self improvement



Self-hypnosis audio downloads workHow self-hypnosis audio downloads work is a bit of a mystery to most people who are searching for helpful solutions to problems in their lives.

For those who have heard of self-hypnosis # techniques, they may think that when they go to a hypnotist, he or she is going to have them close their eyes, snap their fingers and cure them of their issues.

And for 98% of the population, most believe that it is the hypnotist that causes the client to go into hypnosis and not realize that it’s actually the opposite.

What I mean by that is… all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

You allow yourself to enter into the state of hypnosis. The hypnotist simple guides you there with certain hypnotic words, phrases and stories that help your conscious mind go to “sleep”.

And this “sleep” is exactly what you experience every night when you go to bed.


Stages of Self Hypnosis

During our 24-hour day cycle, we go through four stages of consciousness, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta.

I will go into more detail about consciousness states in a future article, but for now, just remember that Beta is wide awake, Alpha is relaxed, Theta is deeply relaxed (meditative) and Delta is a deep sleep.

All of these states are hypnotic states to certain degrees with Beta being the least hypnotic, Delta is the deepest and Alpha and Theta being the most effective states that get the best self-hypnosis results.

SIDENOTE: I’m sure many hypnotherapists will debate this explanation, but I digress, lol.

Regardless, every time you go to “sleep”, you are constantly shifting thru at least 3 to 4 states of hypnosis consciousness which is why self-hypnosis audio downloads work so well and I’ll explain that in a minute, but first…

You have 3 minds, your conscious mind, your subconscious mind and finally, your super-conscious mind which we’re not going to get into here.

We’re just going to focus on the first two for now.
The conscious and the subconscious.

Your subconscious mind runs all the programs that keep you breathing, keep your blood pumping, keep your heart beating and so much more.

Your conscious mind, on the other hand, is the “decision” mind… or at least it likes to think so, lol.

So think of these two minds like this…

Your subconscious mind is like a computer. It creates programs from memories and experiences and then stores those programs so thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions are readily available and become automatic for you.

Your conscious mind is like the person at the keyboard of the computer. It makes the decisions about what makes sense and what actions to take around those decisions.

Unfortunately, this is where the problems start!


If your subconscious has stored “bad” programs, your conscious mind will make decisions and take actions based on those bad programs no matter what good intentions you may try to have.

For instance, imagine your driving around and your hungry.

Consciously, you’re trying to lose weight and you know you should go home and eat healthy food BUT your subconscious mind has been programmed to believe that fast food is a quick and convenient solution to hunger.  And what happens?

Somehow, you find yourself pulling into MickeyD’s and ordering a 1500 calorie meal instead of going home and making a salad.

So, what does this have to do with how self-hypnosis audio downloads work?


You see, since you spend at least six to eight hours every day in hypnosis (“sleep”), why not use that time to remove those bad programs and replace them with  self-hypnosis programs that serve you?

When you “Sleep”, your conscious mind shuts off, tunes out or takes a break. Your subconscious mind, on the other hand, is always “on” and is wide open to accept suggestions for transformation.

For example, with a weight loss hypnosis audio program, the self hypnosis program might have suggestions to replace old ideas of “eat anything when hungry” to “I only eat healthy food always”.

To release stress with self-hypnosis, the audio download might replace subconscious thoughts of “what if” to “I now remain relaxed and present”.

So whatever self-hypnosis audio download program you use, the suggestions for transformation will make new thought/synaptic connections within your brain and you will be literally rewiring yourself to create new thoughts which lead to new decisions which lead to new actions, which lead to new results.

And the easiest part is, you’ll do it all in your “sleep”!

Check out our selection of self-hypnosis audio downloads here

ps: Watch for our next article on how to use self-hypnosis audio downloads.

About The Author of Mind Power Self Hypnosis Programs

Hypnotist James “JimmyG” Graham, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and founder of Mind Power Programs and president of MindPower Presentations Inc ..

He presents the power of the mind demonstrations in the form of hypnosis shows and keynotes across North America and helps others live better on purpose.
To have James at your next event or for media interviews, contact him here.

Everyone at Mind Power Programs hopes you have enjoyed this article and we look forward to sharing more information about the power of the mind.

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self improvement

Hypnosis for Self-Improvement

Hypnosis for Self-Improvement

self hypnosis for self improvementUsing hypnosis for self-improvement is a great tool for goal setting and personal development. Most people are surprised at how easy it is to learn self-hypnosis. And self-hypnosis, in turn, makes a lot of things much easier for you to learn as well.

Self-improvement using hypnosis is usually thought of as a person listening to a digital audio program, mp3, or other type of personal development media, which helps the listener to relax and open up to receive suggestions centered around a specific topic such as increasing your income, dating confidence, weight loss, stop smoking, etc.

Self Hypnosis Programs

Self hypnosis programs are a great way for you to start experiencing hypnosis and improving your life to become better since you simply listen to them either while you sleep or when you relax.


How do you incorporate hypnosis into your self-improvement practice?

To be successful with self-improvement hypnosis programs, there are certain aspects that should be addressed.

The best hypnosis program you could use for self-improvement would be one you create yourself because you would be able to address the exact deeply personal issues that may be sabotaging your personal development.

Unlike general topic self help hypnosis programs, this hypnosis session would be made for the exact personal issue you want to address, including the precise words and phrases that mean the most to you so a “perfect” self-hypnosis program would have to be crafted by the person using it to suit his or her own needs.

This would entail buying recording software, a microphone, learning basic audio engineering and then writing out and recording each hypnosis program script…  And THAT’S A LOT OF WORK!

With that being said, you still can easily use the DIY method (Do It Yourself) because everytime you relax, you go into a hypnotic trance state.

Below is a quick process for using hypnosis for self-improvement.

1. Write down in a positive statement ONE GOAL you want to achieve.
EXAMPLE – “I wake up every day at 6am refreshed, energized and excited to start my day”

2. Find a quiet place to sit and be alone so you can relax without interruption AND TURN OFF ALL DEVICES (phone, computer, tv, radio, etc)

3. Make sure you are sitting NOT lying down (you may fall asleep). Take 3 deep breaths in thru nose and exhale thru your mouth. On the 3rd exhalation, close your eyes.


4. Begin repeating your statement. EXAMPLE – “I wake up every day at 6am refreshed, energized and excited to start my day”. See yourself doing it, feeling it, touching it, smelling it, hearing it.

5. Continue imagining actually experiencing what you want for at least 3-5 minutes. Then take 3 deep breaths in thru your nose and out thru your mouth while smiling and feeling proud of honoring yourself with this incredible gift of using hypnosis for self-improvement.

Finally, make a promise to yourself to put this practice into your daily life and schedule it daily. By doing this, it will become an automatic habit for you.

If you feel this information will help your life in any way, please “Like” and “Share” it with your tribe and please post your questions and comments below. Your feedback is most appreciated 🙂


self improvement

Speak Confidently – How to Erase the Fear of Public Speaking

Speak Confidently – How to Erase the Fear of Public Speaking

speak confidentlyTo speak confidently and become a confident public speaker requires some conscious effort, but it’s well worth the time as most people respond well to confident individuals.

Even if what is being said is not totally interesting or accurate, a confident person is usually able to capture and hold the attention of the audience long enough to make a point.

Increase Your Confidence While You Sleep – Click Here

Speak Effectively, Speak Confidently

The following are some tips on how to speak effectively and confidently:

• Practice regularly by picking up conversations with anyone at any time. This will help the individual build up a good base, and thus be able to gauge by the session, the effectiveness of his or her contribution to the conversation.

• Knowing a little about the interest and mental capacity of the listening audience will help the individual gear the conversation topics to ensure their interests and attention span are effectively captured. This is a very important rule to follow, as confident people who speak confidently usually only indulge in topics that they feel will lock in the attention of the listener.

• Using simple words and sentences will be the normal choice for the individual who is confident as they would not want to bore the listener with language skills that are not appreciated. Keeping the information spoken in short and point form sentences will also further display the skills of the confident speaker.

Increase Your Confidence While You Sleep – Click Here

• Being mentally prepared is also another important trait of a person who is able to speak confidently. Armed with the relevant information, the speaker is able to make a confident delivery style that will be evident in both the content of the material being presented and in the demeanor in which is comes across.

• Volume is something that is often overlooked but is no less important when the individual is intending to present information. The vocal volume used should be loud and clear as this will definitely hold the attention of the audience.

See How You Can Create More Confidence Here