Mind Control

3 Ways To Add To Your Mental Health Toolbox

Mental Health is a hot topic right now, as it should be. 

Celebrities coming out and openly talking about struggles, depression, and anxiety are getting more vocalized by the masses.

But what happens after these brave steps? 

Unfortunately, you don’t suddenly become healed, and the world is all rainbows and unicorns.

I am not a therapist, nor have I gone to school for any mental health training, but I am a regular person like you who has struggled with PTSD symptoms after an extremely tough breakup. Also, severe depression and anxiety after watching my father wither away from Parkinson’s and then suddenly die from cancer. 

I can relate to you. 

I can understand the daily mental health struggles while dealing with paying your rent, keeping your job, not losing your friends and hopefully finding happiness and love again one day.

But mainly, the deep down desire to feel normal again one day. 

What I will share below isn’t a quick fix, nor should it be taken as ‘this is the only thing you need to do.’ Mental health comes from a combination of areas in our life that differ from one person to the next. 

3 Key Mental Health Toolbox Additions


If society can change how we look at going to therapy, we all will be happier in life. It would be best to look at your therapist in the same mindset as hiring a personal trainer. You don’t know what you don’t know. Only someone who is trained and skilled in this area can help guide you. 

Take time when looking for the right therapist for you. Therapy is like any other profession, where there are individuals with specific skill sets, you may not need some practice. You also want to take your time because you might not connect on a human-to-human connection with a therapist. 

If this happens, don’t get discouraged. Accept that it happened and move forward, finding the next therapist to try.


Get moving, get your heart rate going and get sweating! Adding 5-6 days of exercise into your week doesn’t mean you need to join a gym or buy a monthly membership somewhere. The act of throwing on a pair of shoes, popping in your headphones and getting 30+ minutes of walking in where you live is sufficient enough to start.

The endorphins created when moving are our body’s natural way of changing your mood for the better—however, the creation of endorphins isn’t the only reason to start moving for your mental health.  

The act of getting more exercise can trigger new thoughts and goals within you. The desire to eat healthier is one. By doing this, your gut and brain will benefit from eating cleaner foods and getting away from the highly processed, high sugars and fatty foods that are so common in our diets. 

Morning routine 

Every morning you start with a blank slate. 6-8hrs of sleep, physically and emotionally getting away from all that’s going bad in life, start each morning with a plan to better yourself. Find a set time to wake up each day, making sure you don’t feel rushed and stressed. Leave your phone alone until your whole routine is completed, making the morning entirely about you.

What can be part of a morning routine?

  • meditation
  • journaling
  • affirmations
  • reading
  • stretching
  • goal setting
  • peace and quiet

As you can see, your mental health toolbox won’t be filled with anything that doesn’t already come into your daily life. That is the beautiful thing about our mental health; we can work on it every day without having to change who we are.

It is also important to point out the correlation between physical health and mental health. They are not two separate areas competing for your time. Instead, they work together, feeding off the positives and negative daily actions made. 

So take some time today and think about a few areas you start focusing on each day to better your mental health. 

You can do this.

Paul Marlow is a mental health advocate and the founder of Never Alone, helping society change the way we view mental health help content.

The post 3 Ways To Add To Your Mental Health Toolbox appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

Mind Control

Email Shows Researcher Who Funded Wuhan Lab, Admits Manipulating Coronaviruses,

Read more on this subject: Corruption
News Story Source: by Steve Watson
Dr Fauci's emails have been released via a Freedom of Information Act request, and there is some pretty interesting stuff in them, particularly one email where a researcher who funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology thanks Fauci for publicly dismissing the lab leak theory early on during the pandemic.

The email from Dr. Peter Daszak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance, a group that has extensive ties to the Wuhan lab gain of function research, sent the email to Fauci on April 18, 2020, roughly six weeks after the outbreak had taken hold.

The email states:

"As the Pl of the ROl grant publicly targeted by Fox News reporters at the Presidential press briefing last night, I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

From my pers
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Mind Control

The Most Deadly Biological Agents Ever Devised for Mass-Jabbing

Read more on this subject: Health and Physical Fitness
Feature Article by Stephen Lendman
The Most Deadly Biological Agents Ever Devised for Mass-Jabbing

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Doctors and scientists involved in explaining the hazards of covid mass-jabbing risk their careers — perhaps lives as well — for truth-telling on the most crucially important cutting-edge issue of our time.

US-led Western dark forces, Pharma and their press agent media aim to infect maximum numbers of people worldwide by toxic covid mass-jabbing.

Their diabolical intent is eliminating billions of unwanted people.

Everyone jabbed for seasonal flu-deceptively renamed covid risks irreversible harm and death sooner or later.

Eminent Professor of Medicine, practicing physician, public health expert Dr. Peter McCullough called covid jabs "the most lethal, toxic, biologic agent ever injected into a human body in American history."

Indisputable evidence proves him right. 

Millions in t
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Mind Control

Neuroscientist Claims That Consciousness Itself Is Its Own Energy Field

A neuroscientist has suggested in a new theory that our consciousness is derived from a field of electromagnetic waves given off by neurons.

The study published last month in the journal Neuroscience of Consciousness is entirely based off a theory absent of tangible evidence. However, the author of the research Johnjoe McFadden said that his hypothesis could offer a way forward for robots that think and feel emotions.

McFadden believes that neuron waves of electrical activity get sent out and as they propagate across the brain, they help compose our entire conscious experience.

Johnjoe McFadden, is a molecular geneticist and director of quantum biology at the University of Surrey. McFadden points to flaws in other models of consciousness as the reason that we don’t have sentient artificial intelligence or robots capable of achieving consciousness.

McFadden’s hypothesis swerves away from most traditional neuroscientists, who generally see consciousness as a narrative that our brain constructs out of our senses, perceptions, and actions. Instead, McFadden returns to a more empirical version of dualism — the idea that consciousness stems from something other than our brain matter.

McFadden’s theory adapts the idea of “dualism,” which is the belief that consciousness is a supernatural force. Dualism has long been rejected by scientists and ruled pseudo-science, but McFadden has attempted to apply a scientific explanation for the idea, which hasn’t been done before.

Neuroscience news reports that the theory is based on scientific fact:

“The theory is based on scientific fact: when neurons in the brain and nervous system fire, they not only send the familiar electrical signal down the wire-like nerve fibres, but they also send a pulse of electromagnetic energy into the surrounding tissue. Such energy is usually disregarded, yet it carries the same information as nerve firings, but as an immaterial wave of energy, rather than a flow of atoms in and out of the nerves.”

It’s also a fact we have an electromagnetic field surrounding our brain is well-known and is detected by brain-scanning techniques such as electroencephalogram (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) but has previously been dismissed as irrelevant to brain function and supernatural. Instead, McFadden contends that the brain’s information-rich electromagnetic field is, in fact, itself the seat of consciousness, driving the ‘free will’ of an individual.

“How brain matter becomes aware and manages to think is a mystery that has been pondered by philosophers, theologians, mystics and ordinary people for millennia,” McFadden said in a press release published by Medical Xpress. “I believe this mystery has now been solved, and that consciousness is the experience of nerves plugging into the brain’s self-generated electromagnetic field to drive what we call ‘free will’ and our voluntary actions.”

Mind Control

Growing Medical Tyranny on US College Campuses

Read more on this subject: United States
Feature Article by Stephen Lendman
Growing Medical Tyranny on US College Campuses

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Pre-2020, who could have imagined that attending college in the US today might be hazardous to health and well-being.

That’s the disturbing reality on growing numbers of campuses.

In March, Rutgers became the first US school of higher education to require that students be jabbed with experimental, high-risk, unapproved, rushed to market, DNA altering Pfizer or Moderna mRNA drugs that risks irreversible harm to health.

Scores of other colleges and universities followed. 

Perhaps before fall this year, it’ll be mandated on most or all US campuses — in flagrant violation of federal law and the Nuremberg Code. See below.

Below are some of the US schools that require students to be jabbed for seasonal flu-renamed covid — refusniks to be barred from coming on campus, attending classroom instruction, and parti
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Mind Control

Shocking Video Reveals Government Corruption

Shocking Video Reveals Government Corruption


Here’s a shocking one hour video by researcher/whistle blower Bev Collins. 

Bev Collins describes how the Trilateral Commission, the IMF, The World Bank and the WTO are working together to usurp our constitutional rights and freedoms through NAFTA and the U.S./Canadian free trade agreements. 

No wonder why President Donald Trump wanted to scrap the Nafta trade deal!

The collusion of The World Bank and the IMF is purposely destroying our monetary system and inter country trade and natural resources.

National Government and Military Systems that guard individual countries are being dismantled.

This New World Order system is controlled by the Transnationals and the Trilateral Commission.

The mandate of the Trilateral Commission is to get rid of the nation state.

These organizations are led by world leaders who’s mission is to create a “one world” government body.

Every one of our Canadian banks and insurance companies have members in the Trilateral Commission.

And all the while, they are brainwashing the public to believe… “Its for the good of the people”.

There’s a war now on for your Soul.

And they are coming for you through your mind.

Use our Mind Power website to educate and protect yourself and your family.

Leave your comments and suggestions below.

There’s strength in numbers!