under any circumstances, but it can be especially difficult when you aren’t feeling happy with yourself or your progress. The reality is, though, that being down on yourself or what you have accomplished so far can end up making the process even harder. The good news is, though, that you don’t have to feel stuck in this situation. There can be many ways to change your outlook and start feeling more positive about the steps you’re taking to be healthier and happier.

Try New Things To Get a Boost

Whether you just started working out and dieting and aren’t seeing the progress that you thought you would, or you’ve been doing it for a while and have hit a plateau, it can be easy to feel discouraged when you aren’t meeting your goals on the timeline that you wanted to. In this kind of situation, finding new ways to give your efforts a boost can be helpful.

One way to do this is to try a supplement. Whether you opt for a comprehensive multivitamin to fill in nutritional gaps in your diet and provide you with more energy, or for a supplement that might have weight loss supporting properties, a supplement can be a simple way to give yourself a boost. Before selecting a supplement, though, it can be a good idea to do your research by reading le-vel thrive reviews so that you have an idea of what a supplement can accomplish for you.

Make a Big Deal Out of Small Successes

Another way to stay positive even when you don’t feel things are going as well as you want them to is to start adjusting how you look at your accomplishments. The trap that many fall into is setting high goals and then getting upset when they fail to reach them quickly. They may be so set on these high goals that they fail to recognize all of the progress they have made. By celebrating all the things you have accomplished, even if they seem small, you can be better aware of just how far you have come, and have confidence that you can keep making more positive changes.

Embrace Your Flaws

Sometimes, even when weight loss is going well, some may still not feel as happy about their progress as they would like. This can be because they thought that weight loss would change everything, and remove their insecurities. The truth is, that even after weight loss, you will be the same person and even if you feel better about your weight, you will still have many of the same insecurities that you had before. By learning to accept your insecurities, even if you don’t like them, you can release some negative feelings that may be holding you back from truly enjoying the positive changes you’ve been making.

Don’t Go By the Scale

Letting your mood for the day depend on the number you see on the scale can be a recipe for discouragement, especially when you are working hard to lose weight. What some don’t realize is that your body weight can fluctuate due to many factors, and that even if you are eating well and exercising regularly, the scale may not always show the progress that you are actually making.

One cause of this is that if you are exercising, you can end up gaining muscle, which can make your weight go up, even though you are improving your physique and overall health. Water weight can be another culprit, and a slow digestion can be another. The less that you focus on the scale and more on maintaining good daily habits, the faster it will feel like you are meeting your goals.

The Bottom Line

Losing weight is rarely easy. Not only that, but it can be even more difficult if you’re feeling discouraged about your progress. The good news is, though, that by doing things like giving yourself a boost when you hit a plateau and not letting your mood be dependent on what the scale says, you can start feeling better about your progress today.

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Another US City is Considering Decriminalizing Magic Mushrooms, Along With Ayahuasca & Mescaline

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Magic Mushrooms

Mere days after Denver’s voters passed a measure to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms, the City of Oakland—California’s eighth-largest city—has scheduled a hearing to consider decriminalizing the psychedelic mushroom while also calling for an end to the repression and incarceration of those in possession of other psychedelic drugs including ayahuasca, mescaline cacti, and ibogaine.

According to Forbes, the proposed resolution would prohibit police or other local officials from devoting “any city funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of laws imposing criminal penalties for the use and possession” of the natural substances.

The resolution will face a hearing before the Oakland City Council’s Public Safety Committee on May 28 and, if approved, will be brought before the Oakland City Council for a final vote.

While not strictly binding, the resolution would also classify the investigation and arrest of adults who use, cultivate or distribute the psychedelics as “amongst the lowest law enforcement priority,” and would resolve that the Council “wishes to declare its desire not to expend City resources in any investigation, detention, arrest, or prosecution arising out of alleged violations of state and federal law regarding the use of Entheogenic Plants,” or psychedelics.

The move has been hailed by local advocacy group Decriminalize Natue.

In an interview, organizer Carlos Plazola said:

“We already have support from at least five members of the Council, but our goal is to get eight out of eight to show unanimous support, because this affects all communities in Oakland.”

The resolution has found fulsome support from sponsoring Councilmember Noel Gallo. It would also instruct state and federal lobbyists from Oakland to push a decriminalization agenda. The resolution further calls for the Alameda County district attorney’s office to to “cease prosecution of persons involved in the use of Entheogenic Plants or plant-based compounds” that are presently listed in Schedule I of the federal Controlled Substances Act.

A memo on the resolution from Gallo’s office read:

“For millennia, cultures have respected entheogenic plants and fungi for providing healing, knowledge, creativity, and spiritual connection … scientific studies are demonstrating entheogens can be beneficial for treating conditions such as end-of-life anxiety, substance abuse, addiction, cluster-headaches, PTSD, neurodegeneration, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and treatment resistant depression, as well as reduce rates of intimate partner violence and recidivism.”

The memo further added that plant- and fungi-based psychedelics should be free of excessive regulation that makes consumers “dependent on industry and authority for access.”

The memo explained:

“By choosing to decriminalize nature, this empowers Oakland residents to be able to grow their own entheogens, share them with their community, and choose the appropriate setting for their intentions … As this national conversation on entheogens grows, we feel it is essential to influence the debate now and take a stand for disenfranchised communities who may be left out of the dominant model by opening a way for individual and community access.”

Plazola added that the reform move will help “heal our relationship with the planet and raise the question: Why is it a criminal act to have a relationship with plants and fungi that are natural?”

The move comes as a growing body of research has laid out the benefits of magic mushrooms. Recent studies have shown how a microdose of psilocybin—far from the level needed for a full-blown trip—actually increases the creativity and empathy of participants.

It also comes as local governments throughout the U.S. have either passed or are actively considering bills that would decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms, allowing for their legal cultivation and sale. Advocates note that psilocybin has shown great promise in psychotherapeutic settings, shattering the decades-old stereotype of magic mushrooms as some intoxicating and hallucination-inducing party drug that drives users insane.

Magic Mushrooms

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You Are In Control of Your Happiness

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You Are In Control of Your Happiness

What would you say if I told you that being happier is within your control and has nothing to do with your mindset?

A study from Dartmouth College found that most people are happy before they turn 18 and after 60 years of age. In between is where you ride the happiness roller coaster.

How do you get off?

It turns out that being happier comes down to three things:

1) Control. People who have a feeling of control in their lives tend to be happier in general.

2) Education. Whether you earn a college degree or teach yourself, more education means a happier you.

3) Job. You were born to be busy. Having a fulltime or part-time job, even owning your own business will make you a happier person.

Your education and your job enhance your view of the world. So if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, fill your mind with lots of education and work at a satisfying job.

Your reward will be a feeling of control that will put a smile on your face every day.

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How to Boost Your Productivity with the Science of Well Being

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Whenever I hear the word productivity, I often have mixed feelings about it. While I love the underlying sense of proactivity it brings to the table, a part of me feels the terminology is better suited for something unemotional like a machine.

Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I had always been a fan of the approach “getting more things done, thriving to succeed, hustle, etc”. However, as someone always looking to improve, I reached a point where this way of being wasn’t serving me anymore. Despite my high levels of productivity, I wasn’t able to unlock new perspectives, It’s as if I was lacking the “depth” needed to successfully overcome bigger challenges. 

Having spent the last few years researching and working with leading experts in the field of human development, I realised one condition is necessary for optimum productivity, creativity, and fulfillment: wellbeing.

Think about it, how can you make a meaningful impact on yourself or others if you are not feeling well?

But don’t take my word for it, some studies are pointing in this direction.

When looking deeper at the science of wellbeing, it turns out we can cultivate it by focusing on 4 main aspects: self-awareness, outlook, resilience, generosity.

I say cultivate because wellbeing is a skill and we can all practice it no matter our gender, age, or background. That’s wonderful news!

To help you put it into practice, I’ll share how to use the 4 pillars of wellbeing to boost our levels of proactivity when facing difficult moments. Why? Because that’s when we struggle most to move forward effectively.


“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom”. Socrates

Why was Socrates so keen on this belief? Because when we are self-aware, we can distance ourselves from our limiting emotions, and when we do so, we waste a lot less energy and gain greater clarity in our thinking. Pretty useful if you are looking to increase your levels of productivity!

After all, learning to connect with ourselves to understand what’s important for us is key to improve the way we experience and manage our day to day. So, the next time you feel stuck on what to do next, take a moment to ask yourself: “What is really important for me right now? What’s the most useful action I can take that plays on my strengths? Allowing a short time for reflection will help let go of negativity and regain the focus needed to move forward with confidence.


“I never lose, I either win or learn” — Mandela.

As an entrepreneur, you’ve got to love this quote. Outlook refers to the way we choose to look at life: it’s the story we tell ourselves, and it can often be the inner voice sabotaging our best intentions, stopping us from looking at our challenges as an inspiring opportunity for growth. 

We all experience moments of uncertainty whether it’s a call with a new client or a meeting with an investor. Instead of letting our fears paralyse us, practicing a positive outlook can go a long way. “How can this event serve me no matter the outcome”? What precious learning will I be able to gain from this event? What meaningful actions can I take to ensure I protect the downside? 

A small change in perspective can open a sea of opportunities.


“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something good.”― Elizabeth Edwards

Perhaps like never before, having resilience is key for our personal and professional success. Putting up with uncertainty is no easy task, but persevering amidst it, is where true strength lies. 

It many ways, reliance is directly correlated to having a positive outlook, and one of the best ways to fuel it is by having a deeper connection with what we do. Why? Because when we are clear on our aim and even clearer on our WHY, we can use it as a motivational booster to persevere with greater strength. 

By “linking” a challenging moment with our bigger purpose, we learn to appreciate its usefulness in our progress reminding us growth only happens at the end of our comfort zone. With the right outlook, we can look at the challenge and say “thank you for making me stronger”.


“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill

While we may often interpret productivity as a selfish act, focusing on generosity can bring a whole new dimension to it. Our brain is hardwired to contribute and when it does, it releases the so-called happiness trifecta releasing feeling good chemicals that boost our proactivity. 

In a world increasingly becoming more service-oriented, being generous is not only good for our health but for success too: if we focus on understanding how to give more to the customer, we have a much higher chance of getting closer to our goal. So, the next time you get negative feedback on your offer, instead of getting frustrated ask yourself “What I can do to give more”?

When we learn to put our ego aside and open our mind to meaningfully serving others, our productivity and creativity are destined to reach new heights!

Work smarter, live consciously!

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3 Easy Steps to Achieving Your Goals According to Science

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Many people are living in mediocrity and most don’t seem to get anywhere worthwhile because they lack direction. They have no idea what they want out of their lives. One of the most important keys to success and living a fulfilling life is to know what you want and work relentlessly toward that worthy ideal. The problem is that most people have no idea what they want. Or in other words, they don’t set goals for themselves.

If you think about extraordinary people who went on to accomplish amazing success in life such as top-level athletes Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, and successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Mark Cuban, you will notice that they all shared a common trait – they know what they want, they set goals, and they are making progress towards reaching their goals every day.

When you set goals, it gives you a long-term vision to focus on and at the same time, it also provides you the short-term motivation you need to work through each day. Dr. Gail Matthews, a professor at the Dominican University, once conducted a study on how writing down goals, committing to action, and being accountable, can influence the achievement of the goal.

Dr. Gail Matthews recruited 267 participants from various groups ranging from age 23 to 72, and they were all from different countries including the United States. England, Japan, and Australia.

The participants were then randomly divided into 5 groups:

Group 1 – Participants were simply asked to think about their goals (what they wanted to achieve over the next 4 weeks) and rate the goals according to their difficulties, importance, motivation, and more.

Group 2 – Participants were asked to write down their goals and rate them.

Group 3 – Participants were asked to follow Group 2 and also to formulate action commitments.

Group 4 – Participants were asked to follow Group 3 and also send their goals and action commitments to a supportive friend.

Group 5 – Participants were asked to follow Group 4 and also send a weekly progress report to a supportive friend.

Guess what happened at the end of the 4 weeks?

Results grew from a 43 percent success rate in Group 1 and increased to 76 percent success rate in Group 5.

This means when you write down your goals, make actionable commitments, and send a weekly progress report to a supportive friend, you are 76% more likely to achieve the goal.

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Therefore, to achieve outstanding success and reach your goals, you need to focus on these 3 easy steps:

1. Write down your goals

First, you have to identify what you want to achieve, and then you will have to write it down. Many personal development coaches like Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, and Robin Sharma suggest their students write down their goals because when you do so, you increase your commitment to your goals.

After all, you will never bother writing something down if it is not important to you, right? Hence, make it a habit to write down your goals and constantly review them.

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert comic strip and one of the most successful cartoonists in the world, said that he wrote down his goal 15 times a day. He wrote down, “I, Scott Adams, will become a syndicated cartoonist.” And he continued to do so day-in and day-out, for 15 times a day.

Eventually, his dreams came true. He became the world’s most syndicated cartoonist. In the year 2000, Dilbert was featured in 2,000 newspapers in 57 countries and 19 languages. The comic strip also spawned dozens of television series, books, and themed merchandise items.

Therefore, if you are serious about achieving your goals, write them down. In fact, do it like how Scott Adams did, write down your goals every day so you condition your goals to your subconscious mind.

2. Create action commitments

Writing down your goals is the first step. The second step you need to take is to create action commitments. In other words, you need to come up with a plan of what you need to do to reach your goals.

You can’t just think or write down what you want and hope that things will magically appear in front of you. No, goal setting is not a magic lamp, it is a technique that helps you identify specifically what you want so you can formulate a plan to achieve it.

Most people don’t make plans for their goals. They just think of their goals and nothing more. Remember you need to make a plan if you are truly committed to your goals.

Write down all the specific action steps you can take to accomplish your goals. If you have no idea what you can do to achieve your goals, your action commitment is to do just that.

There are plenty of books and courses you can learn from. For instance, if your goal is to set up an e-commerce website, but you have no idea how to do that, your action commitment is to learn how to do it.

List down all the possible action commitments you need to take. Lastly, work on each of them one-by-one because that’s how you make progress.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

3. Get an accountability partner and send your weekly progress report

Finally, to make sure you stick to your plan, you need to be accountable for it. Thus, get an accountability partner who supports your work. Commit to sending your partner a weekly progress report each week.

You want to get an accountability partner because if you don’t, you will never hold yourself accountable. However, when you know someone is watching and monitoring your work, you become more committed to working on your plan.

Plus, when you commit to sending a weekly progress report, it creates a deadline and urgency to get the action commitment done.

Getting an accountability partner doesn’t need to be difficult. You just need to get someone who supports and is willing to keep an eye on your progress. Your job is to send your progress report to him or her each week.

When you do this, you will make sure you are making progress toward your goals every week.


These are the 3 easy steps on how you can achieve your goals. Remember, according to research, you can greatly improve your success rate by as much as 76% when you follow the 3 simple steps above.

So, identify your goals, write them down, create action commitments to achieve them, and get a supportive partner to hold you accountable for your progress.

What’s one goal you’re looking to accomplish this year? Share it with us below so we can help keep you accountable!

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Acceptance is the Key to Resiliency and Success

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I was sitting on the sofa, waves of emotions poured through my thoughts streaming downwards from my mind into my heart. They are the sensations that wrap the mind in a fog or steal up the heart into a ball of anxiety. I allowed somewhat of a sarcastic puff of air to exhale out of me, blankly staring forward looking at my dog laying on the floor and the pile of dishes in the sink. I laughed at myself.

“This is what I do for a living,” I said out loud. My dog just gazed up at me with his perfect golden retriever eyes. These are the moments I walk people through everyday, when the mind goes blank or anxiety tightens the breath. When the burdens of life and living increase upon the back, neck and shoulders closing in on the individual’s breaking point. These are the very moments I train people on how to use a variety of tools and methods to find center, calm and grounding amidst the onslaught. 

As all of us can, I recognize that the life I live out in the world can be seen and experienced one way while the life I live at home, in private, can be lived out in another. Do I walk the talk? Do I live the practices I teach? Do I pause, take a deeper breath, refocus and hold to intention when  the waves of emotion or stress build up and the undertow threatens to pull me under? 

It is important to me to live congruently. What do I mean by that? I think we all know the person, perhaps we have lived being that person, where we are more like a chameleon of sorts, living one way within one set of circumstances only to show a different face in another. I’ve been that person whose shape shifting skills reached an admirable level, being a people pleaser while also longing to keep the peace I could morph my body into all sorts of contorted positions. 

“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” ― J.K. Rowling

I was also truly apt at hiding what was going on within the insides, creating a facade of peace and strength while my interior was crumbling. I learned how to show up, play the part and be the actor on the stage. My body and mind paid the price as the reality of sustaining such practices became wearisome, it was not the life I wanted to be living.

Moments as I was having on my sofa, cross the paths of our lives all too often. They are always going to come, that is the truth about living in today’s world. What you and I do next is where the real story begins. I wish I could say that with all the skills I possess as a yoga therapist and spiritual advisor, I instantly snapped out of that space, but that would not be the case. I did place my feet more firmly upon the floor lengthening my breath, lifting myself from a slumping position to create intention deep within my body. It is those seemingly small adjustments that create different spaces time and time again. As it would be, something did happen that turned my sarcastic grin into a genuine smile.

In that moment something came back to me to serve as an anchor in the storm. I remembered being in two places at one time during a visit to an amusement park. This one in particular straddles the state lines of North and South Carolina where there exists a painted line that provides just such a space. I remembered the fun of it and the pictures that were taken, most importantly, I acknowledged that it was possible. It was the shift I needed to remind myself that one doesn’t have to pretend to not be where one is currently physically, emotionally and mentally. I can be in two places in one moment recognizing the stressors and anxiety of the day while remembering the practices that abide deep within my sense of being. 

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ― Lao Tzu

Acceptance is the very gateway to resiliency. Allowing oneself to be “both and,” or giving yourself permission to be in a bad mood, anxious or frustrated is key to your daily success. Take the labels off of what are deemed “bad” emotions in order to give them space to breath and move through the moment. It isn’t about feigning peace or contentment beyond what is actually happening but, being with what is actually happening. I can acknowledge that I do, indeed, know what to do in moments like the one I was having on the sofa AND I can still have the moments like the one I was having on the sofa and so can you. It is this ONE secret that has built up the resiliency in my life that has launched me into successful daily living.

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Learn How To Interpret Dream Signs & Manifest Your Dreams

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Have you ever wondered what your dreams really mean? Perhaps you struggle with nightmares, or maybe you’re just curious about recurring dream signs that you encounter in your sleep.

As it turns out, dreams often include signs that can help you better understand your needs.

In addition, you can actively use your dreams to support your goals. However, if you’re new to interpreting dream signs, it can be daunting to sift through all the available information.

This article will help you understand dreams and teach you how to use them to maximize your happiness. For example, we’ll consider how to make sense of signs that appear in your dreams.

We’ll also help you interpret and get rid of negative dreams, exploring how you can take control of these nightmares.

Finally, we’ll look at how you can use your dreams to manifest your goals and how you can learn more about yourself by drawing on the information presented in dreams.

Multiple Recurring Dream Signs And Their Meanings

Multiple Recurring Dream Signs And Their Meanings

First, it’s important to start thinking of the dream signs as what they are – subconscious signs from the mind. Some of these sounds are fairly easy to interpret.

If, say, you constantly dream about performing poorly at an upcoming event, it’s pretty obvious that you’re nervous about potential failure. However, other common dream signs are more confusing to those who haven’t previously studied dreams.

For example, here are some dreams that are commonly misunderstood:

  • Being chased: you may correctly interpret this type of dream as indicating fear, but perhaps you’ll be surprised to learn that being chased is usually related to fear of specific feelings. Most often, such dream signs indicate you’re scared of your own anger, or of your attachment to someone.
  • Being naked in public: this dream often signifies that you feel fake in your everyday life. Perhaps you’re scared to be rejected if you let people see your real self, or maybe you no longer feel like your career reflects your real passions or purpose.
  • Pregnancy: regardless of your gender, you may be quick to interpret this dream as suggesting you’re yearning for a child. However, research suggests that pregnancy dreams have more to do with creativity or future ventures. You’re developing or growing in some way, and now is a good time for positive change.
  • Being late: relatedly, dreaming about late for an important meeting or event is often a reminder from your subconscious that it’s never too late to do what you want with your life. Don’t be scared to take a chance and try something new!
  • Losing teeth: this dream motif is typically linked to your feelings about personal power. In particular, if you feel like you’re disempowered or losing power, you may dream that your teeth are falling out. For example, perhaps you’re in an unbalanced relationship, or maybe your boss is limiting your growth.

Why Are Dreams Important?

Why Are Dreams Important?

Why should you care about dreams and what they might mean?

Well, as suggested by some of the example cases above, our dreams can give us surprising new insights into our feelings, desires, and beliefs.

You can understand this by thinking about the fact that dreams largely come from the subconscious – a part of our minds that we can’t readily access.

So, when our conscious minds recall our dreams, we’re granted a unique window into our subconscious.

Our subconscious is the part of us that exists behind the defenses of our conscious mind. When we’re awake, our mind is adept at imposing false limitations on us, and on hiding uncomfortable things from us.

When we’re asleep, those barriers are down, and our dream signs paint a vivid picture of what’s behind them.

This means that through dreams we may realize that we’re not happy in our current relationship, that our job is wearing us down, or that it’s time to do something drastic.

Alternatively, we may realize we want to stop running from commitment or stop putting off big life changes (such as starting a family).

In sum, if we’re willing to pay attention to our dreams, we can redirect the course of our lives to make ourselves more fulfilled.

Keep A Dream Journal Of Notable Dream Signs

Keep A Dream Journal Of Notable Dreams

So, what’s the best way to tap into the knowledge provided by your dreams? Dream journaling is one of the most useful techniques here, and it can quickly become a habit.

All you need to do is commit to spending 5-10 minutes each morning writing down what you can remember from your dreams. Don’t worry if you can’t write down a linear narrative.

What matters more are the images you’re left with, the feelings that linger, and the themes you can discern. In addition, don’t feel you need to interpret your dreams at the time – it’s just important to get them down.

Once a week, go back through the last seven dream journal entries and look for themes and prominent symbols. This will let you know what you need to research in order to get the most useful lessons from your dreams.

With this mind, let’s now consider what you can do if your dream journal starts to fill up with nightmares.

Removing Bad Subconscious Mind Dreams

Sometimes, the subconscious continuously throws painful or stressful dreams at you. Here are three dream exercises you can do in order to get this under control.

Take Control Of Your Dream By Reality Checking

Take Control Of Your Dream By Reality Checking

It’s important to know that you can perform certain reality checks in dreams. Typically, when these checks alert you to the nature of the dream, you will wake up.

One of the most common checks to perform involves looking at the finer details of the dream. Try to read a document, and you’ll often find that it doesn’t make sense or that the words change in front of you.

Similarly, you may find that technological devices like phones, televisions, computers, and cameras don’t work when you try to switch them on.

In order to maximize your chances of remembering these techniques in sleep, make a habit of thinking about them right before you go to bed.

Alternatively, repeat an affirmation like “I know when I’m dreaming” before bed.

Write Recurring Dream Signs Into Your Dream Journal

Write Recurring Dream Signs Into Your Dream Journal

Even if you can’t directly end or control your dreams, digging into their meaning can reduce their frequency.

Consequently, it’s vital to write down the images, themes, and feelings associated with your nightmares, even though it can be unpleasant to do so.

Again, even just a few minutes of notes in your dream journal can make all the difference.

This daily process will give you the information you need in order to interpret your dreams.

And this interpretation will lead you to solve the problems that have been causing frequent or recurring dreams in the first place.

How To Let Go Of Negative Dreams And Thoughts

How To Let Go Of Negative Dreams And Thoughts

Learning to let go of negative thoughts takes time, but your efforts will bleed into your dreams and end your nightmares.

One of the most effective things you can do here is actively challenging negative thoughts in your waking life.

Subject them to scrutiny – why do you think this? Is it someone else’s voice?

What can you say to counteract that negative belief? Affirmations can once again play a helpful role here.

Design some that actively target your negative thoughts, and say it into the mirror daily.

An example might be “I am valuable and deserving of love” or “I am strong, confident and can tackle anything.”

How To Manifest Your Dreams

You now have a better understanding of how to interpret and even adapt your own dreams. The next step is to look at how you can use your dreams as resources for success.

Here are three steps you can take to use your dreams to influence and change your waking life for the better.

Overcome Mental Blocks

Your dreams provide a wonderful prompt to work on overcoming resistance to change. Almost all enduring dream symbols owe to stagnation of some sort. So, you can use your dreams as invitations to face the things you’ve been avoiding.

In many cases, we stay in our comfort zone to avoid frightening change, but we also limit our growth.

Whether your dreams are telling you that it’s time to get out of town, find new friends, switch careers, or work on your self-worth, be grateful for what they can teach you.

In addition, notice how the dreams themselves change as you do, giving you subconscious feedback on your progress.

Open Your Mind And Look Deep Into Your Dreams

In this guide, we’ve started to explore what causes dreams.

However, the deeper you’re willing to go in looking for meaning in your dreams, the more they’ll be of use to you.

So, if you want to take your learning process a step beyond simply keeping a dream journal, try to subject your dreams to more analysis.

One way you can do this is by keeping a dream reflection dream, where you regularly summarise (in writing) what you take yourself to learn.

Some forms of psychotherapy (such as Jungian therapy) also places a strong emphasis on learning from dreams and can complement your journal work.

Connect Your Dream Signs To A Purpose

Dreams are a call to take action. To use your dreams as resources for happiness and success, formulate some specific practical plans every time a dream reveals something that you want or need from your life.

Here’s an example of how the process might work.

Suppose you dream about falling several times in one week, and you figure out that such dreams indicate a fear of some sort of vulnerability.

Next, you should ask yourself where you’re scared of being vulnerable. Perhaps you might realize you’re scared to apply for a course in case you don’t get in.

The next step is to work out (1) how to maximize your chances of getting in, and (2) what resources you need to bounce back if you don’t get in. So, you emerge with an action plan and a backup plan, ensuring you move forward no matter what.

Use Self-Hypnosis To Help You Take Control Of Your Dreams

Finally, you can choose to go even further with your dreams if you want to. Lucid dreaming refers to the skillset required to take control of your dreams.

In other words, you can change what happens in them, adapting scenario, or living out fantasies. There’s a limitless potential to learn more about yourself through lucid dreaming.

If you want to tap into your dormant potential, self-hypnosis is the perfect place to start. By tapping into your subconscious – the same part of you that produces dreams – self-hypnosis retrains your thinking.

The result is a new mastery of your dreams, making them consistently more educational and enjoyable.

The post Learn How To Interpret Dream Signs & Manifest Your Dreams appeared first on The Law Of Attraction.

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How To Be Attractive And Build Up Your Self Confidence

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Do you ever find yourself worrying about how people see you? Perhaps you look in the mirror and wonder “Am I attractive?”, or maybe you struggle to believe compliments.

In truth, a very large part of attractiveness actually comes from the level of confidence we feel and project. Yes, there are also practical ways to adjust your appearance in order to boost your appeal, but a simple change in mindset goes a long toward making you much more attractive.

Think about the most appealing people you’ve ever met. Chances are, they’re not merely good looking. But how do you develop that kind of magnetic appeal for yourself?

In this article, we’ll explain how attractiveness links up with success in other areas of life. More importantly, we’ll offer you five actionable strategies that will make you more attractive pretty much immediately.

Finally, we’ll talk about how you can make the most of your newfound appeal.

How Important Is It To Be Attractive?

How Important Is It To Be Attractive?

Let’s start by considering how you should think of attractiveness, and why it’s important. First, note that attractiveness doesn’t just mean looking good.

The physical appearance you were born with doesn’t necessarily have a huge bearing on how attractive you are.

In addition, remember that there are always ways to make the most of your looks – more on that later.

However, regardless of how you look, we want to suggest that you can make yourself extremely attractive just by shifting your attitude.

A highly attractive person is someone who attracts good things into their life due to their confidence and charisma. When you’re attractive in this way, people flock to you, as do new opportunities.

And if we’re talking about this type of attractiveness, it’s very important indeed.

Importance Of Self-Confidence

As we’ve stressed, there’s a link between confidence and attractiveness. Quite simply, most people are drawn to confident individuals.

Imagine two people walk into the room – one is hunched over and is looking down at the ground, while the other has their head back and a broad smile on their faces. Where would your eyes be drawn?

Who would you prefer to talk to, if this information is all that you know about these people? This gives you a sense of just how powerful signals of confidence can be.

Research shows that no matter what you’re trying to do, exuding confidence reliably leads people to judge you as more competent. This applies in job interviews, in your dating life, during pitches to potential clients, and just about everywhere else.

Even when you’re alone, if you feel confident then you’re more likely to be productive and achieve your goals.

And if you’re not yet confident, there is some evidence that even feigning confidence is deeply attractive. In some personal development and coaching literature, this is called “acting as if”.

In other words, you behave as though you already have the thing you desire (whether it’s money, confidence, or a great body), and just that act already helps you get what you want.

Steps To Becoming Attractive

So, we’ve talked about how attractiveness goes beyond mere physical appearance, even though how you look does play a role. We’ve also explained why confidence may be more key to confidence than any other trait or quality.

Let’s now move on to consider the concrete steps that you can take in order to become more attractive today. For each of these five techniques, we’ll give you some examples of how you can deploy them in different contexts.

Dress Nicely And Groom Yourself

Dress Nicely And Groom Yourself

While looks aren’t everything, how you present yourself plays a significant role in the people and opportunities you attract. Firstly, it’s important to dress nicely, but this can be interpreted in a wide range of ways.

Try to make sure you dress to reflect who you are, or who you want to be. If something makes you feel authentic and confident, that’s the right outfit for you (as long as it’s broadly appropriate for the setting).

Ultimately, how an outfit makes you feel matters much more than particular trends, as that good feeling breeds the confidence you need to be magnetic. Good grooming is also key here.

Again, there’s no rule book you need to follow here – just keep your body and hair clean, and pick a hairstyle that flatters you.

If you’re not sure what works, pick something that mirrors someone you admire, then try a twist on that style to make it your own.

Change Your Self-Image

Change Your Self-Image

Ask yourself “What’s my self-image?”. It can be helpful to make a list of words that reflect how you see yourself. Be honest, and include the less favorable descriptions that come to mind.

For example, you might note that you see yourself as compassionate (positive), introverted (neutral), and boring (negative).

For each negative or neutral item on the list, challenge yourself to come up with a new description that is wholly positive.

Perhaps introverted becomes thoughtful, and boring becomes reliable. This process is intended to teach you that your self-image is entirely a matter of perspective, and you can choose to have a positive view of yourself.

That said, it’s good to have aspirations as well, so try to come up with three further words as goals. For example, you might add “creative” and “patient”. What do you need to do to develop these traits? Choose two actions you can take this week.

Think Positively

Think Positively

Boosting confidence and overall attractiveness also requires maintaining a positive mindset.

We talked above about how to cultivate your self-image, so let’s think about how you can see everything in a more optimistic light. Here, it’s helpful to learn techniques that stop negative thoughts in their tracks.

Here are four:

Flip negatives into positives (e.g., “I can’t go out because it’s raining” becomes “I can use a cozy day inside to work on a creative project”).

Picture a stop sign in your mind, or say “Stop” out loud.

“Anchor” yourself to a positive memory that makes you feel good. Each time you picture it, touch your forefinger and thumb together. In time, just touching those two fingers together will trigger a good feeling.

Do something physical every time you feel negative. This distracts you and releases endorphins that will boost your mood. Even just 10 minutes of dancing or a 15-minute jog can make a difference.

Discover Yourself

Self-discovery enhances your self-awareness and promotes self-acceptance, which in turn boosts confidence in an attractive way. What do we mean by self-discovery? Anything that causes you to reflect and to get to know yourself better.

Keeping a journal is a particularly good idea, even if you only write a few lines about your feelings each day. Therapy or talking to a non-judgemental friend can serve a similar role here if you find it easier to self-reflect out loud.

Another fun part of self-discovery involves learning about new talents that make you an even more multifaceted and interesting. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try?

And what do you have to lose if you start trying to do that thing this week?

Whether it’s learning a new language or instrument, writing a novel, gaining a new qualification, or going to dance classes, you’ll boost your confidence and your attractiveness by getting to know yourself better.

Be Kind To Others

Never under-estimate how attractive genuine compassion, empathy, and generosity can be. Again, think about some of the people you find the most appealing.

It’s likely that they make meaningful connections with others and have a genuine interest in helping people live their best lives.

In addition, it’s worth noting that regularly making time to be good to others simply makes you feel better about yourself. This manifests in more magnetic confidence, drawing others towards you.

All that said, it’s important to respect your own boundaries when being kind to others. You don’t need to drain all your resources and run yourself into the ground to be a good or attractive person.

In fact, you can’t really help others if you don’t look after yourself. So, know how much you can give while staying healthy and happy, and draw the line there.

This self-care fosters self-confidence too. People admire others who know their own limits and assert their worth.

The Benefits Of Being Attractive And Confident

At this point, you’ve expanded your sense of what it means to be attractive and you’ve started to think about how you can become more attractive to others.

With all of this in mind, let’s think in a bit more depth about the benefits you can gain from being confident and magnetic.

Firstly, you’re more likely to be your best if you pursue your goals with confidence and determination, knowing you deserve the things you want.

You also become more stable, responding more effectively to stress. Instead of spiraling into self-doubt and pushing others away, the attractive and confident person meets problems head-on and emerges victorious one way or another.

Even when you don’t get the results you wanted, your confidence will let you learn useful lessons without self-hatred raising its head. In addition, the more confident and attractive you are, the less likely you are to hold yourself back.

Instead of assuming you can’t do things or can’t handle difficulty, you’ll lean into challenges and take risks. This promotes growth and reduces regret.

There are also three more specific forms of confidence that are intimately connected to attractiveness and happiness – body confidence, social confidence, and dating confidence.

Body Confidence

For many of us, body confidence is particularly hard to attain. We’re constantly bombarded by messages about how we’re supposed to look, many of which are supported by unrealistic filtered and photoshopped images.

However, consider just how much your body is capable. Whether you’ve carried children, played a sport, danced, or traveled, your body has sustained and supported you.

It deserves to be loved and valued. And if you can attain body confidence, so much more happiness will follow.

Consider again a contrast between two people. One has a “flawless” body and stands with a straight face, and the other is a little overweight or a little underweight but is laughing, telling stories, and offering kindness.

Most would automatically be much more attracted to the second person, even though they’re supposed to be less ideal. So, if you can make peace with your body and come to love it, others will love it (and you!) as well.

Social Confidence

We’ve already noted that social confidence will draw people to you. This comes with personal and professional benefits, helping you develop friendships and network with people who can support your career.

In addition, we’re innately social beings, and the connections we gain from our social confidence can make us happier, healthier people.

The five techniques described above will help you with social confidence However, you can also try some specific tricks that help you boost social confidence when you’re struggling a little.

For example, focus on active listening – on reflecting back what you hear, and on using your body language to demonstrate your interest.

Secondly, try to keep your own posture open, with your shoulders loose and relaxed and your arms by your side or on your lap.

Humour also goes a long way to boost social cohesion, so if you’ve got a funny story then share it! Positive responses will breed confidence for next time.

Dating Confidence

Dating Confidence

If you’re dressing to feel good and are taking care of your grooming, you’re already promoting dating confidence.

When you feel confident on a date, you can be authentic, and the benefits here are huge – you’ll know someone is really connecting with you, not with some facade that you’re presenting.

In addition, dating confidence encourages people to treat you with respect, as you’re indicating that you know you deserve it.

Meanwhile, if someone is put off by your confidence, that’s a helpful early sign that this person isn’t prepared to be with an equal. That isn’t someone you want in your life.

Dating confidence can be one of the hardest types to master, however. Try to stay in the mindset that every date can be fun and helpful in its own right.

If you enjoy the person’s company, that’s a success, but even just learning about yourself teaches you more about what you need in a partner.

How To Be More Attractive With Self Hypnosis

Do you want to be even more attractive than ever before? These self-hypnosis tracks from can help you develop a new kind of confidence and positivity that continuously draws others toward you. has tracks available for you to listen to any time and in the privacy of your own home, the recorded sessions focus on getting under your conscious barriers and changing your negative, outdated beliefs.

Often, we’re our own worst critics and repeatedly get in our own way, making ourselves unappealing by constantly focusing on the fear that we are unappealing.

It can be incredibly tough to break this negative cycle, but hypnosis is uniquely suited to help you think differently and much more positively.

So, whether you want to boost your dating confidence, get ahead at work by becoming more assertive, or just feel better about yourself every day, try self-hypnosis today.

The post How To Be Attractive And Build Up Your Self Confidence appeared first on The Law Of Attraction.

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