self improvement

How To Center Yourself Spiritually During Seasonal Changes


If you want to center yourself spiritually, The seasons are markers and containers for our lives. They influence weather and crops, but also our moods and vitality. Many people feel happier and more energized during one time of year than another.

The natural ebbs and flows of the year are particularly felt by an estimated 1 in 5 people who are empaths. They are highly sensitive and they feel things first, which is the opposite of how the majority of the population functions in our intellectualized world. Empaths filter the world through their intuition.

Empaths are highly attuned to other people’s moods, good and bad. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme. They take on negativity, such as anger or anxiety, which is exhausting. If they’re around peace and love, their bodies take these on and flourish. As super-responders, being around people can drain an empath so they periodically need alone time to recharge their batteries. Even a brief escape prevents emotional overload.

But empaths don’t have to absorb the negativity in the world and become overwhelmed once they learn how to center themselves. Proactively engaging in replenishing strategies can channel their sensitivities. 

An important strategy to center yourself spiritually involves noticing their responses to seasonal changes, which connects them to the rhythms of their bodies and the Earth. Being in touch with this connectedness enlivens us all, allowing us to reclaim our most ancient selves, who were devoted to watching the heavens, the sky and the moon — and who were awed by the wonder of Creation.

Let these seasonal cycles and rhythms center and inspire you.

1. Autumn. The transition from summer to autumn takes place at the Equinox, when day and night are of equal length. This is a perfect time to meditate on balance. As days become colder and darker, leaves stop making chlorophyll, which triggers them to age and decay. Autumn is a time of harvest, of change and of letting go. It’s a time to reap what you have sown and harvest the fruits of your labors. 

Through journaling or in meditation, reflect on: 

What benefits have resulted from my hard work? 

What areas involving success would I like to further expand?

How would I like to deepen my relationships?

How have I grown as an empath?

Be grateful for your progress and open your arms and heart to continuing abundance. Consider how you can conclude unfinished business and enter the last quarter of the year with a fresh mind and optimism to center yourself spiritually.

2. Winter. The winter solstice marks the first day of this season. It’s the darkest point of the year when the Earth tilts furthest from the Sun. As days grow longer again, there is a gradual ascent into light. Winter is exciting because it takes you to your depths. It invites you to heal your shadow side, including fears or self-doubts. 

Through journaling or in meditation, reflect on what lessons have you received from the shadow: 

Did you find hope during a depression? 

Were you kind to yourself when you felt anxious? 

Did you say “no” to an abusive relationship? 

Affirm your courage in facing your shadow side and the progress that you made. Set your intention to practice self-care by not overcommitting yourself. Commit to relaxing more as the year winds down and leaving some unstructured time for self-reflection and rejuvenation. 

3. Spring. With the spring Equinox, again the day and night are of equal length and you can draw on this cosmic balance to enhance your own emotional, spiritual and physical balance. 

Spring is associated with rebirth. Sit quietly and try to intuit that the Earth is about to awaken with life. It’s thrilling to welcome the first inklings of fresh growth in the natural world and within yourself.

Through journaling or in meditation, reflect on:

What old layers of yourself that no longer serve you are you ready to shed?

What new possibilities are about to emerge for you?

How will you open to the promise of each new day?

Let yourself open to the coming of spring’s promise and the breathtaking experience of new light emerging.

4. Summer. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year when the light is peaking. Around this period, you can focus on emanating your inner light too. Feel your strength building. Own your power and experience how natural and good it feels.

Through journaling or in meditation, reflect on what this means. It could be:

Speaking your needs. 

Being yourself to the fullest. 

Saying “no” to energy vampires. 

Expressing your creativity. 

Going for the project you’ve been passionate about. 

Telling your partner how crazy you are about him or her. 

Don’t hold back. Open your heart. Feel your fire. Connect with the spiritual and mystical forces and let them wash over and cleanse you. 

Tap into the seasonal rhythms to embrace your empathic abilities and intuition. They are gifts can help you center yourself spiritually .

 If you’ve enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.


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9 Ways to Encourage Leadership From a Young Age

Being an adult is a tough job indeed. Getting a job, paying the bills, getting married, having a kid, retirement- the list never ends. However, with age, a lot of things become clearer. 

Parenthood, for instance, is one of the most taxing yet rewarding experiences of life. Every parent has the same goal- to raise children who grow up to be successful and kind. However, there is no yardstick to proper parenting.

The world is in shambles, with the ecosystem crumbling, income disparity widening and people becoming more intolerant. It is the next generation that holds the power to change things. Teach your kids to build a better world, be better people, and fix the damage that we have propagated.

There are no set formulas to raise the perfect child. Give the child the space to make their own decisions. The most you can do is motivate, educate, and support them. A good leader is not just assertive, but also sensitive, helpful, intelligent, reliable, and willful.

Here are some tips to instill these qualities in your child:

1. Develop their Cognitive Abilities 

Cognitive abilities are not limited to academic success. It refers to the natural intelligence of the child. How well can your young one understand concepts? How are their analytical abilities? How do they fare when faced with a problem? These are some of the things that you need to instill in your child.

Schoolwork does play an important part of this. However, there are other ways of boosting the cognitive skills of an individual. Introduce them to different perspectives and alternatives and then encourage them to make an independent decision.    

2. Nurture Empathy 

Being emotional or sensitive is not a sign of weakness. Empathy is when an individual makes a conscious attempt to truly understand what the other person is going through. Encourage them to be kind, generous and helpful to those around them. 

A good leader is not just someone who has access to all the resources. They are someone who knows how to use the said resources in a manner which benefits everyone. Also, instill self-reliance and an independent streak in kids. This can help them overcome the negativity around them

“No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt

3. Technical Expertise 

Technology has usurped almost every aspect of our life. It has changed the way we commute, communicate, and conduct business. In such a scenario, it would be foolish to keep your child away from social media and gadgets. You should definitely censor their exposure and check their online activity. However, give them the space to explore the virtual space and experiment with the various tools out there. Help your child understand how the internet works.

4. Encourage Curiosity and Questioning 

Kids are inherently very curious about their surroundings. You might often notice young children questioning the notions and concepts that we otherwise take for granted. It is this creativity and innovation that makes them truly creative and unorthodox. 

Don’t let the questioning spirit of your young one wither away. Instead, encourage them to ask more questions, but in a more rational and structured way. Over time, most kids are conditioned to think and act in a certain way. Don’t force your opinions on your kid, and encourage them to develop their own views over time. 

5. Build Communication Abilities 

Great oratory skills and a strong command of language is another virtue that most great leaders possess. Motivate your child to read as much as they can. This helps develop their vocabulary from an early age. The treasure trove of words and the knowledge of their correct application can go a long way. 

Language is a great manipulative tool that can be used to move the masses. Great leaders are known for addressing large groups and putting forth their points confidently and assertively. 

6. Practice Team Building

A good leader is never born in isolation. He always has the support of the masses. One of the most important skills for a leader is teamwork and diplomacy. Encourage your child to be active in group activities in school. Also, enroll them in several extracurricular activities and debates for that extra confidence boost. 

Leadership is not about forcing other people or dominating other people. It is about representing their perspectives, opinions and working for the common good of all. 

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” – Jack Welch

7. Motivate Them to Negotiate  

Children who grow up with a diverse set of friends from different ethnicities and communities are often tolerant and accepting. By introducing them to different cultures and groups you are normalizing the differences that otherwise divide people. 

This same concept also helps develop their communication abilities and interpersonal skills. Your child is better equipped to negotiate with different groups and crack deals that are mutually beneficial. Bargaining is a life skill that everyone should be equipped with. In a consumerist society, it is a survival hack that would take your kids a long way. 

8. Set a Good Example 

Children learn more by imitating the actions of their guardians than by sermons. If you want to inculcate good habits in your child, you have to lead by example. 

Show them how to be good orators. Be good, kind, generous people. Be more tolerant and accepting. Be strong, assertive, active and willful in your everyday dealings with people. Also, learn to take initiative, be active in raising your voice when needed. Treat everyone with basic respect, equality and credibility. Kids are more likely to learn by imitating their elders than by listening to what they say. 

9. Encourage Perseverance 

Perseverance is another quality that kids should develop from a young age. Encourage the never-give-up attitude in children. Let them fail and then learn from their failures.

Life is not always a bed of roses, and there will be times when things won’t work out the way you would want them to. It is when times are trying that you are truly tested. Encourage your child to break free from their comfort zone. Motivate them to take risks, experiment, try new things and be brave in the face of adversity.

Good leaders are neither completely logical nor overtly sensitive. It is a combination of these two qualities that make for a likeable personality. Leaders are not to be feared, but respected for their work. Children are especially influential and malleable. Ensure that you inculcate these skills and qualities from an early age to help them become successful leaders of the future. 

What do you think is the most important trait to encourage in younger individuals? Share your ideas below!

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How To Be Outstanding!

Good is only half a block from average. Excellence lives on the other side of town from good. Outstanding resides in a zip code all by itself!

Why not Be Outstanding! This article is devoted to reinvesting in you. Its purpose is to help you to raise the bar, and reach for higher levels of performance from yourself and others than you ever thought possible.

How does one create and sustain outstanding performance?

First and foremost, you must live and die by the spirit of this rule:

If you are not committed to delivering results that are profound, dramatic and superior – NEVER COMPETE!

Let’s consider the ramifications of these 16 simple words. They remind me of something that Steve Jobs of Apple once said…

“It’s not enough to make your offer or performance great, it should be INSANELY great. Incremental improvements over your competition’s offers, or even your own previous offers, don’t cut it. You should shoot for TEN times better.”

Being outstanding means redefining existing standards of performance, and challenging existing paradigms of world best practices.

The Ritz-Carlton epitomizes what it means to create and sustain outstanding performance.

The Ritz-Carlton is the first and only Hotel Company to win the coveted Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award; in fact they are the first and only Service Company to win the award twice.

When you stay at the Ritz-Carlton, you get to experience and enjoy the finest service and facilities in the world. They have consciously developed a legacy, and a reputation for outstanding service and innovation.

The standards of service, dining and facilities set by the Ritz-Carlton serve as a benchmark for all hotels and resorts worldwide. In short, The Ritz-Carlton has set the standards by which everyone else must compete.

What follows are the Gold Standards, which serve as the foundational principals of the Ritz-Carlton. These Gold Standards drive outstanding results. They encompass the values and philosophy by which they operate and include:

The Credo,
The Motto,
The Three Steps of Service,
The Basics,
The Employee Promise.


The Ritz-Carlton Hotel is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our guests is our highest mission.
We pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for our guests who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet refined ambience.

The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests.


We Are Ladies and Gentlemen Serving Ladies and Gentlemen.

Three Steps of Service

1. A warm and sincere greeting. Use the guest name if and when possible.

2. Anticipation and Compliance with guest needs.

3. Fond farewell. Give them a warm good-bye and use their names, if and when


The Basics (20)

1. The Credo is the principle belief of our Company. It must be known, owned and energized by all.

2. Our Motto is “We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen.” As service professionals, we treat our guests and each other with respect and dignity.

3. The Three Steps of Service are the foundation of Ritz-Carlton hospitality. These steps must be used in every interaction to ensure satisfaction, retention and loyalty.

4. The Employee Promise is the basis for our Ritz-Carlton work environment. It will be honored by all employees.

5. All employees will successfully complete annual Training Certification for their position.

6. Company objectives are communicated to all employees. It is everyone’s responsibility to support them.

7. To create pride and joy in the workplace, all employees have the right to be involved in the planning of the work that affects them.

8. Each employee will continuously identify defects (MR BIV) throughout the Hotel.

9. It is the responsibility of each employee to create a work environment of teamwork and lateral service so that the needs of our guests and each other are met.

10. Each employee is empowered. For example, when a guest has a problem or needs something special you should break away from your regular duties, address and resolve the issue.

11. Uncompromising levels of cleanliness are the responsibility of every employee.

12. To provide the finest personal service for our guests, each employee is responsible for identifying and recording individual guest preferences.

13. Never lose a guest. Instant guest pacification is the responsibility of each employee. Whoever receives a complaint will own it, resolve it to the guest’s satisfaction and record it.

14. “Smile – we are on stage.” Always maintain positive eye contact. Use the proper vocabulary with our guests. (Use words like – “Good Morning,” “Certainly,” “I’ll be happy to,” and “My pleasure.”)

15. Be an ambassador of your Hotel in and outside of the work place. Always talk positively. Communicate any concerns to the appropriate person.

16. Escort guests rather than pointing out directions to another area of the Hotel.

17. Use Ritz-Carlton telephone etiquette. Answer within three rings and with a “smile” Use the guest’s name when possible. When necessary, ask the caller “May I place you on hold?” Do not screen calls. Eliminate call transfers whenever possible. Adhere to voice mail standards.

18. Take pride in and care of your personal appearance. Everyone is responsible for conveying a professional image by adhering to Ritz-Carlton clothing and grooming standards.

19. Think safety first. Each employee is responsible for creating a safe, secure and accident free environment for all guests and each other. Be aware of all fire and safety emergency procedures and report security risks immediately.

20. Protecting the assets of a Ritz-Carlton Hotel is the responsibility of every employee. Conserve energy, properly maintain our hotels and protect the environment.

The Employee Promise

At The Ritz-Carlton, our Ladies & Gentlemen are the most important resource in our service commitment to our guests.

By applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity and commitment, we nurture and maximize talent to the benefit of each individual and the company.

The Ritz-Carlton fosters a work environment where diversity is valued, quality of life is enhanced, individual aspirations are fulfilled, and The Ritz-Carlton mystique is strengthened.

So what can you learn from the Ritz-Carlton?

1. Gold Standards are a model of simplicity, however they become a work of art once personally owned, employed and enforced.

2. Create your own Gold Standards or use these as a benchmark for delivering outstanding results.

3. You can choose the rules by which you compete and thus raise the performance bar for everyone else to follow.

So what do you do if your performance is not currently superior to everyone and everything else around you? Easy. Decide to deliver outstanding results, and deliver them – starting right NOW!

Every opportunity offers a chance to perform in an outstanding manner. If you own a business or work for one, you must be able to engineer your performance so that is PROFOUNDLY superior, thus separating you from everyone in the marketplace.

Being outstanding is an outstanding goal to shoot for.

Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
Written by Gary Ryan Blair – The GoalsGuy is your online goal setting and personal leadership coach. Check-out My Personal Strategic Plan and learn how to achieve more in the next year than most people do in a lifetime. See why best selling author Brian Tracy said, “This is the most remarkable, simple, and practical guide for ANYONE who wants to create the ideal life!” Click Here!

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Why You Should Meditate Everyday… (It’s Not Why You Think)

Meditate Everyday
Meditate Everyday

Meditate Everyday

In this short meditation article, I share with you some reasons why you should meditate every day… (not why you think you should).

This is a practice that has greatly impacted my life. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to cope with stress, and find a sense of inner calmness and peace from the daily pressures that life brings.

I am not a master of meditation, but it is something that I have committed to going deeper with, over the ten plus years of my life.

Intellectually, I always knew that meditation was good for me, but I never did it, because of lack of time. (Yes I know… excuses, lol)

Once I scheduled myself to meditate over a period of time, I started to notice the benefits, on both an emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

These are some reasons why you should meditate every day… (not why you think you should). We all lead busy lives, but if we want to achieve life mastery, it is important that we feel a sense of balance, in our body, mind, and soul. Go deeper and embrace the power of meditation.

How long should you meditate?

Well, the act of calming your mind and clearing your thoughts is beneficial regardless of how long you do it. That being said, almost everyone has very busy lives. With that in mind, taking 60 seconds to 10 minutes daily to meditate would do wonders for your health and well being.

How would it feel to start your day feeling calm and grounded? Let the power of meditation help you achieve this peaceful state of being. In the words of Ram Dass, “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” There is no greater reason for why you should meditate every day.

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7 Things You Can Do to Enhance Your Entrepreneurial Mindset

Entrepreneurial Mindset
Enhance Your Entrepreneurial Mindset

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Your success as an entrepreneur doesn’t only rely on your ability to deal with numbers and finances. Even though your skill may pave the way for numerous opportunities, capitalizing on those chances is an entirely different thing. With all the complexities that can arise, your performance as a business owner will heavily depend on your mental fitness.

Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is just as important as improving your skillset. A person with a strong mind will know when to take risks, can think of solutions outside the box, and has the strength to embrace uncertainty. Luckily, this mindset can be developed with time and effort.

Here are some things you can do to enhance your mental fitness.

1. Set a time for daily reflection

In Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he states the importance of beginning with an end in mind. As an entrepreneur, one of the most important things you need to have is a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Other than serving as your road map, the milestones you’ve set serves as a reminder of why you’re enduring the challenges you’re currently facing.

With this in mind, it’s essential to set a few minutes of your day dedicated to you and your thoughts. Constant reflection will allow you to see things clearly to make decisions based on the big picture. Setting sticky notes on your workstation, listening to inspirational speeches, and putting motivational wallpapers on your phone can also help enhance your entrepreneurial mindset.

2. Seek out mentors

Getting multiple mentors is beneficial in a lot of ways. Since you have guiding figures that know the ins-and-outs of their industries, you’ll be able to tell if your ideas are feasible, see things from multiple perspectives, and gain insight from their experiences. When it comes to seeking them out, keep in mind that you don’t need to know them personally. Thanks to learning platforms such as video tutorials and online seminars, you can be coached by knowledgeable figures anytime and anywhere.

3. Read everyday

Aside from getting a mentor, setting aside a few minutes of your day to read is also an excellent way to expand your knowledge. Books, articles, and all kinds of blogs allow you to dissect the experiences of the experts that have published them. By learning from their mistakes and successes, you can gain insight and concrete examples of what you should do and avoid as an entrepreneur.

4. Put yourself in challenging situations

Mental growth is acquired by going through difficult situations. If you want to improve your mindset, the most effective way to do it is to seek out challenges. Other than attempting to exceed the service expectations of your clients, you can also improve your mindset by performing daily tasks that aren’t even related to your business.

Challenging yourself always allows you to develop soft skills and values that can be useful in your professional life. Something as simple as learning a new hobby can already pose a lot of mental benefits and provide avenues for growth.

5. Attend entrepreneurial events

In this day and age, networking has never been more critical. Attending entrepreneurial events is the easiest way to build genuine relationships with other business owners. If you’re visiting one soon, remember that your main goal shouldn’t be to pitch your business. Instead, you should take the time to build your professional network and acquire valuable insight from like minded entrepreneurs. You may not require a partnership in the meantime, but having a decent number of connections across various industries will prove useful in the years to come.

6. Build a routine

With your busy schedule in mind, nothing is more precious than the time and energy you have. The best way to stay in control of both is to provide structure for every single day. You’ll need to develop discipline in both your professional and personal life. Other than controlling your financial tendencies by regularly monitoring your money flow, developing the right routine will significantly increase your day-to-day productivity. 

Effectively managing your hours will require you to know what your priorities are. By taking note of those, you can quickly point out distractions and spend your time on more important matters.

7. Teach others

Teaching others is a fulfilling and enriching experience for both parties. When you’re helping someone out with their business ventures, you’ll need to go back and reflect on the similar experiences you’ve had. You may now see past situations in a different light and acquire new perspectives you can apply to your business today. At the same time, being exposed to the ideas of the person you’re helping out can give you a big boost of inspiration when you feel like you’re plateauing.

Being an entrepreneur goes beyond your ability to manage your resources. With innovations in technology and the development of new practices constantly changing the dynamics of industries, being a successful entrepreneur now requires a certain degree of mental strength.

Doing the things mentioned above would allow you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset that can benefit you greatly in both your professional and personal life.

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Goal Oriented Tips For Goals In 2019

Goal Oriented Tips For Goals In 2019

Goal Oriented Tips For Goals IN 2019Most people are goal oriented. They have a range of different dreams and goals in 2019. This is one of the best things about people in fact. We’re all different and we all have different aspirations – different goals to share with one another and different things to talk about. That’s the reason for this goal oriented tips for goals in 2019 article.

The unhappiest people? They’re the ones with no goals. No direction. No motivation. A goal gives you a vision. It gives you drive and goals make every day seem like a positive step to an end destination that is truly important to you.

Problems Of Goal Setting

But while goals are intrinsically rewarding, problems do arise when we don’t know how to pursue them. Having a goal in 2019 that seems completely out of grasp and making no progress whatsoever is disheartening.

In this article, we’ll look at goal oriented tips for goals in 2019 you can do to help yourself reach your goals faster. Whether you want to write an amazing book, set up a business or do anything else; these are two tips that will apply in every situation and that you might not have heard before.

Tip 1: Believe In Your Goals

This might sound like cheesy bumper-plate-sticker-advice, but it is very true. At the end of the day, you need to have absolute faith that the goal planning you have to get your book published or to become famous is actually going to work. Why? Because otherwise you risk putting in all the time and effort for nothing!

Think about it: have you ever struggled to stay motivated to get into work? No! The reason for that is because you know that going to work means getting paid. This is 100% guaranteed.

But you may have struggled to stick to a training program and part of the reason for that is that you know it might not yield results. So whatever plan you come up with, make sure you believe it!

Tip 2: Stay Consistent With Your Goals

The other problem is expecting results immediately. and ending up frustrated and depressed. Want to write the next best-selling novel? It’s not going to happen in one or two sittings! Maybe you want to lose weight. You didn’t gain 50 pounds overnight, did you? Therefor your not going to lose 50 pounds over night either. Just accept that goals take time to produce results. And know that every step you take gets you closer to your goal.

Let us know what your goals in 2019 are. Post them in the comments below. Also, check out all of our Mind Power guided meditation, self hypnosis programs that can help you achieve your goals faster.

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Over 50 Dating: Being Mindful Helps

Over 50 Dating: Being Mindful Helps

over 50 dating
over 50 dating

Over 50 dating can be a bit daunting when you are dating over 50. But you deserve to be happy right? Why not take the chance and try to find that special person that can add some romance into your life.  The hardest step is taking the first step of getting back into the dating game.

Over 50 Dating Tips to Help You Re-enter the Over 50 Dating Scene

1. Enter the dating over 50 scene with an open mind.  Remember that you are not as youthful as you were when you were dating as a teen or young adult and the people you will be dating are also much older.  Physical attraction is important but just don’t expect an Adonis or supermodel. Even perfect people have their flaws. Compatibility is also very important. Dating someone with similar interests makes more sense than believing that opposites attract.

2. Don’t expect to find Mr. or Ms. Right on your first date; it is never as easy as that.  You may need to go on a few dates with different people before finding the right person for you.  Often love finds you when you aren’t looking for it so just be open to meeting new people and even widen your circle of friends, you never know where you will find that special someone.

3. Don’t be in a rush to find your perfect over 50 dating partner, just take your time.  When you start dating someone over 50, be confident and take things slowly and let the relationship progress at its own pace.  Just go out and enjoy yourself and if the man you date isn’t happy to take things slow, then he probably isn’t Mr. Right anyway.

4. Don’t spend your first date talking about your ex.  There is nothing that will scare anyone, whether if they are over 50 or not off faster than someone constantly talking about their ex.  It doesn’t matter if you talk about him or her in a nice way or a bad way, just don’t talk about them at all.


Over 50 Dating Sites

5. Over 50 dating clubs, over 50 clubs or online dating sites for people over 50.  There are many ways to meet new people if you put yourself out there and join some of these organizations.  Just sign up and enjoy yourself doing it, if you are too apprehensive this will come across to your potential date. You will be much more attractive to a man if you are seen as someone who enjoys life.

6. Be honest.  Although you are older and think that a photo might not attract any dates, the truth is that if you use a fake photo, the truth will come out eventually when you meet the man.  Use a photo of yourself but use one that is flattering.  You will also want to use one that is reasonably recent, there is no point in putting a photo of yourself when you were 20.  When you write a description about yourself be honest there too.  You can write flattering points as long as they are honest.  Remember, the truth comes out eventually.

Being Mindful When Dating Over 50

The most important point when you get back into the over 50 dating scene is to enjoy yourself.  You only live once so you might as well enjoy it.  If someone doesn’t like your sense of humor or doesn’t like your photo, then they aren’t worth dating anyway.  Mr. or Ms. Right will come along and he or she will like you for who you really are, so just go out and enjoy the over 50 dating process.

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Carol Dweck Mindset Information

Carol Dweck Mindset Information

Carol Dweck Mindset Carol Dweck Mindset

A lot of people are searching for information on the Carol Dweck Mindset approach to improving their lives.

According to Amazon, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, has spent decades of research on achievement and success. And after all this study, she has discovered a truly groundbreaking idea—the power of our mindset.

Personally, I don’t think the mind power of mindset is groundbreaking by any means. The power of mindset has been acknowledged from the beginning of mankind. But, since most people choose to ignore this knowledge, Carol Dweck’s growth mindset book will probably be groundbreaking for those who discover it.

Still, Carol Dweck has written a great book that can help improve the mindset of anyone who chooses to read it.

Mindset by Carol Dweck shows how success in almost every area of human endeavor can be dramatically influenced by how we use our mind power to approach our goals.

People with a fixed mindset are far less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset. And people with a growth or open mindset are more likely to become successful. Meaning those who believe that their abilities can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and mentorship will excel in life.

Carol Dweck’s growth mindset book reveals how anyone can put this idea to use to improve their mind power and their lives.

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Who is Carol Dweck

According to Wikipedia, Carol Dweck was born in New York. Her father worked in export-import and her mother in advertising. She was the only daughter and the middle sibling of three children.

Carol Dweck was born October 17, 1946 and is the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Dweck is known for her work on the mindset psychological trait. She has taught at Columbia University, Harvard University, and the University of Illinois before joining the Stanford University faculty in 2004.

Dweck’s research challenges the common belief that intelligent people are born smart. As explained by Dweck, a growth mindset is not just about effort. Perhaps the most common misconception is simply equating the growth mindset with effort. “The growth mindset was intended to help close achievement gaps, not hide them. It is about telling the truth about a student’s current achievement and then, together, doing something about it, helping him or her become smarter.”

Mindset by Carol Dweck

In her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck offers new insights into her now famous and broadly embraced ideas of mindset.

She introduces a phenomenon she calls false growth mindset and guides people toward adopting a deeper, truer growth mindset.

Dweck also expands the mindset concept beyond the individual, applying it to the cultures of groups and organizations. Carol explains that with the right mindset, you can motivate those you lead, teach, and love to transform their lives and your own.

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Carol Dweck Growth Mindset Summary

There are some very good examples of Carol Dewck’s work on mindset online.

Dweck has appeared at a TED talk speaking about believing in the mind power of mindset improvement. you can see her talk here.

Even though it seems there’s no formal website for Carol Dweck, you can find more information on about her work here.

So if you’re looking to improve your life with the mind power of mindset, definitely check out the Carol Dweck mindset book on Amazon.

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Carol Dweck Mindset

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How to Read Tarot Cards

How to Read Tarot Cards

how to read tarot cards                 More and more people are becoming curious about how to read Tarot cards. Maybe it’s because all of humanity is shifting into a more Spiritual awakening. When people hear of Tarot card readings, they may imagine a gypsy looking woman and a deck of cards in front of her. The reality is, all Tarot card readers are normal, everyday people who have tuned into the energy and vibrations of what’s going on around them. And as they read the Tarot cards, this energy is transferred thru the cards which produce the Tarot card reading.

According to most practitioners of Tarot card readings, the messages or this energy that is transferred comes in many forms. Some readers of Tarot cards say it’s from God or the Angels, other say it’s from the Universal mind. Some even suggest that they pick up on the vibes of the “sitter” the one who is getting the reading. But, what does it mean? Are Tarot card readings not magic? The answer is no. When you read Tarot cards, the Tarot cards are simply the messenger and the Tarot card reader interprets the messages the cards display.

Two Forms of Tarot Card Readings

Open Readings and Question Readings

In a question reading, the Tarot card reader will address a certain question. Tarot card readings were not made to answer a yes or a no question. The majority of people who believe in these readings say that the Tarot must be used to guide and help you in making decisions by yourself, not to use it to make your decisions for you. That is the reason why your questions matter a lot. You should always keep your options open when making decisions, especially after receiving your Tarot card messages.

Open readings, on the other hand, address the huge aspects of one’s life instead of a specific issue or question. These readings are typically done when you are just about to enter a new stage of your life like graduating from college, entering any sort of partnership or getting married. You may also consider this type of reading if you want to cover a general area of your life including your career or health, but this may depend on your hired Tarot card reader.
Below you will get more ideas about reading Tarot cards and understanding how they work.

Understanding How to Read Tarot Cards

Anyone can easily learn how to read Tarot cards, but it does take time to master it. The length of your learning process may depend on the resources you use when learning how to read them, but there is an effective way to learn reading Tarot cards, and that is by focusing on what you need to do.
Apart from the material you need to use, you also need to take note of the different things that may play an important role throughout the process.
Moreover, for you to read Tarot cards effectively, you should know your goal or purpose why you are doing it. Higher concentration of your mind is also required in the process.

There is a wide collection of Tarot decks available today. There’s no standard or required number cards of decks. While the cards’ types, their meanings, and the suits are the same, the pictures or illustrations may vary widely. Decks can be based on different themes including nature, dragons, fantasy, animals, etc.
The most common decks were used is the Rider-Waite deck that was created in the year 1909 by a prominent member of an occult group. The artist of the Tarot cards was Pamela Smith. Normally, a Tarot card deck is composed of 78 cards. A typical Tarot deck is composed of Major Arcana and Minor Arcana.
Minor Arcana.

Minor Arcana Cards

As compared to the traditional way of playing cards, Minor Arcana of a Tarot deck consists of 4 suits. Instead of spades, diamond, clubs, and hearts, the suits are wands, cups, circles or pentacles, and swords. Every suit has a meaning. For example, Wands can represent health as well as our senses and energy, cups can represent love and emotions, pentacles can represent wealth and abundance, swords can represent power and strength as well as conflict.

The cards that belong to these suits are numbered from one to ten. Each number has a meaning as well. These meanings denote all phases of life from beginnings to endings. There are also court cards which are the queen, king, knight, and page. The four court cards represent people who are either in your life or who may come into your life. The Queen represents a motherly figure, The King represents a fatherly figure. The knight represents friends and allies. And the page represents children or messengers.
All in all, the Minor Arcana Tarot cards represent the practical and more minor daily experiences in one’s life.

Major Arcana Cards

The Major Arcana, unlike Minor Arcana, isn’t associated with the suits. Rather, they include picture cards which represent concepts, ideals, and principles.
These cards represent life in a worldview setting. These cards are numbered from 0 to 21. The cards in the Major Arcana represent long-term possibilities, strong energy influences and or huge events that are unfolding in the different areas of life.

The major arcana cards start with the Fool card and end with the World card. The 21 major arcana cards represent our journey through all phases of life. The Major Arcana cards are said to be the easiest cards to remember and to read as their titles show their progression and the pictures reveal their meanings. For instance, The Fool represents a happy go lucky individual who does not think before he/she decides or speaks while the world card represents all of life coming to fruition.

Seeing one Major Arcana card in a reading focuses on a certain subject while getting a Minor Arcana card will give detail and clarify that subject. The idea of a Tarot card reading is to get a broad view of what’s going on in your life and then get into the details of what is truly going on in that area.

How To Do A Tarot Reading

Probably, the trickiest process of reading Tarot cards is memorizing or remembering each of their meanings. Memorization may be simple for some people, but for others, they find it difficult most particularly if they find it hard to record the details in their memories.
Nevertheless, if this is your first time to learn how to read Tarot cards, here is a good Tarot card reading book that will provide you with further information on the meanings of Tarot cards.

Keep in mind, there are what’s called upright meanings and reverse meanings. In other words, if the Tarot card shows right side up, the meaning of the card is as described. But if the card is presented upside down, then the meaning is reversed or is the opposite. This may be a little confusing but the more you learn how to read Tarot cards, the better you will become at it.

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