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Self-hypnosis audio downloads workHow self-hypnosis audio downloads work is a bit of a mystery to most people who are searching for helpful solutions to problems in their lives.

For those who have heard of self-hypnosis # techniques, they may think that when they go to a hypnotist, he or she is going to have them close their eyes, snap their fingers and cure them of their issues.

And for 98% of the population, most believe that it is the hypnotist that causes the client to go into hypnosis and not realize that it’s actually the opposite.

What I mean by that is… all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

You allow yourself to enter into the state of hypnosis. The hypnotist simple guides you there with certain hypnotic words, phrases and stories that help your conscious mind go to “sleep”.

And this “sleep” is exactly what you experience every night when you go to bed.


Stages of Self Hypnosis

During our 24-hour day cycle, we go through four stages of consciousness, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta.

I will go into more detail about consciousness states in a future article, but for now, just remember that Beta is wide awake, Alpha is relaxed, Theta is deeply relaxed (meditative) and Delta is a deep sleep.

All of these states are hypnotic states to certain degrees with Beta being the least hypnotic, Delta is the deepest and Alpha and Theta being the most effective states that get the best self-hypnosis results.

SIDENOTE: I’m sure many hypnotherapists will debate this explanation, but I digress, lol.

Regardless, every time you go to “sleep”, you are constantly shifting thru at least 3 to 4 states of hypnosis consciousness which is why self-hypnosis audio downloads work so well and I’ll explain that in a minute, but first…

You have 3 minds, your conscious mind, your subconscious mind and finally, your super-conscious mind which we’re not going to get into here.

We’re just going to focus on the first two for now.
The conscious and the subconscious.

Your subconscious mind runs all the programs that keep you breathing, keep your blood pumping, keep your heart beating and so much more.

Your conscious mind, on the other hand, is the “decision” mind… or at least it likes to think so, lol.

So think of these two minds like this…

Your subconscious mind is like a computer. It creates programs from memories and experiences and then stores those programs so thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions are readily available and become automatic for you.

Your conscious mind is like the person at the keyboard of the computer. It makes the decisions about what makes sense and what actions to take around those decisions.

Unfortunately, this is where the problems start!


If your subconscious has stored “bad” programs, your conscious mind will make decisions and take actions based on those bad programs no matter what good intentions you may try to have.

For instance, imagine your driving around and your hungry.

Consciously, you’re trying to lose weight and you know you should go home and eat healthy food BUT your subconscious mind has been programmed to believe that fast food is a quick and convenient solution to hunger.  And what happens?

Somehow, you find yourself pulling into MickeyD’s and ordering a 1500 calorie meal instead of going home and making a salad.

So, what does this have to do with how self-hypnosis audio downloads work?


You see, since you spend at least six to eight hours every day in hypnosis (“sleep”), why not use that time to remove those bad programs and replace them with  self-hypnosis programs that serve you?

When you “Sleep”, your conscious mind shuts off, tunes out or takes a break. Your subconscious mind, on the other hand, is always “on” and is wide open to accept suggestions for transformation.

For example, with a weight loss hypnosis audio program, the self hypnosis program might have suggestions to replace old ideas of “eat anything when hungry” to “I only eat healthy food always”.

To release stress with self-hypnosis, the audio download might replace subconscious thoughts of “what if” to “I now remain relaxed and present”.

So whatever self-hypnosis audio download program you use, the suggestions for transformation will make new thought/synaptic connections within your brain and you will be literally rewiring yourself to create new thoughts which lead to new decisions which lead to new actions, which lead to new results.

And the easiest part is, you’ll do it all in your “sleep”!

Check out our selection of self-hypnosis audio downloads here

ps: Watch for our next article on how to use self-hypnosis audio downloads.

About The Author of Mind Power Self Hypnosis Programs

Hypnotist James “JimmyG” Graham, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and founder of Mind Power Programs and president of MindPower Presentations Inc ..

He presents the power of the mind demonstrations in the form of hypnosis shows and keynotes across North America and helps others live better on purpose.
To have James at your next event or for media interviews, contact him here.

Everyone at Mind Power Programs hopes you have enjoyed this article and we look forward to sharing more information about the power of the mind.

Please like and share this blog post and leave your questions and comments below. We read every one of them and will respond asap.

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How Do Binaural Beats Work?

How Do Binaural Beats Work?

how do binaural beats workIf you do a web search for how do binaural beats work, you’ll quickly discover there’s a lot of information about listening to binaural beats to produce all sorts of desired effects in your brain.

Various binaural beat programs may alter your mood, help you stay focused on losing weight or quit smoking, get you pumped up for a contest, calm you down, help you sleep better, heighten your memory, act as an aphrodisiac, heal headaches, and even balance your chakra.


What Are Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats are sounds that stimulate the brain in specific ways. These sounds have been claimed to help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, and other desirable mental states.

The way the brain is affected depends on the varying frequencies of each tone. Each ear listens to these tones at different frequencies.

Binaural Beat Frequencies

This may sound strange, but that is the basis of binaural beats. The right ear may listen to a tone of 300Hz while the left ear listens to the same sounds but at a different tone of 310Hz.

In order for the phenomenon to work the low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of the sound must be presented separately, ideally using headphones.

The frequencies of the tones must be below 1000Hz for the beating to be noticeable.

Also, the difference between the two frequencies must be small, otherwise the two-tone sounds would begin to cancel each other out and sound out of phase, and thus the binaural effects are lost.

Binaural beat programs have created much interest to those in the neurophysiological world where there is always ongoing research investigating the sense of hearing. Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more stubble ways to reduce anxiety and provide other health benefits too.

As previously noted, binaural beats influence the brain using brainwaves in different frequencies to produce the desired effects. All this, of course, is related to the brain “hearing” and processing these sounds and then relating them to different body states.


The Science Behind Binaural Beats

Upon hearing a binaural beat audio track, the brain the processes these sounds through both spatial perception and stereo auditory recognition and then creating the responses and activations of the various points in the brain.

These activations then bring to the forefront of the brain, into the thought process the different feelings, sensations, and perceptions in specific areas.

What To Expect With Binaural Beats

Below are a few examples of what one can expect to gain from the different binaural beat waves:
 Gamma waves – should ideally be at the 40Hz level. When tuned to this the brain in than expected to be able to simulate higher mental activity, which includes better perception, better problem-solving features, better control of fear and consciousness.
 Beta waves – range frequency should be between 13 – 39 Hz in order for the binaural beat to stimulate the desired results. These results are noted as an active, busy, or anxious thinking coupled with active concentration levels, arousal, cognition, and paranoia. Not altogether desirable but may have some purpose.
 Alpha waves – are kept between 7 – 13 Hz in order to ensure optimum levels of relaxation while being in a fully conscious state, pre-sleep and pre-wake modes of drowsiness. REM sleep phase and also dream-like states.
 Theta waves – normally adjusted to 4 – 7 Hz which is ideal the deep meditative and relaxed levels need to be reached or achieved. It is ideal for NREM sleep patterns.
 Delta waves – tunes to 1-4 Hz to create the natural inner self-relaxed state to encourage deep dreamless sleep and loss of body awareness. This, of course, is ideal when an individual is seeking complete disconnection from the conscious state.

What You Need To Know About Binaural Beats

There are several things that one needs to take note of before using binaural beats to improve their sense of well being.

That’s why knowing how binaural beats work is important as it will have a profound impact on the choices made.

The binaural beats, isochoric tones and monaural beats all share the common point of being connected to music, but understanding how binaural beats work will allow the individual to move forward in this area.

I’d love to hear your comments and experiences using binaural beats. Please subscribe to our RSS Feed for more amazing articles to live better on purpose with MindPower Programs.

ps: Post your comments below and feel free to show this article to your tribe on social media.


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The Keys to Manifesting Success

The Keys to Manifesting Success

keys to manifesting successNo matter what you want to achieve in life, how you want things to turn out or what you want to have in your life – the keys to manifesting success all starts within your mind.

This means, that your mind – and more specifically,  your mindset – is responsible for how successful you’ll be in any chosen career or pursuit, how others see you, your health, your physical strength your accomplishments and even your overall life happiness.

Any transformation you want to create in your life starts with your conscious decisions, your commitment to take action and your determination to keep going when the going gets tough to manifest what you want into reality.

This means that all success manifestation must come from your belief that IT WILL HAPPEN and this belief starts within your mind to begin with.

It is then that your conviction, your planning and your determination about your belief ensures you’re able to accomplish it.

Manifest More Money into Your Life – Click Here

Take a look at some of the most successful people in the world.

One thing they almost always have in common is an absolutely unwavering commitment and determination to what they want to achieve.

Take Arnold Schwarzenegger for instance – reportedly, he was so determined to become a champion bodybuilder that he would even break into the gym on the days when it was closed in order to train.

He once even snuck out of army barracks during his conscription in order to attend a competition!

People who are truly committed to what they want to achieve will be more than happy to wake up at 5 am every morning in order to get started on their dream, to work on their project, to research, to learn or to train. They never tire and they never simply give up.

This same commitment and passion are what helps you to focus on the background work of building a business or to see opportunities that you otherwise might have missed.

By simply having the conviction and belief that you will be successful is the magic that helps manifest the right people to you and to pave your pathway to success.

When you are truly driven and when you have complete faith in yourself, you exude passion and confidence – which inspires others and convinces them to believe in you and invest in you.

Manifest More Money into Your Life – Click Here

The Law of Attraction

This how manifesting success works.

Most people refer to it as “the law of attraction” and in a nutshell, it means that for others to believe in you, you first need to believe in yourself.

We are all energy so when you believe in yourself, you are transmitting that positive energetic belief into the Universe and others who resonate with what you want will pick up on it and be drawn to you to offer opportunities to help you succeed.

These opportunities may show up as customers, coaches, people who are selling what you need, buying what you want to sell or helpers who are ready to support you.

The keys to manifesting success is keeping your eyes open and taking advantage of the opportunities that you manifest.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject, so leave your comments below. ( I read every one of them 🙂 )

Want the keys to Manifest Success and Turn On The Law Of Attraction?

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10 Tips To Boost Self-Confidence Faster

10 Tips To Boost Self-Confidence Faster

boost self confidence fasterBoost self-confidence faster can seem to happen overnight once you begin to consciously practice the tools and techniques that  build self-confidence .

The building of self-confidence is done through  the constant application of being consciously confident. As your self-confidence is  exercised, you’ll be amazed at how it becomes easier and becomes a natural part of you.

The following are some tips that can be promptly applied to help you boost your self-confidence levels immediately:

• Questioning the worse possible outcome and accepting that it’s not the end of the world.

• Trying new things and achieving some level of success, even if the success is small, will help you build self-confidence levels faster.

• Listening to music that lifts the spirits and inspires you to get the task done quickly and efficiently is also another option.

Increase Your Confidence While You Sleep – Click Here

• Making plans and sticking to them even when everyone says it is not doable will help you boost both your outcomes and your confidence levels.

• Using meditation to draw on your inner strengths also helps to boost your self-confidence. There are methods where the breathing styles help to cause a chemical reaction within the body to give that extra boost.

• Exercising is also a great  self-confidence booster, as here again the chemical reaction within the body allows it to push limits.

• Facing your fears will also give you the inner confidence to overcome challenges.

• Creating something that is useful and compliment drawing will certainly contribute positively to  instant elevated self-confidence levels.

• Realizing that past mistakes don’t dictate the individual’s capabilities to venture forth is also another form of boosting self-confidence levels.

Increase Your Confidence While You Sleep – Click Here

• Working on your social skills will also help you to attract more positive attention, thus contributing to elevated confidence levels.

Let me know your thoughts and leave your comments below.
( I read  everyone of them 😉 )

ps: Please LIKE & SHARE this article with your friends and support this blog

Increase Your Confidence While You Sleep – Click Here

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Hypnosis for Self-Improvement

Hypnosis for Self-Improvement

self hypnosis for self improvementUsing hypnosis for self-improvement is a great tool for goal setting and personal development. Most people are surprised at how easy it is to learn self-hypnosis. And self-hypnosis, in turn, makes a lot of things much easier for you to learn as well.

Self-improvement using hypnosis is usually thought of as a person listening to a digital audio program, mp3, or other type of personal development media, which helps the listener to relax and open up to receive suggestions centered around a specific topic such as increasing your income, dating confidence, weight loss, stop smoking, etc.

Self Hypnosis Programs

Self hypnosis programs are a great way for you to start experiencing hypnosis and improving your life to become better since you simply listen to them either while you sleep or when you relax.


How do you incorporate hypnosis into your self-improvement practice?

To be successful with self-improvement hypnosis programs, there are certain aspects that should be addressed.

The best hypnosis program you could use for self-improvement would be one you create yourself because you would be able to address the exact deeply personal issues that may be sabotaging your personal development.

Unlike general topic self help hypnosis programs, this hypnosis session would be made for the exact personal issue you want to address, including the precise words and phrases that mean the most to you so a “perfect” self-hypnosis program would have to be crafted by the person using it to suit his or her own needs.

This would entail buying recording software, a microphone, learning basic audio engineering and then writing out and recording each hypnosis program script…  And THAT’S A LOT OF WORK!

With that being said, you still can easily use the DIY method (Do It Yourself) because everytime you relax, you go into a hypnotic trance state.

Below is a quick process for using hypnosis for self-improvement.

1. Write down in a positive statement ONE GOAL you want to achieve.
EXAMPLE – “I wake up every day at 6am refreshed, energized and excited to start my day”

2. Find a quiet place to sit and be alone so you can relax without interruption AND TURN OFF ALL DEVICES (phone, computer, tv, radio, etc)

3. Make sure you are sitting NOT lying down (you may fall asleep). Take 3 deep breaths in thru nose and exhale thru your mouth. On the 3rd exhalation, close your eyes.


4. Begin repeating your statement. EXAMPLE – “I wake up every day at 6am refreshed, energized and excited to start my day”. See yourself doing it, feeling it, touching it, smelling it, hearing it.

5. Continue imagining actually experiencing what you want for at least 3-5 minutes. Then take 3 deep breaths in thru your nose and out thru your mouth while smiling and feeling proud of honoring yourself with this incredible gift of using hypnosis for self-improvement.

Finally, make a promise to yourself to put this practice into your daily life and schedule it daily. By doing this, it will become an automatic habit for you.

If you feel this information will help your life in any way, please “Like” and “Share” it with your tribe and please post your questions and comments below. Your feedback is most appreciated 🙂


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10 How to Be Confident Tips

How to Be Confident

How to be confidentIf you want to learn how to be confident, this article is for you.

Doesn’t it seem like some people are born self-confident while others need to work at it?

If you have a ton of confidence, bravo!

If your struggling with a lack of self-confidence, then this How To Be Confident article is for you!

Building confidence usually does not happen overnight and takes some practice and concerted effort. The building of self-confidence is done through constant application. As your self-confidence is exercised, it becomes easier and better to exude.

Know The Signs of Low Self Confidence

Building self confidence is done through constant application. As your self-confidence is exercised, it becomes easier and better to exude.

Build Self Confidence Meditation Self Hypnosis Program.

There are several notable signs that clearly show the lack of confidence in an individual, and with some practice, these signs can be used to help the person identify the areas where they don’t know how to be confident and work towards overcoming this negativity.

One of the obvious signs is when the individual is full of excuses as to why he or she should not be considered for a particular task.

To make matters worse, when the task encounters problems, the individual would probably be one of the first to bail.

Other signs would include the ever-ready excuse given should something go wrong, even if it was accidental.

When it comes to confident people, they would just apologize for the mistake and move on. If they decided an explanation should be forthcoming, only then, will they extend this courtesy?

Otherwise, they are confident enough to presume that an apology will suffice.

If an individual is seeking answers for their lack of self-confidence, then the first place to look would be within oneself.

Lack of Self Confidence

Lack of confidence usually stems from deeper issues. Issues such as being consistently told or reminded of the individual’s uselessness, being put down a lot, being laughed at and many other possible and probable negative remarks that are so embedded in the mind, that the individual is unable to function without drawing on and being reminded of this negativity.

Other ways of seeking answers to solve this dilemma of lack of self-confidence would be to listen to a hypnosis for confidence audio program for example.

Learning to speak confidently is a big confidence booster and clubs like Toastmasters can help.

Reading books on building confidence is also encouraged, as it will help to give the necessary guidance needed to alter the mindset and perception of things and the people around.

Build Self Confidence Meditation Self Hypnosis Program.

Top 10 Confidence Tips

The following are some tips that can be promptly applied to help an individual boost their self-confidence levels immediately:
• Questioning the worse possible outcome and accepting that it’s not the end of the world.
• Trying new things and achieving some level of success, even if the success is small, will help the individual build self-confidence levels instantly.
• Listening to music that lifts the spirits and inspires the individual to get the task done quickly and efficiently is also another option.
• Making plans and sticking to them even when everyone says it is not doable will help to boost both the outcome and the confidence levels.
• Using meditation to draw on the inner strengths also helps to boost self-confidence instantly. There are methods where the breathing styles help to cause a chemical reaction within the body to give that extra boost.
• Exercising is also a great way to boost self-confidence, as here again the chemical reaction within the body allows it to push limits.
• Facing fears will also give the individual the inner confidence to overcome challenges.
• Creating something that is useful and compliment drawing will certainly contribute positively to instantly elevated self-confidence levels.
• Realizing that past mistakes don’t dictate the individual’s capabilities to venture forth is also another form of boosting self-confidence levels.
• Improving social skills will also help the individual to attract more positive attention, thus contributing to elevated confidence levels.

Self Confidence Summary

Many people believe that confidence is a sign of intelligence, competence, and self-worth. Knowing how to be confident will surely boost your chances of becoming a success in life. If you are projecting a negative image of self-confidence others will likely pick up on this with undesired results.

Take time to practice some of the tips that were listed above and use the confidence tips to help you gain self-confidence to new heights.

Being successful starts with high confidence, and high confidence starts as soon as you practicing these tips to boost your confidence.

Good luck!

ps: Try our Build Self Confidence Meditation Self Hypnosis Program. Guaranteed to work or your money back!

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3 Ways To Manage Everyday Stress

3 Ways To Manage Everyday Stress

Manage Everyday Stress

Manage Everyday StressLife can get crazy, especially in September when parents are sending their kids back to school,  hurricanes are slamming the coasts and advertisers are already in our heads reminding us that the holiday season is right around the corner.

Learning how to manage everyday stress is something that everybody needs to know.

Even our health can suffer the effects of stress which can also make it difficult to think clearly enough to solve even the simplest task.

The good news is that there are simple easy techniques to manage everyday stress which we will cover here in this article.

Relas & DeStress The Easy Way – Click Here

As more studies show the link between stress and many health problems, stress management becomes an important consideration for many people.

These 3 ways to manage everyday stress management can help you to reduce the levels of stress and anxiety in your life, so make good use of them.


Go get a massage. This is a very therapeutic method of stress management for reducing and managing everyday stress levels. Massage has often been thought of as a great way to relieve sore muscles, but it can also reduce overall body tension, anxiety and stress too.

There are a lot of studies that prove massage is a great way to manage everyday stress when done regularly.

There are many different types of massage, so you should try several kinds and find the one that you prefer.

Massage To Manage Everyday Stress

Nowadays it’s easy to find qualified massage therapists.

My favorite place is  Center Balance Wellness located just outside of Windsor ON.

Massage can release endorphins in the brain which produce pleasure which is helpful in not only stress reduction but also helpful for emotional issues such as anxiety and depression to name a few.

Relas & DeStress The Easy Way – Click Here

Relaxation Techniques and Hypnosis Programs

We have all already probably heard of various methods of relaxation.

Some of the most popular methods are basic mediation and hypnosis programs.

You can download stress release programs online and listen to them in the comfort of your own home.

There are also other major relaxation techniques as well.

A simpler and more straightforward option would be to learn deep breathing techniques. You can use these even when you are seated in your workstation.

Progressive muscle relaxation and mental imagery are also possible basic techniques you can use against stress.

Exercising on Schedule

It’s just like what your physical education teacher always said.

Maintaining a regular exercise schedule can do wonders for your body.

The major benefit of exercise is that it can encourage the proper circulation of your blood.

This, in turn, ensures that oxygen and nutrients reach the various cells in your body.

You need these if you ever hope to fight the bad effects of stress on your health.

You’ve now heard three of the most effective stress management tips to manage everyday stress available. There are still other ways to approach the management of your overall stress including enough sleep and eating health.

Everyday stress management can take many forms, and the methods you use will depend on your circumstances and what you prefer.

What causes your stress can be as important as treating it so you need to know what that is.
Once you acknowledge the cause of your stress, you can manage everyday stress with methods to release it.

We’d love to hear from you! Leave your questions and comments below, we read every one of them 🙂

Try our Relax & DeStress Audio Hypnosis Program here

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Speak Confidently – How to Erase the Fear of Public Speaking

Speak Confidently – How to Erase the Fear of Public Speaking

speak confidentlyTo speak confidently and become a confident public speaker requires some conscious effort, but it’s well worth the time as most people respond well to confident individuals.

Even if what is being said is not totally interesting or accurate, a confident person is usually able to capture and hold the attention of the audience long enough to make a point.

Increase Your Confidence While You Sleep – Click Here

Speak Effectively, Speak Confidently

The following are some tips on how to speak effectively and confidently:

• Practice regularly by picking up conversations with anyone at any time. This will help the individual build up a good base, and thus be able to gauge by the session, the effectiveness of his or her contribution to the conversation.

• Knowing a little about the interest and mental capacity of the listening audience will help the individual gear the conversation topics to ensure their interests and attention span are effectively captured. This is a very important rule to follow, as confident people who speak confidently usually only indulge in topics that they feel will lock in the attention of the listener.

• Using simple words and sentences will be the normal choice for the individual who is confident as they would not want to bore the listener with language skills that are not appreciated. Keeping the information spoken in short and point form sentences will also further display the skills of the confident speaker.

Increase Your Confidence While You Sleep – Click Here

• Being mentally prepared is also another important trait of a person who is able to speak confidently. Armed with the relevant information, the speaker is able to make a confident delivery style that will be evident in both the content of the material being presented and in the demeanor in which is comes across.

• Volume is something that is often overlooked but is no less important when the individual is intending to present information. The vocal volume used should be loud and clear as this will definitely hold the attention of the audience.

See How You Can Create More Confidence Here

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TOP 10 New Years Resolutions Worth Keeping

TOP 10 New Years Resolutions Worth Keeping

Top 10 New Years ResolutionsAhh , January first.  The start of another year and the practice of making top 10 new years resolutions worth keeping.

Resolving to lose weight, or to quit smoking, or to make more money this year and sure, you have the best of intentions, don’t you?

But how many of these promises to yourself will you actually see through to the end?

And how many resolutions will fall by the wayside because of one simple four lettered word. . . FEAR.

Fear gets to the best of us, whether it is fear of failure, fear of success or even fear of fear. All of us have experienced fear at some point in our lives and it can be a real stumbling block that holds us back from being truly successful in keeping any sort of new year resolution.

And what I’ve found from coaching my clients to lose weight, quit smoking or make more money is that fear of change is what sabotages their success in moving forward.

But don’t panic, there is a way to conquer these fears, and once you let go of fear, you’ll find it so much easier to become the healthy wealthy person you desire to be.

See All Of our Self Improvement Programs – Click Here

Here are my top 10 new years resolutions tips for you to conquer fear this year:


See the reality of the situation for what it is. Be rational and get clear on the facts. Soul search and explore your perception of the situation at hand.


Isolate the specific aspects of the situation that trigger your fearful thoughts. What’s the worst that could happen? Change the way you look at these triggers and you will immediately change the way you react.


Be in tune with where your fear lives in your body. Use it as an indicator to tell you when something needs to be addressed. What you are aware of, you can act on.


When you observe something, you do it from a detached place. So if you become an observer of your fear, then you’re not in it and reacting instinctively.

See All Of our Self Improvement Programs – Click Here


Monitor your inner conversations. When you hear negative self-talk, stop and change the script to positive talk. Keep repeating it.


When you feel fear this year, conjure up a picture of something or someone you love. Keep repeating this and soon your brain will associate your fear trigger with something much more pleasurable.


Imagine the worst that can happen and notice how the fear doesn’t seem so scary. Then come up with strategies that avoid or lessen the likelihood of it happening. What can you put in place to ensure that the worst-case scenario never happens?


Perception is a very powerful thing. And how you feel about your situation dictates how you respond. So think positively and you’ll give yourself a much better chance of success.


Because fear happens in the emotional part of the brain, it’s natural to act instinctively. So when fear rises, break the fear cycle by stopping, creating space and breathing. This will give you time to calm down and allow your rational brain time to catch up.


When you feel safe, fear disappears. One of the best ways to overcome fear is to create the safest environment possible. And that’s why it’s important to practice, practice and practice again.

See All Of our Self Improvement Programs – Click Here

Finally, don’t let fear hold you back from reaching your goals and unlimited potential this new year.

If you’d like some extra support and inspiration to stay motivated and on track, why not sign up for my free Success Strategy Session.

Remember, it’s your life, your choice, so make your top mind power new years resolution to live better on purpose!

Leave your comments below and share how you can use these top 10 new years resolutions tips to achieve all of your new year’s goals.

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10 How to Quit Smoking Tips

10 How to Quit Smoking Tips

When you decide to quit smoking, you will need to practice some basic, common-sense methods in order to increase your chances of success and to get the benefits of quitting smoking.

Quit Smoking While You Sleep – Click Here & Learn How

1/ You will want to share your decision to stop smoking with everyone who is close to you: husband, wife, children, parents, and friends. You want to do this to elicit their support, and you don’t want them to keep offering you cigarettes that will tempt you to fall off the wagon and start smoking again. This is like any other bad habit, you stand a better chance if you don’t come in contact with the object of your smoking habit.

2/ When you are at work, don’t go out and stand with your smoking buddies.
It’s the same thing if you want to be more positive in that you don’t go hang out with folks who are always negative. It rubs off, and standing in a smoky space is more temptation to pull you back into the habit of putting a cigarette in your mouth.

3/ Find a quit smoking partner. It is always easier to do things in pairs. You will both be experiencing the same types of issues. This will give you someone to talk to and keep both of you on track. Then when the going gets tough, you will have someone who will be there to get you through it. Make sure it’s a reciprocal relationship. You will wind up with a really good friend, and stand a better chance of staying on track.

4/ If you don’t want to go cold turkey, pick out something that will aid you on your trek. This can include pharmaceutical treatments like a nicotine patch, gum or  pills or an all natural remedy like a stop smoking audio hypnosis program which has been shown to be the best way to quit smoking.

Quit Smoking While You Sleep – Click Here & Learn How

5/ Throw out any old packs of cigarettes you are holding on to “just in case”, and hide your lighter and matches. Even if you use them to light the stove, you want to eliminate visual cues that will cause you to go looking for cigarettes in the middle of the night.

6/ At parties, social gatherings and the like, you will want to stay in the no smoking section. If you’re on the phone, in a crowded area or just standing next to a smoker, you will want to move geographically away from that person. They are walking, standing and smiling temptation, so you’ll want to avoid it where possible.

7/ If your willpower sags, and the craving gets really obnoxious and persistent, take a walk, mop the floor or do anything else that’s physical. If you’re an exercising type person, this idea will be easy to implement as your brain releases the  feel-good energy that will help keep you aimed in the right direction.

8/  Carry gum, lollypops or hard candy with you, and when you feel the urge to smoke, replace it with one of these. If you’re into healthy food instead of sugar, eat carrots or celery which is crunchy, good tasting and replaces that feeling of holding a cigarette which can reduce the effects of smoking.

9/ Create a quit smoking timeline. Write down all the times when you smoke and then develop a plan where you begin to replace one cigarette smoking activity with one healthy activity, like deep breathing exercises, situps or pushups, or taking a  walk around the block.

10/ Consider contacting and book a hypnosis session with a qualified hypnotherapist that specializes in how to quit smoking.

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Quit Smoking While You Sleep – Click Here & Learn How