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How To Be Attractive And Build Up Your Self Confidence

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Do you ever find yourself worrying about how people see you? Perhaps you look in the mirror and wonder “Am I attractive?”, or maybe you struggle to believe compliments.

In truth, a very large part of attractiveness actually comes from the level of confidence we feel and project. Yes, there are also practical ways to adjust your appearance in order to boost your appeal, but a simple change in mindset goes a long toward making you much more attractive.

Think about the most appealing people you’ve ever met. Chances are, they’re not merely good looking. But how do you develop that kind of magnetic appeal for yourself?

In this article, we’ll explain how attractiveness links up with success in other areas of life. More importantly, we’ll offer you five actionable strategies that will make you more attractive pretty much immediately.

Finally, we’ll talk about how you can make the most of your newfound appeal.

How Important Is It To Be Attractive?

How Important Is It To Be Attractive?

Let’s start by considering how you should think of attractiveness, and why it’s important. First, note that attractiveness doesn’t just mean looking good.

The physical appearance you were born with doesn’t necessarily have a huge bearing on how attractive you are.

In addition, remember that there are always ways to make the most of your looks – more on that later.

However, regardless of how you look, we want to suggest that you can make yourself extremely attractive just by shifting your attitude.

A highly attractive person is someone who attracts good things into their life due to their confidence and charisma. When you’re attractive in this way, people flock to you, as do new opportunities.

And if we’re talking about this type of attractiveness, it’s very important indeed.

Importance Of Self-Confidence

As we’ve stressed, there’s a link between confidence and attractiveness. Quite simply, most people are drawn to confident individuals.

Imagine two people walk into the room – one is hunched over and is looking down at the ground, while the other has their head back and a broad smile on their faces. Where would your eyes be drawn?

Who would you prefer to talk to, if this information is all that you know about these people? This gives you a sense of just how powerful signals of confidence can be.

Research shows that no matter what you’re trying to do, exuding confidence reliably leads people to judge you as more competent. This applies in job interviews, in your dating life, during pitches to potential clients, and just about everywhere else.

Even when you’re alone, if you feel confident then you’re more likely to be productive and achieve your goals.

And if you’re not yet confident, there is some evidence that even feigning confidence is deeply attractive. In some personal development and coaching literature, this is called “acting as if”.

In other words, you behave as though you already have the thing you desire (whether it’s money, confidence, or a great body), and just that act already helps you get what you want.

Steps To Becoming Attractive

So, we’ve talked about how attractiveness goes beyond mere physical appearance, even though how you look does play a role. We’ve also explained why confidence may be more key to confidence than any other trait or quality.

Let’s now move on to consider the concrete steps that you can take in order to become more attractive today. For each of these five techniques, we’ll give you some examples of how you can deploy them in different contexts.

Dress Nicely And Groom Yourself

Dress Nicely And Groom Yourself

While looks aren’t everything, how you present yourself plays a significant role in the people and opportunities you attract. Firstly, it’s important to dress nicely, but this can be interpreted in a wide range of ways.

Try to make sure you dress to reflect who you are, or who you want to be. If something makes you feel authentic and confident, that’s the right outfit for you (as long as it’s broadly appropriate for the setting).

Ultimately, how an outfit makes you feel matters much more than particular trends, as that good feeling breeds the confidence you need to be magnetic. Good grooming is also key here.

Again, there’s no rule book you need to follow here – just keep your body and hair clean, and pick a hairstyle that flatters you.

If you’re not sure what works, pick something that mirrors someone you admire, then try a twist on that style to make it your own.

Change Your Self-Image

Change Your Self-Image

Ask yourself “What’s my self-image?”. It can be helpful to make a list of words that reflect how you see yourself. Be honest, and include the less favorable descriptions that come to mind.

For example, you might note that you see yourself as compassionate (positive), introverted (neutral), and boring (negative).

For each negative or neutral item on the list, challenge yourself to come up with a new description that is wholly positive.

Perhaps introverted becomes thoughtful, and boring becomes reliable. This process is intended to teach you that your self-image is entirely a matter of perspective, and you can choose to have a positive view of yourself.

That said, it’s good to have aspirations as well, so try to come up with three further words as goals. For example, you might add “creative” and “patient”. What do you need to do to develop these traits? Choose two actions you can take this week.

Think Positively

Think Positively

Boosting confidence and overall attractiveness also requires maintaining a positive mindset.

We talked above about how to cultivate your self-image, so let’s think about how you can see everything in a more optimistic light. Here, it’s helpful to learn techniques that stop negative thoughts in their tracks.

Here are four:

Flip negatives into positives (e.g., “I can’t go out because it’s raining” becomes “I can use a cozy day inside to work on a creative project”).

Picture a stop sign in your mind, or say “Stop” out loud.

“Anchor” yourself to a positive memory that makes you feel good. Each time you picture it, touch your forefinger and thumb together. In time, just touching those two fingers together will trigger a good feeling.

Do something physical every time you feel negative. This distracts you and releases endorphins that will boost your mood. Even just 10 minutes of dancing or a 15-minute jog can make a difference.

Discover Yourself

Self-discovery enhances your self-awareness and promotes self-acceptance, which in turn boosts confidence in an attractive way. What do we mean by self-discovery? Anything that causes you to reflect and to get to know yourself better.

Keeping a journal is a particularly good idea, even if you only write a few lines about your feelings each day. Therapy or talking to a non-judgemental friend can serve a similar role here if you find it easier to self-reflect out loud.

Another fun part of self-discovery involves learning about new talents that make you an even more multifaceted and interesting. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try?

And what do you have to lose if you start trying to do that thing this week?

Whether it’s learning a new language or instrument, writing a novel, gaining a new qualification, or going to dance classes, you’ll boost your confidence and your attractiveness by getting to know yourself better.

Be Kind To Others

Never under-estimate how attractive genuine compassion, empathy, and generosity can be. Again, think about some of the people you find the most appealing.

It’s likely that they make meaningful connections with others and have a genuine interest in helping people live their best lives.

In addition, it’s worth noting that regularly making time to be good to others simply makes you feel better about yourself. This manifests in more magnetic confidence, drawing others towards you.

All that said, it’s important to respect your own boundaries when being kind to others. You don’t need to drain all your resources and run yourself into the ground to be a good or attractive person.

In fact, you can’t really help others if you don’t look after yourself. So, know how much you can give while staying healthy and happy, and draw the line there.

This self-care fosters self-confidence too. People admire others who know their own limits and assert their worth.

The Benefits Of Being Attractive And Confident

At this point, you’ve expanded your sense of what it means to be attractive and you’ve started to think about how you can become more attractive to others.

With all of this in mind, let’s think in a bit more depth about the benefits you can gain from being confident and magnetic.

Firstly, you’re more likely to be your best if you pursue your goals with confidence and determination, knowing you deserve the things you want.

You also become more stable, responding more effectively to stress. Instead of spiraling into self-doubt and pushing others away, the attractive and confident person meets problems head-on and emerges victorious one way or another.

Even when you don’t get the results you wanted, your confidence will let you learn useful lessons without self-hatred raising its head. In addition, the more confident and attractive you are, the less likely you are to hold yourself back.

Instead of assuming you can’t do things or can’t handle difficulty, you’ll lean into challenges and take risks. This promotes growth and reduces regret.

There are also three more specific forms of confidence that are intimately connected to attractiveness and happiness – body confidence, social confidence, and dating confidence.

Body Confidence

For many of us, body confidence is particularly hard to attain. We’re constantly bombarded by messages about how we’re supposed to look, many of which are supported by unrealistic filtered and photoshopped images.

However, consider just how much your body is capable. Whether you’ve carried children, played a sport, danced, or traveled, your body has sustained and supported you.

It deserves to be loved and valued. And if you can attain body confidence, so much more happiness will follow.

Consider again a contrast between two people. One has a “flawless” body and stands with a straight face, and the other is a little overweight or a little underweight but is laughing, telling stories, and offering kindness.

Most would automatically be much more attracted to the second person, even though they’re supposed to be less ideal. So, if you can make peace with your body and come to love it, others will love it (and you!) as well.

Social Confidence

We’ve already noted that social confidence will draw people to you. This comes with personal and professional benefits, helping you develop friendships and network with people who can support your career.

In addition, we’re innately social beings, and the connections we gain from our social confidence can make us happier, healthier people.

The five techniques described above will help you with social confidence However, you can also try some specific tricks that help you boost social confidence when you’re struggling a little.

For example, focus on active listening – on reflecting back what you hear, and on using your body language to demonstrate your interest.

Secondly, try to keep your own posture open, with your shoulders loose and relaxed and your arms by your side or on your lap.

Humour also goes a long way to boost social cohesion, so if you’ve got a funny story then share it! Positive responses will breed confidence for next time.

Dating Confidence

Dating Confidence

If you’re dressing to feel good and are taking care of your grooming, you’re already promoting dating confidence.

When you feel confident on a date, you can be authentic, and the benefits here are huge – you’ll know someone is really connecting with you, not with some facade that you’re presenting.

In addition, dating confidence encourages people to treat you with respect, as you’re indicating that you know you deserve it.

Meanwhile, if someone is put off by your confidence, that’s a helpful early sign that this person isn’t prepared to be with an equal. That isn’t someone you want in your life.

Dating confidence can be one of the hardest types to master, however. Try to stay in the mindset that every date can be fun and helpful in its own right.

If you enjoy the person’s company, that’s a success, but even just learning about yourself teaches you more about what you need in a partner.

How To Be More Attractive With Self Hypnosis

Do you want to be even more attractive than ever before? These self-hypnosis tracks from can help you develop a new kind of confidence and positivity that continuously draws others toward you. has tracks available for you to listen to any time and in the privacy of your own home, the recorded sessions focus on getting under your conscious barriers and changing your negative, outdated beliefs.

Often, we’re our own worst critics and repeatedly get in our own way, making ourselves unappealing by constantly focusing on the fear that we are unappealing.

It can be incredibly tough to break this negative cycle, but hypnosis is uniquely suited to help you think differently and much more positively.

So, whether you want to boost your dating confidence, get ahead at work by becoming more assertive, or just feel better about yourself every day, try self-hypnosis today.

The post How To Be Attractive And Build Up Your Self Confidence appeared first on The Law Of Attraction.

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Why Wellbeing is the Single Most Important Skill for Your Personal and Professional Success

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If you’d like to learn how to develop the four pillars of well-being so you can excel in all areas of your life, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of, Joel Brown.

From the very beginning of my professional entrepreneurial journey, I’ve always had a strong passion for understanding how I could be at my best. As a young self employed professional with limited resources, I soon came to the realization that being mentally and emotionally fit was essential in order to move forward in my life with purpose. This insatiable desire to understand what makes people tick and thrive led me to a long and fortunate journey of studying, speaking, and working with some of the leading experts in the field of behavioural psychology, coaching, and neuroscience.

At the start of my “personal growth” journey, I often thought that being intensely productive and self-motivated was what I needed to succeed both personally and professionally. However, over time and thanks to my studies, I discovered that for someone to flourish in the long run, something different was needed. The key was wellbeing!

Naively, I initially felt that wellbeing was something important just for the elderly but when I took the time to dig deeper at what it actually meant, I realised that it was ultimately the answer I was looking for. Think about it, if we don’t feel well, how can we possibly do well for ourselves and others?

And so, I turned to neuroscience to get a better understanding of what wellbeing is and how we can experience more of it in our daily lives.

To my surprise, the first thing I discovered was that wellbeing is actually a skill we can develop, which was incredibly encouraging. There is no doubt that as human beings we are quite complex: our environment, background and personal traits inevitably impact the way we experience our lives. However, knowing that we can all deliberately practice wellbeing is nothing short of empowering.

There are 4 pillars that make up wellbeing:

  1. Self Awareness
  2. Outlook
  3. Resilience
  4. Generosity

Let’s take a closer look at all four pillars and find simple ways to practice them:

1. Self Awareness

Self awareness refers to the knowledge we have of ourselves: of our inner motives, states, emotions, and feelings. Being or better developing self awareness is incredibly powerful as it can help us better deal with stress and uncertainty but also provide us with insights on what is truly important for our personal and professional success. See self awareness as the basis for operating with greater clarity and focus in our life.

What’s a simple way to develop our daily self awareness? The act of self observation – This means taking the time throughout the day to check-in with ourselves, to observe what emotions are present, what thoughts are in our mind, and noticing our physical states when responding or more often reacting to life events. This simple (yet not easy) act can bring invaluable insight in the way we manage and experience our life, allowing us to slowly shift from reacting to interacting with life.

“Self awareness is one of the rarest of human commodities. I don’t mean self consciousness where you’re limiting and evaluating yourself. I mean being aware of your own patterns.” – Tony Robbins

2. Outlook

Intricately connected to self-awareness, outlook refers to the way we look at ourselves and the world around us. It’s basically the story we tell ourselves and this can make a massive difference. Let me give you an example.

Imagine I have just lost my job…

Scenario 1: The world sucks and my life is over. I wasted 2 years in that job, there are no opportunities out there for me now and I don’t have what it takes to find my dream job. I’m exhausted!

Scenario 2: It’s unfortunate but I have learnt from it and now it’s a great opportunity to move forward to something better. I am excited to see what the future holds and I am going to start researching which industries are hiring at the moment where I could expand myself and add true value.

Which perspective do you think is more useful? It’s the same event, just seen from a different perspective. When we have a great outlook on life, we are more positive, energised, and ultimately, we develop a growth mindset, which means looking at every event no matter if positive or negative as an opportunity for growth.

What’s a simple way to practice it? Take a recent event that did not go your way and ask yourself, what did this event teach me? How did it make me better? Be inspired by the great Nelson Mandela who said “ I don’t lose, I either win or learn.” Life works in mysterious ways but you can be sure that everything has its purpose and a silver lining!

3. Resilience

As I am sure you can agree, without a great outlook, having resilience becomes a challenging matter. Being able to keep going, to persevere, and to build that inner strength that stops you from giving up is what makes for great resilience. Of course, pushing for something that we feel is not worth it might not be necessarily a good example of resilience but here is where self awareness is so important! 

In times of difficulty or uncertainty like the ones we are currently experiencing, resilience is key. The more we teach ourselves to become resilient the more our brain becomes resilient. Want to become more resilient? Science shows us that meditating, practicing self compassion and facing our fears are all powerful ways to build resilience.

“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” – Nelson Mandela

4. Generosity

Who would have thought that being more generous could be one of the 4 pillars for our optimum wellbeing? When I discovered this, a big part of me felt humbled: “I can increase my own levels of wellbeing while helping others? What a beautiful thing! It’s mother nature’s poetic ways of keeping the world going round.” 

Science tells us that there is a part of our brain that is hardwired for contribution. In fact, whenever we give, our brain releases what is called the “happiness trifecta,” a rush of serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine that increases our energy levels and mood. It even drops our stress levels!

From this perspective, life is enormously generous with us as it offers endless possibilities for us to be generous, whether that is with a friend, family, colleague, or stranger. Simply open your heart to others and let your best you shine: generosity is contagious.

There is no one recipe to success or happiness but with a bit of effort and focus on the right direction we can take small steps in our daily lives that compounded over time can bring expediential results.

Which one of the above pillars do you think is most important to living your life? Share your thoughts with us below!

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Another US City is Considering Decriminalizing Magic Mushrooms, Along With Ayahuasca & Mescaline

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Magic Mushrooms

Mere days after Denver’s voters passed a measure to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms, the City of Oakland—California’s eighth-largest city—has scheduled a hearing to consider decriminalizing the psychedelic mushroom while also calling for an end to the repression and incarceration of those in possession of other psychedelic drugs including ayahuasca, mescaline cacti, and ibogaine.

According to Forbes, the proposed resolution would prohibit police or other local officials from devoting “any city funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of laws imposing criminal penalties for the use and possession” of the natural substances.

The resolution will face a hearing before the Oakland City Council’s Public Safety Committee on May 28 and, if approved, will be brought before the Oakland City Council for a final vote.

While not strictly binding, the resolution would also classify the investigation and arrest of adults who use, cultivate or distribute the psychedelics as “amongst the lowest law enforcement priority,” and would resolve that the Council “wishes to declare its desire not to expend City resources in any investigation, detention, arrest, or prosecution arising out of alleged violations of state and federal law regarding the use of Entheogenic Plants,” or psychedelics.

The move has been hailed by local advocacy group Decriminalize Natue.

In an interview, organizer Carlos Plazola said:

“We already have support from at least five members of the Council, but our goal is to get eight out of eight to show unanimous support, because this affects all communities in Oakland.”

The resolution has found fulsome support from sponsoring Councilmember Noel Gallo. It would also instruct state and federal lobbyists from Oakland to push a decriminalization agenda. The resolution further calls for the Alameda County district attorney’s office to to “cease prosecution of persons involved in the use of Entheogenic Plants or plant-based compounds” that are presently listed in Schedule I of the federal Controlled Substances Act.

A memo on the resolution from Gallo’s office read:

“For millennia, cultures have respected entheogenic plants and fungi for providing healing, knowledge, creativity, and spiritual connection … scientific studies are demonstrating entheogens can be beneficial for treating conditions such as end-of-life anxiety, substance abuse, addiction, cluster-headaches, PTSD, neurodegeneration, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and treatment resistant depression, as well as reduce rates of intimate partner violence and recidivism.”

The memo further added that plant- and fungi-based psychedelics should be free of excessive regulation that makes consumers “dependent on industry and authority for access.”

The memo explained:

“By choosing to decriminalize nature, this empowers Oakland residents to be able to grow their own entheogens, share them with their community, and choose the appropriate setting for their intentions … As this national conversation on entheogens grows, we feel it is essential to influence the debate now and take a stand for disenfranchised communities who may be left out of the dominant model by opening a way for individual and community access.”

Plazola added that the reform move will help “heal our relationship with the planet and raise the question: Why is it a criminal act to have a relationship with plants and fungi that are natural?”

The move comes as a growing body of research has laid out the benefits of magic mushrooms. Recent studies have shown how a microdose of psilocybin—far from the level needed for a full-blown trip—actually increases the creativity and empathy of participants.

It also comes as local governments throughout the U.S. have either passed or are actively considering bills that would decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms, allowing for their legal cultivation and sale. Advocates note that psilocybin has shown great promise in psychotherapeutic settings, shattering the decades-old stereotype of magic mushrooms as some intoxicating and hallucination-inducing party drug that drives users insane.

Magic Mushrooms

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5 Ways You Can Use Mindfulness to Manage Your Anxiety

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Anxiety is unfortunately a common occurrence for many people. For some, it can come as a condition such as generalized anxiety disorder, whereas others may experience anxiety as a symptom of another condition or life event. Stress, social situations and other life pressures can cause anxiety, and no matter where your anxiety may stem from, it’s important to remember that your feelings are valid, it isn’t your fault but there are productive ways to manage your anxiety to help you lead an easier, more peaceful life.

Mindfulness is a great tool in managing anxiety. Mindfulness is defined as the practice of remaining present in the sensations, tasks and situations all around you. This can help your mind slow down and take a step back from the stress and anxiety. There are so many ways to use mindfulness to manage anxiety, and it’s all about finding solutions that work for you and your lifestyle. Different tools will work for different people — and while mindfulness won’t fix it all, it can help you on your way.

1. Focus on the Breath

Breathing exercises can give you something tangible and physical to focus on within your own body, which can help to alleviate anxiety. Deep breathing can slow down the pace of your throughs, movements and heart rate so you can feel a bit more in tune with your body and mind. You can simply start by focusing on each breath one by one and slowing your breathing down, or you can use breathing exercises specifically designed to help you calm down and focus in.

Elongating your exhale by inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of six or eight is a great way to experience some calm. Another great technique is alternate nostril breathing, which is a practice often used in yoga, which can help you slow your breath naturally and find a bit more relaxation.

2. Get Moving

While yoga is a great form of mindful exercise because it engages the body and the breath, you can find presence and relief in nearly any workout or physical activity you love. Sometimes, anxiety comes along with physical symptoms such as chest pains, dizziness, muscle tension and nausea. While everyone has their own way of dealing with those things, it can sometimes be satisfying to sweat it out by focusing on all the sensations of powering through a workout you love.

You can even get creative with your activities by getting out in nature for a stretching session or a delightful jog. Focus on the scenery around you, your breathing and the feelings within your own body.

3. Use Grounding Techniques

If mindfulness is simply a tool you’re looking to use to get in touch with your surroundings and clear up some space in your head, why not cut right to the chase? Grounding techniques help you truly root into the sensations all around you so you can connect to the physical world. One of the most effective and widely practiced grounding techniques is the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise. This technique involves a few simple steps. All you have to do is notice:

  • Five things you can see around you
  • Four things you can feel
  • Three things you can hear
  • Two things you can you can smell
  • One thing you can taste

Focusing on these things in your surroundings can do wonders to center you when you’re feeling anxious or tense.

4. Meditate

If you’re looking for something to sit and relax, a meditation practice can be a great way to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life in an intentional way. Often, sitting down and meditating can calm you and help manage your anxiety in the moment and long term by giving you a place to let your mind rest and take a break from the world. If you tend to have trouble sitting still and focusing, you can employ breathing techniques or try meditation apps for guided tracks.

Many meditation apps and online systems offer guided audio meditations or tips for people with anxiety, so you can find exactly what you need. 

5. Journal

Journaling is a great way to remain mindful of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and events of your daily life. It can help you pause to process and slow down — getting everything out on the page so you can find a bit of peace. You can journal about some of your anxious thoughts to release them, or you can focus on other areas of life you’d like to reflect on. 

It’s important to be open and honest in your journaling practice so you can truly engage. You don’t have to write a lot or spend hours crafting something perfect. Even one sentence will do — this is something to do just for you.

Find Some Relaxation

While mindfulness won’t make anxiety disappear for good, it can calm the mind, center you in your surroundings and help you manage those anxious feelings so you can process them with a bit more ease. 

 Jennifer Landis is a mom, wife, passionate freelance writer, and the blogger behind Mindfulness Mama. Follow her on Twitter @JenniferELandis.

The post 5 Ways You Can Use Mindfulness to Manage Your Anxiety appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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Setting and Understanding Expectation

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Setting and Understanding Expectation

Imagine how your life would improve if everybody in your world understood what to expect.

Expectations are powerful. Pay attention to these three:

1) What do you expect of yourself? You get to decide how you approach the world.

2) What do you expect of others? Clearly, understand what you expect of others. That allows you to avoid surprises – and toxic relationships.

3) What do others expect of you? When you let others know what they can expect of you – and walk your talk – you are living in integrity.

Your life will always be more comfortable when you know what to expect of yourself and others. 

Get the Daily Boost 5 days a week!

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7 Ways to Own Your Personal Power

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For most, compliance to norms and culture are a given. As life winds down and responsibilities pile up, more often than not, one feels lost and gradually succumbs to accepting a mental state of mind that is dominated by melancholy and a loss of self-identity. Not many realize that we have an inert personal power to impact the world we live in – an ability to influence, impact and transform not only our own life but that of others. 

What is Personal Power? 

With constant onslaught of information in this digital age, standards of achievement, beauty and lifestyle have a direct and drastic impact on anyone accessing the web. It is unavoidable since these trends glare down at you when you open Facebook, Instagram or even Twitter. Attaining these standards becomes an unconscious life goal and disappointments on not meeting this defined criterion leads to feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and anxiety. 

Personal power is an ability to access and own your true potential where you recognize yourself as an individual who is the best version of who he/she is. It is realizing your authentic self with all your strengths and weaknesses and accepting yourself for who you are and then defining for yourself how to use this power to achieve your goals. 

How to Own Your Personal Power

1. You are wonderful, be you

You are an original – no imitation, no copies. Discovering yourself, knowing who you are and gladly accepting yourself as an individual is the first step in unraveling your personal power. Having the courage to own you and be authentic opens doors to meaningful connections where your positivity and genuineness attracts similar people in your circle. 

Quirky? Nerdy? Artistic? Clumsy? Verbose? For the sake of conformity and acceptability, we tend to hide our distinguishing attributes and train ourselves to be a robotic version of appropriateness that we subconsciously accept as our true-authentic-self. Unfortunately, this much reduced edition does not showcase any of our special qualities and we become part of a crowd that is dictated by similar standards of conventions. 

When you’re picking out a dress – you hit the pause button and question if you’re influenced into purchasing or if it is honestly your style and something you like. List down things that you genuinely love about yourself – from your physical attributes to your emotional capacity to your mental abilities.

“A feeling of confidence and personal power comes from facing challenges and overcoming them.” – Brian Tracy

2. Reflect, evaluate, plan

All the Ws become your friend – Why, What, When, Where, Which, Who? Will? Now that you’re on the path of uncovering the capacity of your personal power, you need to develop a skill of reflection, evaluation and planning. 

You need to practice asking: What you’re doing? What are you getting out of it? What more can I do? Where will this lead to? Which of your skill is coming to use here? Will this make me happy? Will this be a learning experience? 

The Ws matter and it matters that you develop the habit of asking yourself questions and reflecting on the answers that your mind gives you. Reflection and evaluation is crucial to deciphering the complexities of your authentic-self: with the correct answers, you can equip yourself to focus on building yourself up on qualities that distinguish you and your personal power.

3. Time matters and so does discipline

Randomness leads to chaos and a pressured mind will be ill-equipped to take on the world or even remotely manage to get daily tasks in. For anyone to be satisfied with a day, it is imperative that they have a well-scheduled day planned. Being in control of your day even before it starts gives you a sense of power and lets you decide how you want to lead it rather than the day dragging you through its many loops and holes with you having absolutely no choice in the matter. 

How do we achieve that? When you’re about to sleep at night, reflect on the day you’ve had and figure out what you’ve missed out on and how you feel about it. List out tasks with a priority-agenda and set it aside to review in the morning. 

Wake up early, review your list and add all the agendas for the day – incorporating time for reflection, exercise and family/friends. With a clear list in view, objective questions to ask and knowing that you’re in control, you’re most definitely equipped to take on the world with your personal power in check. 

4. Value added connections 

Work, family, and friends – everyone deserves value-added connections. Work does not imply that you move from task-to-task but means that you move a level up by creating meaningful relations with your co-workers and employees. You show interest in when they speak to you, make an effort with personalizing the services you provide.

When you spend time with family and friends, do not take them for granted – listen to them, have meaningful conversations and let your presence be felt through your conversation and your gestures. A valuable employee or family-member is most likely to lead a more fulfilling life and be in a better position to enhance his/her circle of influence compared to one who has resorted to focusing on just doing day-in-day-out tasks to check them off a list. 

5. Build others up

In a competitive world, people resort to malicious practices of deceiving and trickery that only benefits them but these remunerations are short-term and leave one isolated in their hollow success. No one forgets a kind gesture or meaningful advice or a heart-felt suggestion that can benefit them and to own your personal power, it is essential that you never miss out on an opportunity to help someone out – be it through actions or words, this direct investment pays over manifolds. 

6. See how far you’ve come but stay grounded

Positivity translates into positive impacts but how do you know where you’ve reached? Your success in uncovering your personal power can be measured by the quality in which your life has improved. The impact on the people around you, the satisfaction you achieve at work, the connections you’ve made and the importance you feel in your own life all demonstrate the impact of your personal power. 

“Your personal power is not something that is going to reveal itself at some later date. Your power is a result of your decision to reveal it. You are powerful in whatever moment you choose to be.” – Marianne Williamson

7. Keep growing, keep shining

Mundane practices, stagnation of routine and an ill-conceived image of oneself can lead to a death before an actual death. You must continue growing both mentally and emotionally to keep uncovering and strengthening your personal power. Attracting success, a more meaningful life surrounded by valuable people and significant experiences will translate into continuous growth. 

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4 Tips for Turning Your Passion Into Freedom

Originally Sourced From

Have you ever had the fantasy of just dropping all your s*** at work, walking out and going as far as humanly possible from all the BS in your life? I know I certainly did. Two years ago, I thought it would be crazy to be doing what I loved while living and traveling on the other side of the world.

It was always a dream of mine, but how many people do we know that actually get to live their dream? My dream was freedom – freedom to travel, freedom to work when and how I wanted to, and freedom to create every detail of my life the way I wanted it to be. I’ve been able to do that and live that – and you can too.

People often say they’re unable to accomplish their dream because of kids, lack of time, lack of money, lack of skill /experience, but all of these are false – it’s just programming that doesn’t let our minds find a way to a solution. If we can open up our minds and see clearly, there are so many ways to what you really want. While it’s true that our responsibilities will create a different road for all of us, freedom is still an option for anyone willing to put the time into investing in themselves.

“People are chasing cash, not happiness. When you chase money, you’re going to lose. You are just going to. Even if you do get the money, you are not going to be happy.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

It starts with being able to see it as a possibility – this starts the shift in focus from can’t happen to at least maybe it could. Often behind our excuses are fear, insecurity, lack of self-worth, and blame but at the end of the day, our life is our own creation. You owe it to yourself not to let past hurts hold you back from the life you dream of living.

You have to put yourself, your happiness, and your dream before your job. I get it, we all need money and enjoy the safety of a paycheck. Some of us really love our career for the validation of a job well done. But even if you love your career, creating something of your own is always more gratifying. This is your time on this earth to experience your life as you and nothing is more fulfilling than that.

Here are 4 great ways to overcome the roadblocks to your freedom:

1. Spend one hour a day on yourself

If you can give eight hours a day to your job, then you can give one hour per day to yourself living the way you want to. If you can spend an hour a day building the life you want, you’ll make tremendous progress. One hour per day is 365 hours per year. And the cool thing is, once you get going, it gets easier and easier and you don’t want to stop! If you’re short on time, just take 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there. There is always a way. 

One hour a day is what created the freedom for me starting out. I was working a normal job and my mentor forced me to spend one hour per day doing something – anything – toward my goal. After two weeks, I was pretty shocked by how much progress I had made by that time. My first sixty dollars I made for myself felt like a thousand compared to working for someone else. 

2. Find a mentor

Find five people who have done what you’re setting out to do (or the closest thing to it) and contact them. When you do, remember to give value first before asking for anything. Mentors have a funny way of pushing you to do five times more than you would do on your own.

3. Reaffirm daily what your objective is

Write down your goals and read them every day. Burn your goals into your mind. Filling your brain with thoughts of where you want to be, will get you there faster. Plus, the more you’re thinking about your goals, the more solutions can occur to you. The clearer the essence of your goals, the clearer the solution. 

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do… Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs

4. Get help

Whether you need a cheerleading squad or a therapist, getting help is a great idea. It ranges from finding people to help with your mindset and letting go of doubt or insecurity to someone to bounce ideas off of. Personal assistants that help out for a few hours a week can surprisingly be a lot of help! (This can be as little as two hundred dollars a month).

It’s so easy to read this and think we will passively apply these but most people will just forget it tomorrow. You can be the person who takes these steps and lives the kind of life that most people will never experience. And I hope you do. Go and live your best life ever!

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How Fitness Supercharges Your Productivity

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You may be tempted to see this article as just another productivity tip; it’s actually more than that. When I applied the knowledge I’ll be sharing in this article; I found myself working more productively and more focused. However, I also noticed that if the knowledge we’ll share here is not well balanced, you will find out that you’re enjoying increased productivity in a sector of your life, and a shortfall in another area of your life. Figure out the category of productivity you need assistance with so that you can enjoy a well-rounded life.

Physically Fit

I never loved running while growing up, but I was a lover of sports and some exercises that don’t involve running—having a mindset of always finding ways to engage in one type of exercise or the other, which you should also do, as it helps you to get busy with the type of exercise you enjoy from running to yoga.

There are multiple benefits to being physically fit, but one benefit that stands out is that it helps you to improve your mental productivity. Anytime you stretch your body and exercise, your mind will be redirected from your source of stress to the exercise. There are days where my mind will be engrossed in the activity that happened earlier in the day, but once I start exercising, my focus will shift from that to the exercise. You will flourish in what you do if you appropriately exercise.

Emotionally Fit

Emotional fitness is not a well-appreciated type of fitness, but it should. Although physical fitness can help you to be emotionally fit, emotional fitness in itself is very beneficial to an individual if there is a will to intentionally engage in it.

Physical fitness rubs on emotional fitness and vice versa.  You will find yourself highly unhappy if you’re not getting the exercise your body needs, and when you’re in the right state of mind, you’ll exercise better.

What Are The Benefits to Emotional Fitness?

Emotional fitness helps you get away from emotional problems like anxieties, stress, emotional disorders, etc. When you’re fit emotionally, you will have access to lots of opportunities that will assist you in reaching your goals.

When you’re highly fit emotionally, you will have a great relationship with your family, friends, and colleagues at work.

Financially Fit

If you want to enjoy your life and have access to some of the good things in life, then you need to be financially fit. If you constantly experience stress about how to pay your child’s tuition or pay the house payment, then you won’t be able to make yourself fit physically and emotionally. A highly effective way to be financially fit is by having a budget and abiding by its content.

When you make a budget, you can create goals and guidelines for your expenses—this will help you channel your finances to directly correlate with your daily tasks and your productivity for work.

I used to be neck-deep in-depth, which caused me lots of emotional stress—this affected my productivity level immensely. To get out of financial stress requires that you focus on each of your expenses, and monitor them to ensure that you’re getting a good value for your money.

If you find out that you’re not emotional or physically fit because of your financial life, then you have to pay attention to your finances and invest in knowledge about personal finance to help you achieve your financial goals. While you’re trying to get out of your financial woes, you should focus on building the right mindset to prevent a reoccurrence of your financial woes.


You need to pay attention to three main factors if you want to increase your productivity, those factors are; financial, emotional, and physical fitness. If you pay adequate attention to each of those three factors of productivity, you will succeed in whatever endeavor you desire. If you find yourself lacking behind in one of those methods, then you should seek help from a professional coach. Productivity requires an inner motivation; as such, you should carefully get rid of whatever is preventing you from being motivated internally.

Ben Tejes is the Co-Founder and CEO of Ascend Finance, a platform to help people achieve self-improvement in the area of personal finance.  He helped create Ascend’s chapter 7 means test calculator and loves a good mortgage payoff calculator. He writes on topics such as chapter 13 bankruptcy Missouri, chapter 13 bankruptcy California, and filing bankruptcy in Ohio to help people get out of debt and experience financial freedom.

The post How Fitness Supercharges Your Productivity appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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Rise of the Introvert and Fall of the Extrovert in the current COVID’ 19 crisis

Originally Sourced From

How many times have you felt the need, the urge, and the desire to just sleep on your bed and keep looking at the ceiling? Then stare at the fan while working through your nails.

Just stay indoors for hours with the TV remote in your hand and keep glancing at the TV screen as you flip through channels without a rational reason as if something will magically emerge from it.

Have only one or two people to confide to and discuss your problems as that is how you see life as a problem and others should solve that problem for you….

When have you last had a conversation with a stranger without putting your head down and a fake/ awkward smile to take away that so-called awkward encounter that you experience whenever you see into the eye of a new person? 

How you feel so socially awkward if in a room full of strangers and want to just go back to your room and lock yourself and read a book.

Basically felt the need to reason your mind in order to attain strength to action/ face people.

When you have either put up a smile to or even a frown to cover your actual feelings of insecurity, jealously, low confidence and primarily low self-esteem/self-worth

The above qualities highlight the life of an introvert in terms of day to day affairs.

Now let’s please understand there is a big difference between a highly intelligent person, an introvert and an extrovert.

A highly intelligent person can be social when need be and be a recluse when need be.

 The company should be stimulating either intellectually or spiritually else the person will not engage in mundane conversations.

They, by default, are refined and deep to engage in the routine. So they can escape into their world of perpetual innovation and return to normalcy when they feel the need to reengage with peers, family, colleagues, friends, etc. In this regard, they confide in a few people too but that is out of choice, not fear or antisocial skills like an introvert.

Now the extroverts are all about people, for people, and by people – they embody the democratic dogma, in fact, they subscribe to it wholeheartedly to some extent unabashedly. They need enough action in order to reason the mind. It doesn’t matter whether its reasonable action or just noise, they need to be engaged. To be sure, their engagement quotient, let’s call it (EGQ), is at the highest.

And, when you compare this to an introvert, well, the difference is glaring. They need chaos, the arguments, the laughs, the tears etc. in order to survive.  They are very social by default.

 The word ‘social distancing’ is like a disease for extroverts. So when the current COVID’19 crisis has emerged the fall of the extrovert is inevitable.  In order to help cope up with this fall and to stay ‘sane’, one and all should follow the life of the introverts.

The mind is the most fragile, beautiful tool and your best friend. It can also turn out to be your worst enemy if you allow it to do so. So training the mind to take it one day at a time and doing the repetitive tasks every day is the most critical thing to live within this crisis. Our biology or better still our evolutionary biology that allows us to think in larger quantities to save us the panic and the anxiety of passing time!

When it comes to training or even conditioning the mind in such a situation the highly intelligent people are in a safe zone as they never dwell in extremes even in normal situations. They can adapt to what comes around their way.  They can camouflage or ‘emotionally adapt’ and just be.

Let’s flip and talk about the other extreme which is extroverts.

It’s time for them to introspect, reflect, and then finally action, so basically learn from the introverts.

It is okay to just sit in one place and think and think and think and not action

It is absolutely fine not to stare at the news and discuss news reports with 10 different people and make a scene about a scene that is already quite a scene.

It is fine to not go overboard with emotions for a change and give extreme reactions to everything. It is fine for a change to cover up those emotions and have them bottled and just sleep over them rather than spit it out always.

It is fine to be confined to one room and under one roof as long as you are with people who support you or even breathe with you or even if you are alone and breathing in sync.

Its fine to just breathe in and breathe out at a normal pace instead of pacing in and out of one room to the other screeching and whining.

It’s fine to eat the same thing at the same spot at the same time every day with a smile on your face even if it pains you a bit.

Since extroverts form a major of us, it’s time to look at introverts which make a lesser of us as highly intelligent people are anyway like close to negligible.

So let’s not look at an introvert like a boring and self immersed person doing the same thing, again and again, every day but as an individual who has indeed shown us a way to live a steady life in this moment of crisis.  Let’s embrace their qualities just like they embrace the extroverts’ qualities during the so-called normal times. Let’s celebrate the ‘new normal’ with the introverts.

We can learn from even a virus if we want to so why not learn and then implement the learning of patience, endurance, and well, to just be from every 10th person who could supposedly be an introvert!

Trishna Patnaik, a Bsc (in Life Sciences) and MBA (in Marketing) by qualification but an artist by choice. A self-taught artist based in Mumbai, Trishna has been practising art for over 14 years now. After she had a professional stint in various reputed corporates, she realised that she wanted to do something more meaningful. She found her true calling in her passion, that is painting. Trishna is now a full-time professional painter pursuing her passion to create and explore to the fullest. She says, “It’s a road less travelled but a journey that I look forward to everyday.”

Trishna also conducts painting workshops across Mumbai and other metropolitan cities of India. Trishna is an art therapist and healer too. She works with clients on a one on one basis in Mumbai.

Trishna does fancy the art of expressive writing and creative writing and is dappling her hands in that too  to soak in the experience and have an engagement with readers, wanderers and thinkers. 

The post Rise of the Introvert and Fall of the Extrovert in the current COVID’ 19 crisis appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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Are You Growing or Dying?

Originally Sourced From

Are You Growing or Dying?

Every minute of the day, your body, mind, and spirit are in a continual state of growing or dying. You are either expanding or contracting.

On the surface, there are two choices:

1) You choose to expand and make your life and world-view bigger, brighter, and better. You decide to grow wiser, more content, and happier.

2) You choose or accept and contract. Everything gets smaller, dimmer, and less satisfying.

If you dig deeper, you will find your choice is more of a combination of the two. In turbulent times and good times.

The secret is to get rid of anything that doesn’t serve you and replace it with everything that does – at the same time.

Yin and Yang.

Open your eyes. Explore the good possibilities in life. Ignore everything that is holding you back. Go for your dreams.

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