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Dealing With: “Can You Do Me a Favor?” Saying No to Effectively Manage Your Time

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Have you ever been asked for a favor and before the person asking has even finished their sentence, you already knew that you WANTED to say no?

But you said yes instead because you felt guilty, didn’t you?

Requests for favors can cause us a lot of stress when we are deciding how to respond. We are navigating feelings of frustration, resentment and guilt while trying to maintain professionalism and manage the relationship.

To give you an example, I was recently discussing some projects that I had been working on in a casual conversation with some friends and acquaintances. As I discussed the Career Development projects that I had been working on, one of my acquaintances took the opportunity to tell me about a job that he was planning on applying for.

He then said, “Hey, I’m going to email you my resume so that you can look it over and edit it before I apply tomorrow, okay? What’s your email address?”

My first thought was, “Excuse me!?”

But of course, I had to quickly filter these negative thoughts and emotions, pause for a moment and silently break down this request:

  1. First, he was an acquaintance, not a close friend, so I was surprised that he had made such a bold request to begin with.
  2. Second, he completely ignored the fact that resume writing was part of my job and something that I got PAID to do. He was expecting this service for free.
  3. Third, he really didn’t ask if I could do him a favour, he TOLD me that he was going to send his resume to me for my review.
  4. And lastly, he gave me less than 24 hours to complete this favour, without considering what my schedule might be.

Despite all of this, the guilt took over and I blurted out “Sure, I’ll see what I can do,” and gave him my email address.

I instantly regretted it.

In order to satisfy his request, I had to interrupt my work schedule which put a lot of added pressure on the deadlines that I was facing. In the middle of my work day, I begrudgingly looked over his resume, and realized just how much work was involved.

My perfectionism kicked in, causing me to put in far more time that I bargained for, because I ended up rewriting his entire resume. This forced me to work late in order to catch up on my own tasks. The whole experience was absolutely miserable, however it could have been avoided if I had learned how to deal with the “Can you do me a favour” scenario.

The “Can You Do Me A Favour” Scenario

The “Can you do me a favour” scenario is a highly common situation that we experience within and outside of the workplace. Saying yes all of the time, especially when we don’t want to will cause undue amounts of stress and frustration. Most importantly, this added stress can affect our wellbeing.

I know what you’re thinking…

It’s hard to say no!

Although you might fear coming off as aggressive or rude, saying no is a healthy part of our professional lives. So here are some suggestions on dealing with “Can you do me a favour?”

Dealing with “Can You Do Me A Favour?”

Change Your View Of “No”

When people ask you for a favour, remember that they are ASKING a question to which they are giving you the option of saying yes or saying no. The choice is YOURS and both yes and no equally valid answers. Although, “No” has developed a negative connotation, creating a sense of guilt, we have to remember that we are not bad people for saying no. We are simply making a decision.

Get Clarity

If you immediately get fired by someone’s request for a favour, try not to respond right away, while you are experiencing a myriad of emotions. Take 24 hours to get clarity on how you truly feel about the request before providing an answer. You can simply say, “Let me get back to you tomorrow on this request.”

Set Boundaries

We have all heard about the importance of setting boundaries in our lives, however we often underestimate the consequences of NOT setting boundaries.

Time is your most valuable resource. Your time is limited and you CANNOT do everything. You have to be selective with the use of your time, so that you are tackling the tasks that will help you advance in your career and your life. 

By constantly saying yes to favours, you will be reducing the amount of time that you have to spend on things that are truly beneficial to you. Without boundaries, you will end up filling up your schedule and leaving no time for important things like self-care. Say no to the things that impede on the time that you have set aside for yourself. If people don’t respect these boundaries, then they don’t respect you.

Present Your Terms

If the favour is something that you don’t mind doing, but not exactly the way it has been presented to you, present your own terms.

When asked to review a resume in under 24 hours, knowing the capacity of my schedule, I should have responded with, “I can help you out with your resume, however I will need more time to do so, can you give me a few days?” Although this is not saying no, it does make the request more feasible.

Offer An Alternative

When we say no to people, the guilt can often come from the fact that you know the person genuinely needs help and will experience difficulty without your help. Although you are saying no, you can point them in the right direction by offering an alternative.

For Example:

Request:  “Can you review my resume?”

Response: “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to, but here is a great website with really helpful tips on resume writing. I think that you’ll find it helpful in improving your resume.”

Provide Your Reasons if You Have Them

Some people simply can’t take no for an answer. They require a reason for why you are denying them. If you are comfortable and confident in your reason for saying no, share it. This will make the “no” easier for them to receive in addition to taking the guilt out of it.

For Example:

Request: “Can you review my resume?”

Response: “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to, I have a few projects with strict deadlines and I won’t have the time to review your resume with all of the work that I have to do.”

Effective time and relationship management involves managing expectations and prioritizing your tasks. The next time someone asks you for a favour, do yourself one and say no when necessary!

Looking for more?

Check out our YouTube video on Burn Out

Diondra Filicetti

Purpose Mentor, Communications Specialist Owner at Driven By… Co.

I am a Purpose Mentor tirelessly deconstructing motivation to get to the core of what drives people in order to understand fulfillment. For me, continuous improvement is a way of life, whether in the workplace, in society or at home. Self-improvement begins with understanding your purpose, your desired future state and constantly learning from mistakes and making changes. It is my purpose to help others to grow and to develop on their individual paths to fulfillment.

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Fermented Foods and Your Gut: Why They Are So Good for Your Health

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Do you have more than the occasional abdominal upset? If you find yourself singing the Pepto-Bismol jingle most days, why not consider adding more fermented foods to your diet. 

You don’t have to go to a fancy health food store to buy exotic-sounding ingredients. You probably have many staples in your pantry and fridge. Here’s the skinny on fermented foods and your gut and how they benefit your overall health. 

What Is Fermentation? 

You might think of the term “fermentation” in association with beer or wine. However, this food preparation method goes back thousands of years — as far as 6000 B.C. in the Fertile Crescent. 

Many people ferment foods to protect them from decay and food-borne illnesses. In regions with poor sanitation, such measures let folks meet their caloric needs without coming down with potentially fatal diarrhea and vomiting from pathogens. 

You benefit from the fruits of their labor today. Those snack-sized pickles that make a convenient late-night nosh or crisp addition to your neighborhood barbecue? They come preserved in salt brine and garlic — no cucumber from the produce section would stay fresh like a jar of gherkins. 

5 Ways Fermented Foods Help Your Gut 

How do fermented foods help your gut? Much of the secret lies in prebiotics and probiotics. What’s the difference? Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that exist naturally in your intestine, but you can also consume through your diet. 

Prebiotics consists of the fiber these microscopic critters feast upon, and you can find both in fermented products. Here are five health benefits of getting more fermented foods in your diet. 

1. They Provide Beneficial Enzymes

Your intestines need a healthy balance of enzymes to work at their best. During fermentation, microorganisms produce these fluids to break down complex compounds. 

Your body can then access simple biomolecules critical to function. Proteinase, amylase and catalase all play crucial roles in keeping your pipes running smoothly. 

2. They Encourage Healthy Bacteria

Perhaps the most critical beneficial property of fermented food is that they encourage healthy gastrointestinal flora. Changes in your intestinal microbiome may do everything from influencing your mood to causing painful flares in those with chronic health conditions. 

Many of the neurotransmitters required for healthy mood function originate in your intestines. Scientists have found that your gut bacteria produce dopamine, GABA and norephedrine, to name a few. Imbalances in these substances can spur anxiety and depression. 

3. They Help You Digest

Because fermented foods produce many of the enzymes needed for digestion while spurring further development in the gut, you might ease conditions such as heartburn, bloating and gas. You can see that our ancestors knew of this property even if they lacked the science to explain it. 

For example, in the eastern European tradition, many individuals consume pork and sauerkraut as part of their holiday feasts. Meat takes longer to digest than many other substances, but they needed the rich fat to provide the necessary calories to beat the cold. Fermented cabbage helped them process the much-needed energy. 

4. They Keep Your Stools More Solid

Did you keep wet wipes near your commode even before COVID-19? If you frequently have loose, watery stools that make a mess, fermented foods could help. 

Because these foods help your gut produce more beneficial bacteria, your large intestine can do its job more effectively. As a result, you form stools that aren’t too firm to pass comfortably but maintain solidity. 

5. They Enhance Your Immune Response 

These days, everyone cares more about boosting their immune health. Eating more fermented foods could help. 

Claudia Staubert and colleagues from the University of Leipzig recently published a study finding that humans possess a receptor in their cells that detects metabolites in fermented foods. When they do, it signals them to send your immune system into drive and gets them circulating throughout your body, scouring out pathogens. 

How to Get More Fermented Foods in Your Diet? 

If the benefits of fermented foods sound enticing, they should! Here are five ways to get more of these wonders in your diet. 

  • Eat more sauerkraut: You can make a homemade version and ferment other veggies, like cauliflower and red pepper, if you don’t like cabbage alone. 
  • Use Greek yogurt as a dressing: Want a simple salad dressing that wins awards from your family? Mix balsamic vinegar, a touch of olive oil, plain Greek yogurt and fresh herbs from your garden. It tastes incredible and takes minutes to make. 
  • Drink kombucha or kefir: If you puzzled over these beverages on grocery shelves, give them a try. They aren’t too sweet and may contain other beneficial herbs such as lavender and hibiscus. 
  • Mix up some miso soup: The miso that gives the homonymous soup its name is a fermented wonder. 
  • Tempt your tastebuds with tempeh: If you are a vegan, this fermented tofu tastes smokier than the plain version. It makes an ideal substitute for smoker “roasts” as the holidays near. 

Fermented Foods Are Good for Your Gut and Overall Health 

Fermented foods do wonders for your physical and even your mental health. Add more to your diet today and reap the benefits. 

The post Fermented Foods and Your Gut: Why They Are So Good for Your Health appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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7 Rules to Life-Long Happiness

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7 Rules to Life-Long Happiness

I’m a fan of Stoic Philosophy. While it may be over 2,000 years old, its practicality is still useful.

These rules to live by will help you have a happier life:

1. If you’re going to learn and succeed, be humble. There is always someone smarter, more successful, and wiser. 

2. Find the right scene. Choose your friends and situations. If you want to rise in life, you can’t allow yourself to be held down by others.

3. Protect your time. Seneca said, “We’re tight-fisted with property and money, yet think too little of wasting time, the one thing about which we should all be the toughest misers.” Life is short.

4. Never do anything out of habit. Always think about how you can do things better and always question yourself.

5. Keep it simple — do your job. Approach every task as if it were your last because it very well could be.

6. Adapt and learn from failure. Using your success to justify complacency is common. It’s also easy, which is why most people do it. You can do more and be better.

7. Live below your means. The more you need work to maintain your needs, the less you will enjoy what you have.

Everything in life comes down to keeping things simple and mastering the basics. That’s how you get the success you deserve.

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Why I Didn’t Want to Do the Dishes – The Relationship Between Laziness, Inefficiency and Complacency

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I have always had a certain aversion for particular tasks growing up. One that sticks out most in my mind was washing the dishes.

This was because growing up we didn’t have a dishwasher. There was a constant conflict between my parents and myself, arguing over when I would wash the dishes, and even now I can hear my mother saying, “Don’t you leave that plate in the sink without washing it.” I would always respond with “Mom, I’ll wash all my dishes later… at the end of the day, when I’ve got a larger pile.” She would then say, “Why are you so LAZY Diondra, it’s one plate, it’s easier to do it now.”

Getting called lazy irritated me so much because I truly believed that it was more efficient and made more sense to wash all of the dishes once per day, when you have accumulated a pile. Outside of the household chores, I thought I was a very hardworking and self-motivated person. So there was something about being called lazy that didn’t sit right with me.

Lately, I have been thinking more about the relationship of my aversion to particular tasks with the guilt of being called lazy. I realized that what I hated most about washing the dishes, was that I knew that there was a better way to do it. There was cutting edge technology available that washed your dishes for you! Yet, my mother refused to even consider purchasing a dishwasher because she didn’t see anything wrong with washing dishes by hand. It frustrated me that she didn’t see that a dishwasher would save so much time, eliminate our constant arguing and would even prevent the nail damage she constantly complained about. There was a better way, yet I was stuck doing a repetitive task that I really resented.

So I realized that my problem wasn’t with washing the dishes, my problem was that it was inefficient and somewhat unnecessary, because it was a problem that already had a solution.

I started to see this same cycle of task aversion and frustration at work, with particular tasks that I couldn’t stand doing. I proposed a variety of solutions to restructure particular records in a digital format that would be searchable and accessible and much more efficient for everyone. I was met with the same reaction, a rejection of the idea and an insinuation that I should just continue to do it the way it has always been done, because there was “nothing wrong” with the current system.

So did that make me lazy for wanting a better way to get tasks done?

It is not lazy to want a more efficient way to do something, it is smart. In fact, inventions are meant to make tasks easier. Making tasks easier, frees up time for us to do other, more important things. Imagine if we all still had to harvest our own food, we wouldn’t have time to do anything else!

For anyone in a work environment, loathing inefficient tasks because you know there is a better way, don’t drink the punch and believe that you are lazy simply because you won’t comply and buy into inefficiency. Instead question whether you are in a complacent environment:

How to Identify a Complacent Work Environment

  1. Inefficiencies: A complacent work environment if often riddled with inefficient methods of doing things, because nobody ever bothered to improve these methods, or perhaps they don’t care to make improvements. They are just fine with the status quo.
  2. Lack of Initiative: Complacent work environments contain people who lack initiative. People are unwilling to take responsibility and take ownership of projects or tasks that are outside of their job description. You’ll often hear the phrase, “Well that’s not my job.”
  3. Passive Aggression / Insults: When complacent people disagree with the ideas/initiatives of proactive people, they will often want to discourage the proactive people by making insults or responding with passive aggression. Remember, “Stop being so lazy Diondra?” And have you ever heard, “Why fix what’s not broken?”
  4. No Self-Investment or Investment in the Business: Complacency in the workplace often stems from complacency or a lack of leadership within management. This often manifests itself as an unwillingness of managers to invest in the employees or in the business. Improvement projects might be declined, funding for employee education might not exist, and there might not be a tolerance for people who step out of line and try to do things a different way. Suffice to say, management would like to stick to business as is, because it has been working fine for them.

If you find yourself in a complacent work environment, you really have two options. The first is despite all of the resistance you’re going to face, try to demonstrate the value that a dishwasher could bring to the operation, i.e. try to make improvements. The second option is to find a workplace where your ideas will be heard and valued.

Whatever path you choose, don’t allow yourself to become complacent and accepting of the inefficient tasks assigned to you. If you are not in an environment that will listen to your suggestions and they instead call you lazy, entitled or difficult, understand that you might just be surrounded by complacency.

Keep in mind that if it weren’t for so called “lazy” people, in search of improvements and efficiencies, a dishwasher and the many inventions we have in our lives today probably wouldn’t exist.

Looking for more?

Check out our YouTube video on Burn Out


Diondra Filicetti is a purpose Mentor, Communications Specialist, Owner at Driven By… Co.

I am a Purpose Mentor and Communications Specialist tirelessly deconstructing motivation to get to the core of what drives people in order to understand fulfillment. For me, continuous improvement is a way of life, whether in the workplace, in society or at home. Self-improvement begins with understanding your purpose, your desired future state and constantly learning from mistakes and making changes. It is my purpose to help others to grow and to develop on their individual paths to fulfillment.

Connect with me online:





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Reinventing Yourself Now

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Reinventing Yourself Now

Change is one of those things that happens over time for most people. Sometimes you have no choice. If the past few months’ events have you thinking about tweaking your life – I have a couple of suggestions to get you started.

1) No matter what dreams you hold, be sure to inventory the good, bad, and ugly of your current situation. You can’t move forward if you don’t know where you are starting. Don’t be afraid. Information is power.

2) Next, decide WHAT you want and paint a picture of your life after your journey. Knowing your destination before you begin assures your success.

3) Now that you have laid the foundation, it’s time to understand WHY you want it so bad. Doing the previous two steps should have built your desire and excitement. When that happens, it’s time to lock in your WHY and get moving.

Know where you are, what you will create, and WHY you must achieve your goal. Realistic and grounded thinking makes anything possible.

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Busting Through Limiting Beliefs

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Busting Through Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever had the feeling that something is holding you back? You have limiting beliefs.

You were not born with limiting beliefs. Your experiences have installed a belief system within you. It serves as your guide in everything you do. The next time you find yourself unable to move forward, try these steps:

1) Identify the thought or behavior that is blocking you. In today’s busy world, that can be a challenge. Catch yourself in the act, pause, and identify what you are feeling.

2) Test that feeling by asking WHY you feel that way. Is it real, or is it an automatic response? Is it necessary for you? Would you like to keep it or change it?

3) Validate the answer you gave yourself, and commit to experiences that support your goals. You are now changing the path of your life.

Having limited beliefs is ordinary and necessary. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had no limits at all? Wait? You don’t!

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Why Education Should Be a Lifelong Process

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Many of us consider the end of our formal schooling to be the end of our education. We leave school, begin our professional careers, and shift our focus away from learning.

But growth is a lifelong process, not limited to formal education. Our wisdom accumulates indirectly through life experience.

The development of our wisdom can be expedited and expanded by concomitant gains in knowledge. We can make more of what we know, and better understand our experiences.

If we wish to truly make the most of ourselves and maximize our potential, we should view learning as a lifelong process. It doesn’t matter whether that process is directed by an institution or by oneself.

Material Limitations

There are inevitable reasons why formal schooling comes to an end.

For many, setting entire years aside to learn full-time only makes sense when they are young and at the beginning of their careers. Changing course is expensive and time-intensive; not all of us have the luxury of starting a new career later in life.

So, as our educational commitments draw near their end, we have to decide whether to renew them. Our decision can only be made in light of our current resources and circumstances, which themselves may be abundant and permissive or scarce and restrictive. There is always a question of return-on-investment to be considered.

Many people may need more time and experience to learn about themselves by the time they are forced to make a decision about their future. If they proceed, they risk their time and money on an education that may turn out to be of limited use or interest.

The level of risk depends on the resources and support available to the individual in question. If their financial resources are scarce, it may not make sense to risk these resources on an opulent education.

Those who do take the risk are highly incentivized not to change their program. If they do, their progress will be lost, their time and money wasted. 

These individuals may be forced to continue on their trajectory towards a certain career path, even if they’ve long since realized that this path is of limited relevance to them. People change, and youth is a dangerous time to be making lifelong decisions.

Because of the cost and risk of formal education, there is a realistic limit on the amount of formal education that each of us can viably pursue.

Apples to Oranges

The inevitable end of our formal education, however, needn’t spell the end of our informal education. We have the good fortune of living in an age when literacy is widespread, and educational resources are broadly disseminated. We even have our choice of medium. Self-education, therefore, is flexible.

Contrast this with formal education. Formal education is generally meant to lead towards acquisition of a credential; however, it is not certain that the knowledge developed in pursuit of said credential will actually lead to any personal growth, or the development of true wisdom. 

This is a consequence of the inflexibility of formal education. Those who seek a credential are required to follow the strict dictates of their program. They are required to take particular courses at a particular time. 

When we self-educate, on the other hand, we set the structure. Since we are allowed complete freedom over the content and timing of our education, we can be assured of its value.

Its value, however, does not come in the form of a credential, so self-education cannot improve our earning potential in any direct way.

Instead, its value is in its enhancement of our wisdom. At any given stage in our lives, we gravitate towards that which complements the stage in question. We will naturally seek out information that satisfies our needs, curiosities, and questions. 

In educating ourselves, therefore, we take an active role in developing the wisdom that we need to overcome our adversities, rather than passively waiting for life experience to teach us (often painful) lessons.

A Rewarding Challenge

Self-education demands little or no financial investment. Where it demands our time, it does so with total flexibility, and where it demands our interest, it allows us to choose its subject matter. 

The only barrier to self-education is motivation. Formal education offers us the structure of deadlines and the support of a community. Self-education does not.

Overcoming this barrier requires us to consider the value of our education, as well as the value of ourselves. This is why self-respect is so valuable: if we don’t consider ourselves a worthwhile investment, we won’t bother investing in ourselves.

Those of us who wish to make the most of our lives must take their education into their own hands. We must become the architects of our own support systems and incentives.

In doing so, we become the architects of our own minds, and the authors of our own life stories.

The goal of Superspective is to provide a support system and to encourage introspection; when we use these tools to self-actualize, we can each contribute to the world in our own unique way. See more of what Superspective has to offer at

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How To Stay Positive While Losing Weight

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Losing weight can be difficult under any circumstances, but it can be especially difficult when you aren’t feeling happy with yourself or your progress. The reality is, though, that being down on yourself or what you have accomplished so far can end up making the process even harder. The good news is, though, that you don’t have to feel stuck in this situation. There can be many ways to change your outlook and start feeling more positive about the steps you’re taking to be healthier and happier.

Try New Things To Get a Boost

Whether you just started working out and dieting and aren’t seeing the progress that you thought you would, or you’ve been doing it for a while and have hit a plateau, it can be easy to feel discouraged when you aren’t meeting your goals on the timeline that you wanted to. In this kind of situation, finding new ways to give your efforts a boost can be helpful.

One way to do this is to try a supplement. Whether you opt for a comprehensive multivitamin to fill in nutritional gaps in your diet and provide you with more energy, or for a supplement that might have weight loss supporting properties, a supplement can be a simple way to give yourself a boost. Before selecting a supplement, though, it can be a good idea to do your research by reading le-vel thrive reviews so that you have an idea of what a supplement can accomplish for you.

Make a Big Deal Out of Small Successes

Another way to stay positive even when you don’t feel things are going as well as you want them to is to start adjusting how you look at your accomplishments. The trap that many fall into is setting high goals and then getting upset when they fail to reach them quickly. They may be so set on these high goals that they fail to recognize all of the progress they have made. By celebrating all the things you have accomplished, even if they seem small, you can be better aware of just how far you have come, and have confidence that you can keep making more positive changes.

Embrace Your Flaws

Sometimes, even when weight loss is going well, some may still not feel as happy about their progress as they would like. This can be because they thought that weight loss would change everything, and remove their insecurities. The truth is, that even after weight loss, you will be the same person and even if you feel better about your weight, you will still have many of the same insecurities that you had before. By learning to accept your insecurities, even if you don’t like them, you can release some negative feelings that may be holding you back from truly enjoying the positive changes you’ve been making.

Don’t Go By the Scale

Letting your mood for the day depend on the number you see on the scale can be a recipe for discouragement, especially when you are working hard to lose weight. What some don’t realize is that your body weight can fluctuate due to many factors, and that even if you are eating well and exercising regularly, the scale may not always show the progress that you are actually making.

One cause of this is that if you are exercising, you can end up gaining muscle, which can make your weight go up, even though you are improving your physique and overall health. Water weight can be another culprit, and a slow digestion can be another. The less that you focus on the scale and more on maintaining good daily habits, the faster it will feel like you are meeting your goals.

The Bottom Line

Losing weight is rarely easy. Not only that, but it can be even more difficult if you’re feeling discouraged about your progress. The good news is, though, that by doing things like giving yourself a boost when you hit a plateau and not letting your mood be dependent on what the scale says, you can start feeling better about your progress today.

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Another US City is Considering Decriminalizing Magic Mushrooms, Along With Ayahuasca & Mescaline

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Magic Mushrooms

Mere days after Denver’s voters passed a measure to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms, the City of Oakland—California’s eighth-largest city—has scheduled a hearing to consider decriminalizing the psychedelic mushroom while also calling for an end to the repression and incarceration of those in possession of other psychedelic drugs including ayahuasca, mescaline cacti, and ibogaine.

According to Forbes, the proposed resolution would prohibit police or other local officials from devoting “any city funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of laws imposing criminal penalties for the use and possession” of the natural substances.

The resolution will face a hearing before the Oakland City Council’s Public Safety Committee on May 28 and, if approved, will be brought before the Oakland City Council for a final vote.

While not strictly binding, the resolution would also classify the investigation and arrest of adults who use, cultivate or distribute the psychedelics as “amongst the lowest law enforcement priority,” and would resolve that the Council “wishes to declare its desire not to expend City resources in any investigation, detention, arrest, or prosecution arising out of alleged violations of state and federal law regarding the use of Entheogenic Plants,” or psychedelics.

The move has been hailed by local advocacy group Decriminalize Natue.

In an interview, organizer Carlos Plazola said:

“We already have support from at least five members of the Council, but our goal is to get eight out of eight to show unanimous support, because this affects all communities in Oakland.”

The resolution has found fulsome support from sponsoring Councilmember Noel Gallo. It would also instruct state and federal lobbyists from Oakland to push a decriminalization agenda. The resolution further calls for the Alameda County district attorney’s office to to “cease prosecution of persons involved in the use of Entheogenic Plants or plant-based compounds” that are presently listed in Schedule I of the federal Controlled Substances Act.

A memo on the resolution from Gallo’s office read:

“For millennia, cultures have respected entheogenic plants and fungi for providing healing, knowledge, creativity, and spiritual connection … scientific studies are demonstrating entheogens can be beneficial for treating conditions such as end-of-life anxiety, substance abuse, addiction, cluster-headaches, PTSD, neurodegeneration, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and treatment resistant depression, as well as reduce rates of intimate partner violence and recidivism.”

The memo further added that plant- and fungi-based psychedelics should be free of excessive regulation that makes consumers “dependent on industry and authority for access.”

The memo explained:

“By choosing to decriminalize nature, this empowers Oakland residents to be able to grow their own entheogens, share them with their community, and choose the appropriate setting for their intentions … As this national conversation on entheogens grows, we feel it is essential to influence the debate now and take a stand for disenfranchised communities who may be left out of the dominant model by opening a way for individual and community access.”

Plazola added that the reform move will help “heal our relationship with the planet and raise the question: Why is it a criminal act to have a relationship with plants and fungi that are natural?”

The move comes as a growing body of research has laid out the benefits of magic mushrooms. Recent studies have shown how a microdose of psilocybin—far from the level needed for a full-blown trip—actually increases the creativity and empathy of participants.

It also comes as local governments throughout the U.S. have either passed or are actively considering bills that would decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms, allowing for their legal cultivation and sale. Advocates note that psilocybin has shown great promise in psychotherapeutic settings, shattering the decades-old stereotype of magic mushrooms as some intoxicating and hallucination-inducing party drug that drives users insane.

Magic Mushrooms

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You Are In Control of Your Happiness

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You Are In Control of Your Happiness

What would you say if I told you that being happier is within your control and has nothing to do with your mindset?

A study from Dartmouth College found that most people are happy before they turn 18 and after 60 years of age. In between is where you ride the happiness roller coaster.

How do you get off?

It turns out that being happier comes down to three things:

1) Control. People who have a feeling of control in their lives tend to be happier in general.

2) Education. Whether you earn a college degree or teach yourself, more education means a happier you.

3) Job. You were born to be busy. Having a fulltime or part-time job, even owning your own business will make you a happier person.

Your education and your job enhance your view of the world. So if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, fill your mind with lots of education and work at a satisfying job.

Your reward will be a feeling of control that will put a smile on your face every day.

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ps: Download our free guided meditation self hypnosis MindPower Programs and Live Better On Purpose!