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Operation Reinvention: Better and Beyond

Operation Reinvention: Better and Beyond

I woke up this morning with a thought running through my mind and pulsing through my veins. I couldn’t stay in bed any longer.

How many closets can you organize? How many Netflix programs can you binge? How long will people wait for others to say it’s okay for them to get with their lives?

Everything you have built in your life happened when you found the courage to rally fear, anger, and confusion into motivation and action.


Since 2006 I have taught one thing; you can create any lifestyle you choose if you can shake yourself free from your cement shoes and get moving. Nothing has changed in 2020.

COVID-19 is real. Some people will get sick. Some people will die. That’s life. It’s always been like that – only without 24/7 news coverage, we didn’t know about it.

Life can be difficult, but the real casualties of this pandemic will be those who cocoon themselves in the false sense of safety that comes with waiting to see what is going to happen next.

HELL NO! That’s not for me – EVER!

The winners will be those who realize this is a new temporary and that we are not going back to normal.

They will figure out how to use lessons learned and honed over a lifetime to build better and beyond!

Nothing will stop them.

Who you will be when this passes begins by who you are today.

It’s time to decide.

We’re going to re-launch Operation Reinvention tomorrow with that goal in mind. And we’re doing it LIVE – details to follow.

I dare to jump on the train to better and beyond.

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Building a Solid Foundation During a Crisis

In a time of crisis, a solid foundation of basic needs is a great way to calm your mind.

In 1954, Abraham Maslow released his Hierarchy of Needs theory.  Since everything in life is being turned upside down – it might be a good time to get back to basics. Maslow called them deficiency needs (D-Needs):

1) Provide for your physiological needs. Food, clothing, shelter, money, everything that you need. 

2) Make sure you feel safe. Personally, emotionally, financially, health and well-being, and against accidents and illness.

3) Socially you need to feel a sense of loving and belonging. Social media might be finally showing it’s real power.

While you work on your D-Needs, begin moving toward your being needs, otherwise known as B-Needs.

Maslow said, “What a man can be, he must be.”

B-Needs are where I’m placing my focus. I using the power of the CoronaDRIVE US to answer a question. 

What CAN I do that will create a better life after this crisis passes. 

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The Top Six Ways to Stay Motivated

I receive many emails from people that basically ask the same question: How can I keep myself motivated long term? This seems to be quite a common dilemma for many people so I want to address it because it can be done! Here are my tips for staying motivated:

1. Get Motivated Every Day.
Zig Ziglar was once confronted about being a “motivational speaker.” The guy said to him, “You guys come and get people hyped up and then you leave and the motivation goes away. It doesn’t last, and then you have to get motivated again.”

Zig reminded the gentleman that baths are the same way but we think it is a good idea to take a bath every day! It is true that motivation doesn’t last.

We have to renew it each and every day. That is okay. It doesn’t make motivation a bad thing. We simply have to realize that if we want to stay motivated over the long term, it is something we will have to apply to ourselves each and every day.

2. Have a Vision for Your Life.
The root word of motivation is “motive.” The definition of motive is, “A reason to act.” This is the cognitive or rational side of motivation. It is your vision. You have to have a vision that is big enough to motivate you.

If you are making $50,000 a year, it isn’t going to motivate you to set your goal at $52,000 a year. You just won’t get motivated for that because the reward isn’t enough. Maybe $70,000 a year would work for you. Set out a vision and a strategy for getting there. Have a plan and work the plan.

3. Fuel Your Passion.
Much of motivation is emotional. I don’t know quite how it works but I do know THAT it works. Emotion is a powerful force in getting us going. Passion is an emotion, so fuel your passion. “Well, I like to work on logic,” you may say. Great, now work on your passion. Set yourself on a course to have a consuming desire for your goal, whatever it is. Do whatever you can to feel the emotion and use it to your advantage!

4. Work Hard Enough to Get Results.
You can build on your motivation by getting results. The harder you work, the more results you will get and the more results you get, the more you will be motivated to get more. These things all build on one another.

If you want to lose weight, then lose the first few pounds. When the belt moves to the next notch you will get fired up to get it to the notch beyond that!

5. Put Good Materials into Your Mind.
I can’t say this enough – listen to audios. I still listen to audios regularly. I buy audio clubs from other speakers and I learn and grow. Their successes motivate me to get my own successes!

Read good books. Read books that teach you new ideas and skills. Read books that tell the stories of successful people. Buy them, read them, and get motivated! Buy great music and listen to it. I just did a spinning class at the club today. Whenever a good song came on I was actually able to get motivated to ride faster! It gets you going and motivates you!

6. Ride the Momentum when It Comes.

Sometimes you will just be clicking and sometimes you won’t. That is okay. It is the cycle of life. When you aren’t clicking, plug away.

When you are clicking, pour it on because momentum will help you get larger gains in a shorter period of time with less energy. That is the momentum Equation! When you are feeling good about how your work is going, ride the momentum and get as much out of it as you can!

These are the top six ways to stay motivated:
Get motivated every day.
Have a vision for your life.
Fuel your passion.
Work hard enough to get results.
Put good materials into your mind.
Ride the momentum when it comes.

These are simple principles, that when you put them to work regularly, will change your life by keeping you motivated all the time! So don’t wait — Get going!

Chris Widener
Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, and succeed in every area of their lives and achieve their dreams. Learn more about the Ultimate Success Series By Chris Widener.

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The Six Basic Messages of a Motivational Speaker

Like it or not, most people consider me a motivational speaker. That has an upside and a downside! Some people really appreciate motivational speakers while others think they are all fluff and no meat (Some are I guess).

So I have been thinking lately about what it is that a good motivational speaker should do, what they should communicate and how they should move people.

Below are the six basic messages of a good motivational speaker (Hint: If you are in a position of motivating anyone, kids, employees or the like, these will be good for you to reflect upon too!)

Here are the six basic messages:

The basic message that “You can!” So many people today just simply believe that they can’t accomplish their dreams. For one reason or another they have been told that they won’t be able to fulfill their dreams. Maybe they have failed before and left it at that. Maybe their parents didn’t believe in them. Whatever the reason, they have settled into a state of disbelief.

But I have good news … “You can!” I do not believe that there are people who are smarter, better, more talented, more destined, etc. I believe that there are people who do and those who do not.

Yes, someone may currently have more talent, but anyone can increase his or her talent. It is possible! So one of my messages is to remind you that yes indeed you can do whatever you set your mind to.

The basic message to persevere, because sometimes “You won’t!” I can’t remember the exact quote but in Dr. Seuss’ book, “Oh the Places You’ll Go,” (One of the best self help books ever written … I kid you not), there is the build up about how you will conquer the world and go anywhere and everywhere, and then you turn the page and it says, “Except when you don’t Because sometimes you won’t.” This is so true. If you are pursuing your dreams and taking risks, there will be times when you will fail.

But the key is to persevere even when you fail. As I like to say, “Failure is only failure if you fail to learn from it!” Instead of quitting, we pick ourselves up, we brush ourselves off, and we continue to take one step after another. This is the way all people who have succeeded much have done it (What, you think that successful people haven’t failed?).

The basic message that there is nothing to fear. Fear is that ugly monster that, when looked at closely, doesn’t really exist. At first glance you hear his roar, he seems so big and so ugly. He forces you to be aware of his presence and his threats. And then, if we are wise, we realize that all of what he is saying is not true.

There is nothing to fear. Rarely do we experience that which we fear. Most of the time it is quite the opposite. If we keep our minds and hearts, as well as our actions, going in the right direction … in the direction of our dreams and vision … we can walk right past that fear of ours.

It is sort of like when you were a child and you were walking along and saw a huge dog in a front yard up the street a bit. Do you remember how afraid you were? And then you realized that the dog was tied up and couldn’t get to you, so you strut on by. This is how it is with our fear. Know that fear is on a leash!

The basic message to get off your duff and work for it. I am a man of action. People who are successful are that way. Anyone who has ever been successful has done something. Think about it: Even someone who is a successful “thinker” (as opposed to a “doer”) is usually only known because they DID something that let us know about their brilliant thoughts. They wrote a book. They gave a speech. Whatever it was, they did something!

Life rewards actions. What we do is determines what we get. My message has always been and always will be that if you want anything in this life you must first determine the actions that will get you there and then you must take those actions.

If you aren’t willing to get off your duff and go get it, not only will you never attain it, but someone else most assuredly will!

The basic message to keep a positive attitude. People will say, “Oh you motivational speakers… All that positive attitude stuff.” Well, let me ask you a few questions: Isn’t it true that everyone has to have some attitude? Yes? And we choose our attitude, correct? And there are only two basic attitudes and outlooks on life; either positive or negative, true? Then we choose: Will we have a positive or negative attitude?

And the cold, hard truth is that whatever attitude you choose is almost always exactly what you will experience and what life will give you! Those with positive attitudes get and achieve and those with negative attitudes will most likely not. In everything we do, we should keep a positive attitude, knowing that it will reward us.

The basic message to help others. Life is meant to be lived in relationship with others. Relationships are intended to teach us how to love one another and help one another. I cannot imagine in any way where I would be now if it weren’t for friends and family who have been so very helpful to me.

I have said before and still believe that there is no such thing as a self-made man or woman. Look in their lives and you will see that many people helped them.

And so when we achieve some level of success and can give back, then we can and should help others. I had someone help me significantly just the other day. I was truly humbled by the gesture. When I spoke with this person about it, he simply said, “When it comes to fruition and you reap the benefits, do it for someone else.” WOW … powerful!

You CAN!
Walk past your fear!
Take action!
Be positive!
Help others!

These are the six basic messages of a motivational speaker! Follow them all the way to your success!

Questions for reflection:
Have you embraced the fact that you can do what you want?
Have you come to grips with the fact that you must persevere sometimes?
Have you looked at your fear and walked on by?
Have you committed to, and taken, action?
Have you chosen to be a person who has a positive attitude?
Have you helped others and made it a part of your life plan to continue doing so?

Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, and succeed in every area of their lives and achieve their dreams. Learn more about the Ultimate Success Series By Chris Widener.

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The Value of Intuitive Insights By John Harricharan

John Harricharan - authorIt was not too long ago that all we knew of successful business persons was that they worked hard, were very bright and efficient. Hardly did anyone use the words “intuition” and “business” in the same conversation. Gut feelings and marketing seemed to be worlds apart with the divine injunction that “never the twain shall meet.” Yet, most recent studies are showing that perhaps we’ve been missing something.

Some of the most successful persons of all times have relied extensively on the intuitive nature of their being. Conrad Hilton, the founder of the Hilton chain of hotels claimed that he used his intuition to decide where and when to buy or build a hotel. Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all times, would listen to his inner voice and produce more and better inventions.

Today, there is an explosion of interest in the “mystical” area where everyone seems to be looking for ways and means to sharpen his or her intuition. Even with our economy booming, many are seeking to gain more control over their financial future. And yet, within all of us is the ability to stand aside from the mundane, everyday grind and to look at things in a different light.

It is important to realize that your job or business is a true reflection of your internal condition— an indication of where your mind is. To change things in your workplace, you must first start by changing things within yourself. Simple as this may appear, however, it is still a very difficult thing to do.

It is not easy to break away from the hypnotic trance of everyday things and to make yourself stand aside for a short while. But if you were to practice this art of standing aside and “standing still” for a short time each day, you would find new insights into the way the world works. This will then make it easy for you to adjust and influence the outcome of business situations.

Many years ago, I knew a young, insurance salesman. He worked hard but was always enthusiastic. Few things seemed to depress him, yet, I was sure that he had his share of rejections in his business. One day, I asked him what kept him going when things seemed bleak. He looked at me and with a twinkling in his eyes replied, “John, I use my failures as learning experiences. I have a vision– a goal, if you will. I will one day be a wealthy man. There is a spirit within me that shows me the way to my goal. To hear its voice, all I have to do is spend some time with myself. In quietness I find my strength and my answers.”

Today, that insurance man is a multi-millionaire and the owner of several extremely successful businesses. He credits his success to the art of listening to his inner voice.

This inner voice is within all of us and it whispers ever so gently. When we are surrounded by the noise of everyday problems, we tend not to hear the voice.

Within us are all the answers to our problems. The questions are what we have not yet figured. Business success increases dramatically when we still the inner nature of our being. It is then that we hear more clearly the directions being given us. Our intuition becomes sharpened and our feeling nature, if we trust it, would lead us in the paths of peace and gain.

Intuition is a “gift of the gods,” so to say. We all were born with it. It is a means of receiving information and guidance through other than the physical senses. Logic and the intellect should work hand in hand and not against each other. To develop and use this faculty successfully, one should practice and trust the inner feelings. “Intuition in business,” is the wave of the future. Many businesses, both large and small, have started using intuitive consultants to assist them in achieving success.

Combine your intuitive nature with your logical thinking. Like everything else, it will take practice. Keep practicing and trust yourself and soon you will notice a whole new world of success opening up to you.
John Harricharan is an award-winning author, speaker and the creator of the ground-breaking “PowerPause” system for success. He has shared the lecture platform with such well-known speakers as Deepak Chopra, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Og Mandino, Eric Butterworth, C. Everett Koop and others. To learn more about the “PowerPause” and see why critics are raving about it click here.

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Stressed Out About CoronaVirus?

Stressed out about Coronavirus?

Here Are 3 MindPower Tips To Stay Calm And Reduce Anxiety

As the coronavirus makes its way into major cities and small suburbs across the globe, many people are becoming stressed out and finding it increasingly more difficult to stay calm and reduce anxiety.

Authorities have ordered everyone to stay in their homes in order to prevent the spread of the virus. This is causing a lot people to focus their attention solely on what is happening with the outside world. The result is actually hypnotic in nature.

Why? The act of hypnosis is getting the mind to accept a suggestion as a mental reality even though it’s not necessarily a physical reality.

In other words, even though the danger of this “virus” is happening somewhere in the world, you begin to feel subconsciously that, in your world, your in immediate danger too.

Yet at this moment, consciously, you may be lying on the couch reading this article and sipping a latte or ordering pizza.

In this article, we’re going to go over three of ways that you can become less stressed out, stay calm and reduce anxiety in times of this COVID-19 panic.

Meditation & Mindfulness Reduces Stress

The first tip is to clear your mind of fear.

Sure, you want to stay updated on what’s going on, but get facts from reliable news sources, and then focus your attention elsewhere.

Limit how much news you watch, and how much time you spend on social media.

Suddenly, everyone is an “expert” on this situation and will be more than happy to fill your head with “advice”. Stay out of social debates and responding to comments. This will only add to your stress levels.

Your ability to remain calm comes from within. That means it’s up to you to be proactive in reducing your stress and anxiety and promoting calmness while this “experience” runs its course.

One of the best ways to reduce stress and remain calm is thru guided meditation.

If you’ve never attempted meditation or any mindfulness techniques in the past, this is the perfect time to try them out and get some practice under your belt.

According to the Mayo Clinic, guided meditation can play a huge role in helping you to maintain your mental and emotional health, even benefiting aspects of your physical health.

Here’s what meditation can do for you.
**Greater outlook on life (positivity)
**Increased feelings of calmness
**Greater self-awareness
**Reduced levels of anxiety and stress.
**Improved focus

The best part is: You don’t need to be a Yogi or Spiritual Guru to do meditation.

If you’re not able to focus for long periods of time, then guided meditation or hypnotic visualization technique programs are your easy solution to relax and be stress free.

These guided meditation programs are usually combined with music and or binaural beats that calm the mind and center the soul.

The length of these programs can range from 5 minutes to over an hour or more depending on the program.

As a corporate hypnotist who has hypnotized thousands of people, I can tell you, you don’t need much more than ten to fifteen minutes of guided meditation to achieve stress free results.

Find an Anxiety Free Creative Outlet

How many times have you said to yourself, “I’d do ???? if I only had the time”. Well time is now in abundance.

Right now is a great opportunity to start or restart some new creative hobbies. When you’re focused on building or creating something new, you’re reducing the amount of focus on the negativity surrounding you. That means creativity is a solid way of helping you to relax.

A creative outlet can be almost anything. Here are a few things you might want to try out (providing you have the supplies in your home).

Working out, fitness training or power walking
Painting, coloring, or drawing
Singing or playing musical instruments
Taking photos or videos of things you enjoy
Building something with things lying around the house
Writing that novel
Reading those books that you never finished.

Basically, the goal here is to find an activity or task that shifts your focus and makes you happy. You’ll be amazed how fast time flies when you start doing something you love to do!

Giving Back & Helping Others Reduces Stress

It’s completely natural to be fearful of losing what you have (jobs, cars, houses) but giving back to others can actually help you feel more abundant.

When you’re giving back to the community or helping those in need, you’ll spread compassion and happiness rather than fear and anxiety.

With so many people self-quarantined and isolated, loneliness will increase as well. Especially for the elderly. These individuals will need to know they are not alone more than ever.

As long as you’re keeping your distance and not exposing anyone to the virus, you can deliver food and groceries or do things like their yard work.

It’ll make you feel grateful while also helping those who need it. So, call your neighbors or post something on your social pages to let those in need know you are available and how to get in contact with you.

Final Thoughts To Stay Stress Free During This CoronaVirus Pandemic

This coronavirus experience is something extra-ordinary. It’s something you can’t see, touch, smell, taste or hear yet it is believed. Fear is exactly the same.

The lockdown that has resulted from this pandemic may be out of our control but our thoughts, emotions, decisions and actions about it are completely in our control.

Remain conscious of the fact that, for this moment, your safe, have food, shelter and electricity. By remaining present, you can reduce your panic and invoke an overwhelming sense of calmness.

Decide today to master your MindPower by practicing daily meditation, looking for a creative outlet, and even giving back to those who need it.

You’ll be surprised at how your calmness will reduce other’s anxiety as well!

James “JimmyG” Graham, C.Ht –

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How To Stop Procrastinating With This Simple 2 Minute-Rule

Procrastination can be perceived as a sign of perfection, or the assassin of opportunity. We all put things off from time to time, but if you find yourself doing so more often than not then you might just be a chronic procrastinator. Whether you feel held back by anxiety, perfectionism, or boredom, procrastinating can have negative impacts on all areas of life.

It can inhibit your growth, stop you from progressing at work, and dent your self-confidence when dealing with others.

However, it’s entirely possible to overcome the tendency to procrastinate, and we’ll show you how. In this article, we’ll explain how to understand and implement a 2-minute rule that will help you become more productive. We’ll also explain the underlying psychology of procrastination, helping you understand why you sometimes get stuck in a rut.

We’ll offer some extra tips to help you get the best out of your time.

What Is Procrastination?

Lady Procrastinating

First, let’s get really clear on what procrastinating is and what it involves. On the most basic definition, procrastination involves putting something off without a particularly good reason.

This might be in personal or professional life, and it occurs even when the thing you’re putting off is important. Procrastination examples include reading your social media feed instead of completing a work project, sorting out something minor in the home instead of engaging with another person, or playing games when you know you need to do a chore.

Crucially, putting something off for a good reason isn’t procrastinating. For example, delaying something to go to a family emergency isn’t procrastination, and nor is it taking time to prioritize self-care.

The vital ingredient in procrastination is a kind cognitive dissonance – you want to do the thing, or know you should do it, and yet you find ways to avoid it.

Why Do We Procrastinate?

Now, if you’re like most people then you’ve probably procrastinated a lot – in fact, you might even have done so in the last day, or even in the last hour.

But why do we do this? Experts in psychology say that a range of factors may be salient. For example, for some us there’s an underlying perfectionism – we worry we won’t be able to do a good job.

When we worry about not doing a good job we tend to hold back on trying at all. This is a kind of self-sabotage that ensures we don’t do our best work, but that gives us a reason to pin this on – after all, we left the project too late.

For others, there’s an underestimation of how much work or attention something needs, or there’s a belief that we need to be exactly in the right frame of mind in order to engage with a particular task.

But let’s dig a bit deeper into some of the psychology of procrastination.

The Psychology Of Procrastinating

Research shows that when we procrastinate, we tell ourselves stories to make sense of our behavior and rationalize it.

In other words, we make ourselves believe that what we’ve done was okay, or inevitable, which can hold us back from making positive changes in the future.

For example, one study conducted on a group of students revealed a range of beliefs in the psychology of procrastinators.

Many of them reported that they didn’t know what to do or didn’t know how to do it, effectively placing the blame elsewhere.

Meanwhile, lots of the participants also indicated a genuine belief that they worked under pressure – they were in the habit of last-minute contemplation, and thought it served them well.

Yet more reported not caring about what they were doing or the results of failing to do it, suggesting that procrastination is sometimes associated with committing to things we don’t really want to do.

Far more common than not being invested, however, is getting caught up in worries about not being good enough. When we think there’s nothing we can do to live up to our expectations or the expectations of others, we stop ourselves from engaging entirely.

What Are The Effects Of Procrastinating

While the above research largely concerned students, procrastination impacts us at all stages of our lives. In fact, some studies estimate that around 20% of adults in America qualify as chronic procrastinators – and this can have profoundly negative effects.

Mental health is one particularly important area that can suffer if you procrastinate a lot of the time. For example, some of the latest work of procrastination indicates that those who identify themselves as procrastinators sometimes feel relieved and less stressed.

At the start of a period of procrastination but ultimately end up much more stressed than their peers. Chronic procrastinators also report a higher rate of illness, though whether there’s a direct causal relationship here remains mysterious.

Procrastinating damages work relationships, it means that others take more work to compensate for your failure to complete tasks. This might be at home (e.g., with chores) or with work projects.

Perhaps more importantly of all, procrastination stops you from realizing your full potential. If you put everything off until the last moment, you never know how good you could be, what your full value is, and what your true purpose might be.

How Do I Overcome Procrastination

So, now you should have a more robust understanding of procrastination.

You now know what procrastinating is, where it comes from, how it can change your life and inhibit your success.

Let’s now turn our attention to the task of overcoming procrastination for good!

In this section, we’ll offer four tips that you can use to limit future procrastination, and then we’ll move on to a 2-minute rule that can revolutionize the way you think about tasks (both at work and at home).

Make Micro Commitments

Micro commitments are small, manageable commitments rather than intimidating large ones.

Often, you can break a large goal into small micro-commitments, thereby ensuring that the whole project gets completed.

For example, suppose you need to give a series of ten presentations at work. Try making a micro commitment to completing one this week, and then recommit to the next one the following week.

In addition, when you’re trying to beat procrastination, it’s smart to make the micro-commitments things that you’ll be held accountable for doing.

In other words, pick things that you absolutely have to do, such as time-limited events. It will be harder to back out of these or make excuses.

Stop Wasting Time

You might well think “If it was so easy to just stop wasting time, I’d have done it already.”

After all, most procrastinators are well aware of their habit, and of the fact they waste time. However, what you might not yet have tried are concrete strategies to stop wasting time.

One way is to schedule your day into chunks, assigning a task (or part of a task) to each. For example, the Pomodoro technique involves working for a 25-30 minute, then taking a five-minute break. This can help to keep you focused, and gives you a guarantee that a break is coming up soon.

Positive affirmations can also stop you from wasting time. Try repeating things like “I will use my time-wise today” when you wake up today. Meanwhile, accountability can help too. Perhaps you might make a pact with a procrastinating friend, and agree to report back on your productivity.

Reward Yourself Often

Overcoming procrastinating shouldn’t be focusing on times you’ve wasted or ways in which you feel bad about the past.

Try to link your new good habits with positivity by deliberately rewarding yourself for improving. Decide what your reward will be for each task you’ve undertaken, use this as an incentive to get through it.

This also helps to form new neural pathways in your brain, associating these tasks with pleasure and reward.

Note, too, that a reward doesn’t have to be big. It can be treating yourself to food, listening to your favorite song, calling a friend or watching something on YouTube.

It can help to associate bigger rewards with more overwhelming tasks, so try to think of something more substantive to reward yourself with when you do something like complete a huge work project, clean the whole house or do your taxes.

Stop Getting Distracted Easily

Finally, distractions are everywhere and they’re hard to resist.

They support procrastination, making it incredibly easy to go off-task and forget what you were supposed to be doing.

However, you have some power over distractions and their role in your life. Consider your phone, for example – you can put it in another room or turn it off until you are done.

There are features you can use that lock certain features of your phone until a set time has passed.

When it comes to the distraction of social media, it’s also worth asking you whether it’s playing a positive role in your life or whether you could stand to take a break. If social media is a source of envy and loneliness for you, you might as well break ties with it.

How To Overcome Procrastination With The 2 Minute-Rule

The above tips and techniques can go a long way toward helping you to develop new attitudes to tasks that seem intimidating, boring or difficult.

However, perhaps the most effective method at all is the two-minute rule, derived from personal development author James Clear’s book “Atomic Habits”. We’ll walk you through the basics, and you can start applying the rule today.

The idea is to stick to the rule that a new habit should take less than two minutes to do. This might not sound right at first, but you’ll find that if you challenge yourself then you can turn almost any activity into a two-minute version.

For example, “Exercise every day” can become “Do 25 star-jumps”, and “Study for your exam” can become “Revise one page.”

While in the long term you’ll need to do more, the idea here is that the two-minute rule makes the new habit far easier to start, helping you to establish it. After all, anyone can exercise, read or meditate for two minutes.

You can think of these (In Clear’s terms) as “gateway habits” – starting habits that make it that much easier to keep going and to do more with your time.

For example, your end goal might be to lose 5kg, but your two-minute starting habit could activate your workout gear. This, in sum, is how you apply the two-minute rule to your life.

Why Does The Two Minute-Rule Work?

Now, why does the two-minute rule make such a difference?

Are these small changes really so productive? The reason the two-minute rule works well is that it helps you hone the skill of showing up. It helps you establish a healthy habit, which is actually the hardest part of the whole process.

It sets the scene up as easy, low-stakes and possible, instead of intimidating or difficult.

As you get used to doing these specific things for two minutes, these couple of minutes become just the start of that day’s activity.

You begin to think things like “Well, I meditate for two minutes every day, so I might as well go for ten and enjoy the benefits of that.”

In addition, sticking to two-minute habits helps to show you that you can be the person you want to be. For example, exercising for two minutes every day proves to yourself that you can stick to a workout every day. And once you know that about yourself, a world of possibility opens up.

Stop Procrastinating With Self Hypnosis

While all the above advice is helpful and can turn you into a productive person who happily works through tasks, there’s more you can do to ease the transition into new habits. Specifically, why not try self-hypnosis to stop procrastination? Using a recording that helps you enter into a deeply relaxed state in which you’re highly receptive to suggestions. With this, you can begin to rewrite the beliefs and impulses that have been holding you back. For some people, even just one self-hypnosis session leads to remarkable changes in feelings and behaviors.

If you’re new to hypnosis, don’t worry – it can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. Rather, it supports you in changing your life, by getting into your subconscious mind and helping to rewrite limiting beliefs. Whether fear of failure, perfectionism or self-doubt is holding you back, self-hypnosis for procrastination can help you take that first step into acting and thinking differently.

Retrain yourself to become more productive and motivated to achieve your maximum potential using hypnosis to stop procrastinating.

The post How To Stop Procrastinating With This Simple 2 Minute-Rule appeared first on The Law Of Attraction.

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Hacker Forms Church to Jailbreak Humanity Out of Our Simulation

(TMU Op-ed) — The Matrix is big money these days. Not the movie so much (although a 4th installment is planned), but rather the Simulation Argument—the idea that we’re living in an advanced computer program or video game.

And the resulting rabbit hole has inspired countless viral articles that accrue major page views all across the web, with the subject itself being debated on prestigious stages by some of the world’s most renowned thinkers and physicists.

Tech magnate and entrepreneur Elon Musk made headlines in recent years when he openly stated he believed we live in a simulation. He was quoted saying he thinks there’s “a one in billion chance we’re living in base reality.” In other words, he thinks it’s astronomically more unlikely that we’re not living in a simulation. He said the game No Man’s Sky further convinced him of this reality. To him, the question is “What’s outside the simulation?”

In a 2017 interview, Musk expanded on his views with a tweet to the Twitter account belonging to the show Rick and Morty:

“The singularity for this level of the simulation is coming soon. I wonder what the levels above us look like.”

Where did such technomanic confidence in a real-life Matrix come from? The original Simulation Argument was penned by Nick Bostrum in 2003, though he started speculating on the end result of a Technological Singularity in 2001. He projected, that with our current rate of technological advancement, it is likely that advanced simulations will be increasingly common in the future, and thus it is likely we are actually in one of those simulations.

When the Simulation Argument first came out I was in college, around the time I already felt like I was living in some kind of dystopian movie in which war criminals could be re-elected to a second term as president and an unstoppable corporatocracy could suck the life and data out of a complacent populace.

Now, 15 years later, it seems we’re at enough inflection point, although this time it’s not just about one issue: with climate change looming, economic collapse imminent, and mindless nationalism seeping back into the global order, it’s as if we’ve hit a cultural singularity of destruction and apocalypse fetishism.

It makes total sense that such a hypothesis would become so popular in this environment. How could this reality be real? It almost makes more sense that this is a simulation. It’s soothing to think this is all some sick experiment by a sadistic posthuman AI or an extraterrestrial youth on higher-dimensional amphetamines and hallucinogens.

But it was hard to predict that such an outlandish concept could become so mainstream that actual scientists were subscribing to it—and actually running experiments to prove it.

However, in recent years, that’s exactly what has happened. A team of German physicists used a field called lattice quantum chromodynamics to create a mini-simulation of a sliver of the universe to see if it has the same kind of arbitrary constraints, such as high energy particles seen in the Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin or GZK cut off.

Theoretical physicist S. James Gate claims to have found a surprising and highly unusual code in his research into string theory. He says that, embedded deep within the most fundamental equations that outline our cosmos, he found self-dual linear error-correcting block code. Essentially, he says there are error correcting 1s and 0s bound up inside the superstrings that constitute the core of our reality. Though Gate was a skeptic on the simulation idea, this discovery shook him.


A new book by Rizwan Virk expands upon Bostrum’s original idea and then takes it to the next level, as he wonders about the nature of our existence within the simulation.

“Probably the most important question related to this is whether we are NPCs (non-player characters) or PCs (player characters) in the video game,” Virk said in an interview with Vox.

“If we are PCs, then that means we are just playing a character inside the video game of life, which I call the Great Simulation.”

Virk argues that the mysterious findings in quantum mechanics—namely that the universe seems to be largely quantum potential and not fixed reality until a human observes it—are consistent with video game rendering logic. “The cardinal rule,” he says, “is the universe renders only that which needs to be observed.”

The cultural influence is significant, too. As we careen toward a frighteningly uncertain future, the temptation to engage in newer, proto-technologist forms of escapism grows stronger. The downstream effects of the Simulation Argument are becoming more clearly defined as a traditional religious psuedo-science, with YouTube videos of people claiming you can hack reality and reprogram your mind to live in the universe of your choosing.

One hacker, George Hotz, is so convinced we’re living in a simulation that he’s created a church for it, his goal being to figure out how to hack the simulation and escape into a new reality.


“It’s easy to imagine things that are so much smarter than you and they could build a cage you wouldn’t even recognize,” George stated, adding that the solution is to “jailbreak the simulation,” and either meet our makers or destroy them.

It’s hard to say whether such ideas are productive or dangerous. It’s unlikely Bostrom—who claims he had not seen The Matrix before writing his seminal paper on the hypothesis—could have ever imagined his idea would become so firmly embedded in the zeitgeist. He also likely could not have imagined the all-encompassing, dystopian nature of the surveillance grid we would live in nearly twenty years later.

People increasingly feel like they’re losing control of not only their own realities, but the collective, consensus reality we live in. It’s enticing to believe there’s a larger mystery governing the laws of this insanity. It’s enticing to view consciousness as some kind of reality-hacking, non-biological buzzsaw slicing through the quantum ether.

But at the end of the day, perhaps our minds are just the unlikely interfaces between chaos and energy. Given the unlikeliness of existing at all, maybe that should be enough.

By Jake Anderson | Creative Commons |

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8 Ways to Consistently Improve Yourself Daily

1. Pick the knowledge you need

When we want to improve at something, we often go to the internet to look for resources. The good news is there are a lot of resources available. The bad news is we don’t know which is a useful one. The clickbaity content might often tell you the things that you already know or the things that you don’t need.

It’s easy to get lost in this pool of resources. That’s why it’s important to get familiar with what exactly you need. Being as specific as you can will weed out unnecessary resources.

For example, If you want to learn writing, be specific about the type of writing that you would like to learn (copywriting, content writing, scriptwriting, etc). Also, choosing a niche (self help, health, technology, etc) will narrow down the results to help you pick up the exact knowledge you need. You can apply the same technique if you want to learn through books.

2. Build the feedback loop

Daniel Kahneman, the author of “ Thinking Fast and Slow” has said, “ How quickly you learn new things depends on the quality and speed of feedback loop you built for yourself”.

The feedback loop is exactly how you find out your weaknesses and strengths. What happened yesterday, happened! You can’t change the past but you can extract the lessons from your past to build the future you deserve.

It’s common for people to repeat the same mistakes over and over and having a feedback loop in place will turn these mistakes into lessons. A feedback loop will help you to improve yourself at an accelerated rate because it will give you a way to be consistently aware of what works and what doesn’t.

3. Get comfortable with failures

If you are willing to get yourself out of your comfort zone, you must be comfortable with failing. When we try new things, we usually have a fear of failure. This fear of failure restricts us from giving our 100% which in turn increases our chances of failure.

Failure often puts you in a confused state of mind which is totally normal. But in this state of confusion, we overlook the data we can access now to make better decisions next time. Failure is not bad, it’s the greatest teacher you will ever find.

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” – Paulo Coelho

4. Circadian rhythm

A circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours.

When you want to change your life, you need to know how your energy levels change throughout the day. What do you like to do at certain times of the day and what you don’t is the first step to approach productivity.

Build the schedule that you can follow and not the one that looks good on paper. Why wake up at 4 a.m. and work out if you can give your best in the gym at 7:00 p.m? You don’t have to follow someone else’s schedule just because they are famous. You need to build one that is tailored for you and modify it as you progress.

5. Don’t work, PLAY

Being harsh on yourself will hardly do any good for you. If you don’t find happiness in what you do, you are bound to get bored quickly.

Build the schedule that looks ideal to you, mix it with your current schedule and that is the schedule you should approach in the beginning stages. Basically, choose a small swimming pool to swim in first and then move on to a large one.

Also, when you feel like you are burning out, take a break. You can always shift the gears and pick up the pace but when you feel by heart that you need to cool down, do it. Remember, you’re trying to improve yourself not trying to sell insurance.

6. Divide and conquer

Every one of us has good ideas, every one of us knows what to do. We also know that doing certain things is how our life can actually take shape. But, when it all comes down to taking actions, we quickly look for instant rewards.

Sadly, that’s not how it works but you can hack your way by dividing an action into small sub-actions. For example, If you want a write a 2000 page article, writing 100 pages twice a day will complete the task in 10 days without stretching yourself. Make the actions so small that it should not feel like work but remember there is no substitute for doing, drill that in your mind.

“The goal is not to be perfect by the end. The goal is to be better today.” – Simon Sinek

7. Question everything

What you are right now is a product of how society made you look at the world. Their thought, their beliefs build your perspective and your perspective builds your mindset.

Some of these beliefs are literally nothing but myths. If you don’t question it and believe everything, you are not living your own life. Every single thing that you are made to believe, question it. It’s the easiest way to flush out mental waste.

8. Attitude drives you

When you want to improve, it’s obvious that you will face some level of confusion. You might think everyone is judging you, you might think that this is too hard. There is a lot of confusion but it’s just an act of negative thoughts.

You can defeat these negative waves by manifesting a positive attitude. If you want to be a winner you have to act, think and fight like a winner. Visualize yourself as a winner, talk to yourself on why you are the best in the business to feed that positive attitude in your mind. Talk to yourself or read success stories. 

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Character Development – How to be a Class Act

Zig Ziglar - author and speakerFrom time to time someone gives another individual the ultimate compliment by saying, “You are a ‘class act,’” or by describing a specific behavior by saying, “That’s class.” From time to time a master of ceremonies will introduce an individual by saying, “If you go to the dictionary and look up the word ‘class,’ you will see a picture of your speaker this evening.”

A person with class is an individual of integrity, someone you would love to have as a parent or child, a friend or a neighbor, a mentor or an advisor. In short, class identifies a person who is “top drawer,” one who goes the extra mile by being gracious to everyone who courteously serves them.

I love the description given in comments made by Bill Daniels who said that “class is something you choose for yourself. It’s competing honestly, confronting problems head-on, taking accolades with grace and humility and not knocking your competitors. If you have class you’re loyal to both yourself and to those around you. Class is born out of self-respect and a healthy respect for others. Everything in this world is not always attainable. Fortunately, class is.”

Class is the coach who gives every child on the team his turn “at bat” without regard to the youngster’s ability or the won-lost record of the team.

I encourage you to identify someone who is a class act and use that person as a role model. The individual might not be rich and famous or even brilliant, but a person of class is one we can all aspire to be. Take the class approach and I’ll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!
Zig Ziglar offers a free weekly newsletter filled with more of his inspiring stories as well as practical ideas to help you in the areas of sales, marketing, customer service, and related topics. You can subscribe to the Zig Ziglar Newsletter by visiting his web site.

* Check out Born to Win: Find Your Success Code by Zig Ziglar.

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