Is the Coronavirus crisis freaking you out? Is social distancing and self isolation bringing out the best or worst in you?
In this article, we’ll take a look at how a crisis can reveal your true self.
The Beginning Of The C-19 Crisis
Back at the start of February of 2020, the only things people complained about was Donald Trump, going to work and the price of gasoline.
But within a few weeks, all that changed. The Covid-19 or coronavirus crisis became the world’s focus.
Suddenly, and for no logical reason, people began hoarding toilet paper. Hour long line-ups formed at grocery stores by people who thought they were going to starve to death.
On top of this, all the world governments ordered everyone to practice social distancing and self isolation, right?
This, in effect, solidified the message that this is a full blown crisis.
So What Happens When People Go Into Crisis Mode?
For most, fear and anger is triggered as fight or flight, survival mob mentality set in.
But that wasn’t the case for everyone was it?
There were others who sat back in awareness of the situation. They evaluated the information and recognized that panic was probably not the best course of action at that point.
Still other people kept a positive, happy state.
They stayed calmly in the present, in a state of gratitude and observed the difference between the reality of the situation and the fear based imagined outcome.
How Are You Reacting To This Covid-19 Crisis?
As you have probably already realized, a crisis like this coronavirus pandemic will reveal the true self of any person.
There are three true self personality types.
Those in the FEAR ZONE. Those in the LEARNING ZONE. And those in the GROWTH ZONE.
The FEAR ZONE Personality Type
Those who are living in the fear zone are the most obvious. They are the ones who live in a world of ego and self.
Self preservation is of utmost importance to these types of people and it’s blatantly demonstrated when they are faced with a crisis.
Theses are the people who immediately raced to the store and bought up all the toilet paper.
They are the ones who are blaming politicians for not protecting them.
They are complaining about how much material possessions they may lose because they can’t pay their bills.
They are quick to anger, quick to disagree and quick to confront anyone who is not on board with their world view.
They are the ones who may have a hard time handling being alone. They are the people who are throwing coronavirus parties or going to stores just to hang out.
Self isolation is not something a fear zone personality willingly accepts. They need social interaction because being alone is the ultimate fear.
The LEARNING ZONE Personality Type
This type of person realizes that living in fear does not help, whether it’s a coronavirus crisis situation, earthquake, tornado or some other critical life threatening situation.
These people reveal their true selves by accepting what they can’t control.
They are aware of what they consume in their mind. Whether it’s news reports, social media posts or gossip.
Learning zone personality types work on being in the present and being aware of their own personal situation.
They evaluate and research information before sharing it with others.
They may personally find social distancing difficult but will do their part for the good of all.
And they remind themselves that the best they can do is be the best they can be.
The Growth Zone Personality Type
Finally, there is the Growth Zone type of person.
These are the type of people who have realized that material objects are immaterial to the enjoyment of life. And they have also made a life choice to use all their human experiences to grow their Spirit.
These people are in a happy state regardless of how bad a crisis can get.
They will spread optimism and good cheer even if it’s sprinkled with harsh truth about situations like this coronavirus pandemic.
They will use their talents to help others whether it is with a helping hand or a kind word.
They are forgiving to those who take issue with their enlightenment and will not engage in those who choose to confront them.
They are thankful for everyday and grateful for all they have received (past experiences), for what they are receiving (present experiences) and for what they will receive (future experiences).
They reveal their true self by realizing they can’t control what happens in a crisis, but they can control their thoughts, emotions, decisions and actions towards it.
They are comfortable in their own presence and can keep themselves entertained. Social distancing and self isolation has probably been part of their lifestyle long before this coronavirus crisis.
Growth type personalities may also be the ones to practice meditation, physical exercise and mind training daily.
They embrace their talents and use their creativity to bring joy their Spirit and sharing their contributions with others to lift their Spirits as well.
What Crisis Personality Type Are You?
Now that you’ve seen the three personality types that are revealed in a crisis, which one are you?
More importantly, what can you do to become better in a crisis like this.
First, if you are in the FEAR ZONE, becoming aware of it is your first step.
Be conscious of what your thinking, feeling and saying to yourself and others.
If it’s negative, stop immediately. say to yourself, “DELETE DELETE DELETE” and then reprogram your mind with the opposite positive thought feeling or statement.
Second, If you are in the LEARNING ZONE, realize that you have been given the greatest gift of all… TIME.
Use this time to learn ways to grow yourself Spiritually. Download guided meditation programs. Read self improvement books. Watch videos that expand your mind and your soul.
This is your time to step into your GROWTH ZONE!
Finally, if you found that your already in the GROWTH ZONE, keep growing.
Make it your mission to master you matrix. Build, create, enhance, evolve. And help others who reach out to you for guidance to grow too.
It doesn’t matter what personality type you are, especially during a crisis, What really matters is making the most out of the life you’ve been given.
For those who found themselves in the fear zone, fear not. Now that you are aware of it, you can begin to learn and grow. Just this simple act of awareness can open your eyes to a whole new world of being.
For those of you in the learning stage, this is your opportunity for growth. This coronavirus crisis, like any crisis, creates opportunities. And the greatest opportunity we’ve been given is the gift of time.
Use this time to read self improvement books, listen to guided meditation programs and watch inspiring videos.
Finally, for those of you in the growth stage, use this crisis to help strengthen and grow your Spirit. You are the ones that know it’s the journey more than the destination that brings the most knowledge. Use this time to grow even more!
ps: Please share this article with your friends, family and on your social media pages. You never know who you may inspire.
pps: The best way to keep your true self positive and optimistic in times of crisis is to feed your mind daily. The best way to do that is thru guided meditation, self hypnosis programs. Click the link and start today!